
Women Drivers

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Women are involved in more accidents that men. That is a fact. It is also a fact that men are involved in more expensive accidents. Overall, men are significantly more expensive.

Statistically women have more accidents but those accidents are far less serious. Women tend have minor prangs, scuff bumpers, take out 3/4 lights etc and cause shunts.

Men on the other hand are more likely to be involved in the major accidents involving more serious injuries and written off cars.

It is suggested that this is linked to our basic biological differences in that women tend to have poorer spatial awareness than men (thus minor prangs), and men’s tend to take more risks and be more aggressive (thus major accidents). Women are also statistically poorer at making snap decisions, which it is suspected contributes to their involvement in more minor fender benders.

The above is taken from data in relation to which sex is [I]involved[/I] in each kind of accident. There is no data as to which sex [I]causes[/I] the accident. Such data would in fact be far more useful but it is sadly not available. It is theorised that women cause slightly more accidents than they are involved in. It is also theorised that the aged cause a statistically significant number of accidents by comparison to the number in which they are actually involved.

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That's strange because I just heard people talking about it on the radio yesterday and they said men have more accidents than women.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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So what do you think? Are women more careless in driving than men?

You could just have asked me! I work in auto insurance! :P

OMG if I see this avatar while driving,. I will certainly have an accident :$:P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Well, the majority (atleast 97%) of the people that damn near hit me (pulling out in front of me, etc) on my motorcycle are women.

Apparently who ever those girls are talking to on the cellphone are MUCH more important then making sure they see motorcycles.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Are women more careless in driving than men?

To answer your question....NO!!!!!

I would post all of our factors by gender, but that would get me fired. Basically, with all of our top competitors and my own company, there is not a single factor which charges women more than men (depending on age, sometimes, they're equal.)

So, basically, with my company and our competitors, if the only difference between two policies is gender, women will never get charged more than men. Men will often be charged more than women.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I would post all of our factors by gender, but that would get me fired.

You could always set up a "No name entered" profiles and then tell us.:P

My opinion is that younger (18-25) guys in Japanese cars and older (25-40) women in SUVs are the biggest pains the ass on the road. I dated a woman in her late 30s who was always in accidents because she was in too much of a hurry & too busy yakking on the cell.

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My opinion is that younger (18-25) guys in Japanese cars and older (25-40) women in SUVs are the biggest pains the ass on the road.

You are correct abou the younger guys, but you are off base with older women! Younger women are much bigger pains in the bums than older women! ;)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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That's strange because I just heard people talking about it on the radio yesterday and they said men have more accidents than women.


Did you hear that men CAUSED or were involved in more accidents?

Is that a percentage? I am pretty sure that more cars are owned by men.

My thinking is along this line: If there are more cars owned by men and driven by men, and she pulls out and takes three of the guys out in one accident - it would hardly be a fair analogy.:D
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I am pretty sure that more cars are owned by men.

Classification factors are exclusive from number of cars owned, type of car, driving record, etc. It is a factor based soley on age and gender. That is it. Actuaries all over came up with factors they feel best represent each class. Overall (there are some age groups which are equal, but none where women are charged more) men get charged more because they cost insurance companies more. They only thing that costs insurance companies is an accident.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Just from my personal experience... I've been in four auto accidents that were not my fault... In three of them, the driver of the other vehicle (who was at fault) was a man... and in the fourth one, the driver at fault was a woman... Though I guess I should mention that the woman driver was the only one that put me in the hospital for a few days. Also, I have been in one wreck that was my own fault...

So my experience is that it's pretty even... There are a lot of careless drivers, and I see men doing stupid things just as often as I see women doing stupid things... (And cell phone driving is definitely adding to that! Stop talking on the freakin' phone while you're driving, people!)... And I'll admit that I'm not perfect and that I've done a few stupid things myself, as I'm sure everyone else has... ;)

(And I did score 100% on the test for my CA driver's license, so I think that gives me the right to bitch about how bad everyone else drives. :P:P:P)

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Did you hear that men CAUSED or were involved in more accidents?

That's the problem I highlighted in my first post.

There is no data out there in relation to this so we don't know. There is a strong suspicion over here that certain elements of society are more likely to cause accidents to others, and that those trends don't necessarily correlate with those elements of society who are involved in accidents.

Think Mr. Magoo - never involved in an accident but left chaos in his wake. There is some research going on at the moment to try and collect useful data on the subject.

The additional problem is that even if it’s conclusively shown that "person type A" causes more accidents than they're involved in, that still wont effect the cost of anyone’s insurance policy because causing accidents doesn’t always cost the insurance co any money – only getting involved in accidents.

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They only thing that costs insurance companies is an accident.

Actually the only thing that costs is a claim. The research done over here suggests that if you include all the minor shit like knocking out a head light on the gate post that doesn't get claimed for - women end up with numerically more accidents than men... it's just those accidents are far far cheaper so even if they were included in statistics they would still only have a limited effect.

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I think it's because the guys are hitting telephone polls to avoid hitting the woman who just cut them off :P

But as long as we know all men are evil it's all good right?;)


but statistically speaking - are there more or less women drivers

Obviously, if there are 100 male drivers and 25 female drivers - the number of accidents will be equal.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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older (25-40) women in SUVs are the biggest pains the ass on the road.

At 26, maybe their vision is failing. ;)

I always seem to get tailgated by women in SUVs. I think it is an opportunity to be vent aggression or something. "Who's got the biggest car now buddy? Out of the way!"

Kind of like how guys will squeal the tires on their car for no apparent reason. "Hurry, let's accelerate to 25mph before anyone else." :D

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but statistically speaking - are there more or less women drivers

Obviously, if there are 100 male drivers and 25 female drivers - the number of accidents will be equal.

The statistics prove who is in the most accidents, not who is safer. Guys are in more accidents because they are avoiding women who are putting on makeup and talking on cell phones. Women are just lucky that guys are such excellent drivers.

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