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Back a few months ago when i was still on crutches i ordered pizza. When i opened the door i asked the guy if he would come in and set the pizza on the counter for me. He was so wonderful and nice about it. I tipped him well. In my mind he went beyond what he had to do. Something as simple as walking 20 feet to set down my pizza, but it meant a lot to me at the time.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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If I get shitty service, I leave a small tip.

If I get shitty service, I leave NO tip and make sure they know it.>:( I'm about the easiest customer to please. Smile, be nice, do the best you can & I leave a generous tip. Even if my food shows up late & cold, if the waiter/waitress is trying, they get a good tip. On the other hand, cop an attitude ...

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Totally depends on the service that I receive.

Good service:

Pizza delivery - usually a buck or two (i.e. on time and still hot)
Sit down restaurant - 15-20% (or more) for good service
Hairdresser - between $5-15 depending on what is done and how it looks
Coffee place - depends...if it's a mom & pop kinda place, usually $0.50-1.00; Starbucks, etc. - nope.

Bad service:

Pizza delivery - nada (i.e. cold pizza)
Sit down restaurant - nada
Hairdresser - nada
Coffee place - nada (i.e. bad attitude from server or not what I asked for)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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No idea what the logic is behind my tipping, but I tip:

Food delivery, grocery delivery, but not mail/UPS delivery.
Packers, but not coaches/instructors(aside from beer and maybe rarely buying them an extra jump ticket if they really helped me out).
Taxi drivers.
Valet parking, when they get my car(not when they take it).
Room service.
My barber.
Waitresses(but I never put money in those stupid tip jars at a fast food joint, unless I want to dump loose change I'd rather not carry).

If someone was doing mechanical type work for me and went the extra mile, I wouldn't tip, but I would buy them beer or something to show my appreciation.

I guess I tend to tip low paying service jobs, don't tip higher paying or more "professional" service jobs, but will buy them beer or whatever if they go above and beyond the norm.

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Well, I kinda meant like a penny. :D As a way of saying, I'm tipping you what you were worth. :D It's mean, but it shows that you didn't forget to tip, whereas no tip could be misconstrued.

Good point. When paying cash, it's the penny. If I use a credit card, I put a BIG O in the tip section of the bill.

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The whole 'Low income service providers NEED a tip' is, to me, bogus. I worked minimum wage retail/gifts/toys for years. Worked my ass off, I'm great with people (not blowing my own horn, but I do great customer service!) and not once did I receive a tip. *You bought that telescope at a different/competitors store from people who don't know a tripod from a telephone pole and don't know how to find the moon? Okay bring it in and I'll teach you how to use it.* Nope, not a single tip. But if I'd worked with food intead of educational toys and equipment, that would be different somehow.

Bull shit.

That said, I tip well, when deserved. My kick ass hairdresser gets a big tip. So do good servers. The chirpy barista, yup her too. The gal who did everything right while I was shopping for a dress for a friends wedding, her too.

Pizza delivery? Sorry, unless you do something extra, above and beyond what you're already being paid to do.

:DI can be such a bitch:D

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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I usually tip pretty well if the person is deserving the reason for including tipping is to promote better service... which is why some servers make more money then others...

I spent a year or so working as a cook in a resturant...(before joining the AF) and never once recieved or expected a tip (I have seen people that knew one of the cook's personally specifically request a tip go straight to him... but just once... but If I recall correctly that individual tipped the server pretty well too...)

Some cultures don't tip. (in japan for example it isn't expected... but my service was always pretty good there... course that is culturally driven...)

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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well if your mouth.>:( you give out a certain guys phone nu,ber to the waitress and she ends up calling me....i mean him... when he is at the worlds largest boogie. :ph34r:

That's all she wanted for a tip. Sure saved us money:ph34r:
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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You and I both know that our "skydiving" is service oriented. Although, it's rare a tip does happen. (We hurdle through space towards earth to make memories for our customers.

I'm always greatful for a tip...esopecially when I have a hard opening.

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I always tip. I have worked the restaurant job it ffing sucks monkey balls. Dealing with A holes all day.
If the person is nice and good I tip 20%-30% depending on the bill. The lower the amount the high %. If there ok but not good standard 15%. If they suck I leave them a 25 cents just to tell them they suck. Only happened once. The wateriest was a racists bitch.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I lived in GB on and off for a few years and that time tipping was downright insulting. The waiter/bar tender would give you your change back down to the last penny and would run after you if you left it on the table. Things may have changed by now.

Here in the US I tip for good, but ONLY for good service, and I tip generously. I had denied tips for surly or inattentive waiters before. One of them, who had a bad attitude and disappeared several times for long periods had the nerve to come back and complain after we paid our bill!

"I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food."

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Interesting note about this whole tipping thing - I was just in Australia for 3 weeks where tipping is not expected for anything. People won't turn down a tip but it is not common at all to leave tips.

4 of us split a room at the Mariott one night and we had a ton of bags between all of us that we left to be brought up to the room. When the guy brought them up I was ready to give him a tip (because I definitely thought he deserved it) but he closed the door and left before I had a chance to.

There were a couple places we ate that we did leave a tip because of excellent food / service and the server was very surprised and appreciative.

I think that that's how tipping should work - it's an extra bonus that is appreciated but not expected.

Here in the states I always tip 15-20%
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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Yeah its interesting....here in the UK....tipping is not the 'norm' ...however good service gets its reward, like it should wherever.
Certainly in the UK ...people dont expect 'tip's to make a significant portion of their income.
I live in London and being the cosmo city it is.....its getting more like the US where you almost feel 'bullied' into tipping....and I dont agree with that.
On my trips out to the US....I am totally confused by this tipping culture....I mean a dude opening a door for you that you were quite able/willing to open yourself and then expecting a tip?.....
Hey I got nothing against low income workers trying to make a living.....but the tipping culture feeds itself....If you make it acceptable for people to do a fairly menial job and get a really shitty wage ( relying on tips as a backup)....then they will....however if you lobby to get a decent minimum wage ....then let people decide whether they wanna do that job or not and if they do...DONT EXPECT tips....but just like it should be...if you do it real well...you may get rewarded for it

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