
Hurricane - Life changing....

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Hi Guys.....I have found a friend (a very dear one to me at this point) who has power after Hurricane Frances, which was and will continue to be a life changing event for me personally.

I left Thursday morning for Tallahassee and what should have taken 6 hours took me 13.5 with everyone evacuating. I sat in the comfort of a fellow skydivers home in AC watching the storm track knowing it was heading right for my home town. Sunday Greg and I decided to brave the drive home, trying to outrun the winds just to get back home. Drove in some of the worst wind you could imagine, with several other brave souls, on I95 which looked like a one lane back road with all the trees down. We pulled off my exit to be greeted by ARMED National Guard looking for ID, which we had to show 2 more times before pulling in my driveway. No power in the area so it was really dark and quite eerie with the stiff breeze still blowing.

"Oh Look, the front porch is still there, things are going to be ok". Flashlights in hand we walk the perimeter and notice a small part of the roof gone in the back. "Oh well, so one bedroom will be wet". Then I see my neighbor with a 25 year old pinetree leaning on his house so we stop to check on them and make our apologies. We walk into my house, sure things are ok except for the one room and I fall to my knees at the sight.

The wind took a 10' by 3' section of my roof completely off and then proceeded to peel the entire length of the back of my house in one simple swoop. Needless to say for 13 hours (minimum) the weather had full access to my home and now - by the morning light I could see that every bit of inside roof on the back side of my house had been saturated with water and was now laying on the floor. As I walked through my home and saw so many things damaged I was in shock and just cried. 3 complete rooms and 2 partial rooms had no roof left - meaning all the contents of the room were pretty nasty as well but that wasn't the worst of it - my carpet had absorbed water for nearly 13 hours so every single inch of my house was under about 6 inches of water and it sounded like you were walking on wet sponges. I was devastated!!! As the days progressed we started cleaning up, first tarping my roof to protect the inside from the daily rain showers, then shoveling wet sheetrock and insulation...then spending an entire day sucking water out of my house with an industrial vaccuum and THEN pulling out every inch of carpet to try and save the inside walls......As the days continued I have realized not much will be saved, other than the outside walls and what is left of my roof. Mold and mildew have consumped every corner of my house and every bit of furniture I THOUGHT I could salvage.

Yes I am thankful we did not stay, yes I am thankful for my health but this without a doubt is the absolute hardest thing I have ever had to go through in my life - even considering losing my mother. Absolutely everything I have worked for and built over the course of my life is gone - literally everything. I boxed up two boxes of photo albums and pictures before we left and that was it, never in my wildest dreams thinking I would come home to this. It is emotionally draining but I also have been contacted by some very special people in my life and they help me realize that this is just a phase I have to go through - it will get better and I will go one....it just isn't easy to see and sometimes realize as you go through each day.

Thank you to everyone who has kept me in their thoughts before, during and after. This is not going to be an easy road ahead but I am sure I will get through it and look back on this one day and shake my head at what Hurricane Frances meant to me. The skydiving community once again, has given me something to grab on to in a dark time in my life. I know the light is there, I just can't quite see it just yet.

I will be back at work Monday, waiting until the renovation process can begin and also to have a check so it CAN begin. I won't be checking this much until evenings but I will check in, incase anyone wants to drop me a "hello".

Did I mention we won't have power in our area until POSSIBLY 9/19...and finding ICE almost feels like hitting the lottery (even 4 out of 6 numbers). THis is the craziest time of my life but what a chapter to add to the book some day! :)
Thank you to everyone.....Big hugs ~ Blues, Denise

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Aw, Denise, I heard you got hit hard and am glad you had a chance to tell us about it. I'm so sorry you had to be the one that the devistation happened to, but I know you and Greg are tough and you'll get through it all.

If you have any questions about what any of the contractors are telling you about work or how much it's going to cost, just give me a call. There are 4 General Contractors in my immediate family and I'm sure one of them would be able to help!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Denise -

No idea if anything can be said to help here. Good to hear you were not there when the storm hit. At least you are alive and healthy....and have the strength to start to rebuild. No mater how precious the items were that you lost, you still have the memories. Those items can be replaced, the memories will last. Now it is time to add new ones to you.

A new start was forced upon you, good luck with that. Please be careful this week when Ivan hits.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Ah Denise, that's awful.:(

Anything I can do to help, anything at all, please let me know. Until power comes back on at my shop (supposed to be by the 19th also :S) I'm in a holding pattern with not much to do. There seems to be plenty of ice and water around here, I'd be happy to bring some down to you if it will make things easier for you. I've got extra clothes (they might be too big for ya but at least they aren't musty/mildewed) and a little bit of extra kitchen stuff - again just let me know and it'll be on it's way to you. Is there anything else you need?

Sending love, prayers and big hugs to both you and Greg. Very glad you are both unhurt and I hope to see you soon so I can give you those hugs for real.

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Geez, very sorry to hear...I couldn't imagine seeing all of that. I was terribly lucky to be deployed/training when a storm that completely destroyed my family's home came through, as I don't think I could have been as strong as you. :(

Big hugs and stay strong.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Oh Denise, I am crying right now from your post. You already know how badly I feel for you, but remember that you and your loved ones are ok. It's been said over and over again, but please just keep that in mind. I know that you know that is truly is what the matters most. It is just a VERY difficult process for you right now, and it will be a trying time for a while. Take time to make yourself happy with the little things.

It is so difficult to imagine, but things may even be better than they were. It is quite possible to look back upon this as a fresh, new beginning. Remember that what Frances did to destroy your home, the Northridge earthquake did to mine once upon a time, so I know a little about how you may be feeling. It is just so raw and fresh and real for you right now...I'm so sorry that you are going through this nightmare. Furthermore, I truly wish that beyond the words, that there is something more that I could do for you. Once again, please call, write, let me know whatever you want/need...and if you ever need to talk, PLEASE do not hesitate.

You are so strong, smart, full of life...I know that you will always make the best out of ANY situation that befalls you. I know that you will keep moving forward. Rest assured, sweet Denise, that there is much love and support here for you, always. You deserve it. (((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))

P.S. At least your brand new Tony suit made it, right? :P

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Hi Denise, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's amazing when someting happens like this, a lot of things we thought were important really don't mean sh!t. You have a great support system though, and I know you'll be alright. Everything happens for a reason and even though you won't understand it at this time, you will someday. Please call or e-mail me if you need to chat. Take care,


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WOW! I am so sorry to hear of your loss; Truly I am.

You know you are in my thoughts.

I am speechless. :(

Take Care,



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Thanks to everyone and please accept my apologies for not responding to every email I'm getting - life is rather hectic right now.

I have to start work again (so I can start paying for repairs WHEN AND IF the insurance company OR ANYONE ELSE ever comes to see the trouble) so I've spent the last 2 days trying to salvage what was left inside my house. As it is now, everything that I COULD save from my 2300 square foot home now rests comfortably in my garage, which still has room for my car. Despite all my efforts, I continue to find that not much can be saved from 13+ hours of water damage. I guess once the anger and saddness finally pass, I might actually start to look forward to having an almost completely new house, someday.....!

Thanks again gang - the thoughts and well wishes mean more than you could ever know. Big hugs to you all....everyone!

P.S. Anyone know any general contractors in PSL who want a BIG job?

xoxoxo, D

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Hey there D, I sent you an e-mail and a PM on somethings I may be able to donate. Just let me know. I can drive them over as soon as I get a chance.

I am not sure what my new schedule will be though because we are working all of these hurricanes.

You have my NUmber. :)
Take Care,



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Dee....as all the others have said my heart and prayers are with you.
I am truly sorry that you and your world have been torn apart like this. I wish you the best in recovery and as your sister, if there is anything that I/we can do help in Georgia, please don't hesitate to PM and don't dare be afriad to ask.

My best to you during this time of hardship...I am so truly sorry! Good luck my dear!!

Do it Again!
P.M.S. #22
LaLa Gang #4

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As selfish as it sounds, I hang on to the thought of Halloween at Skydive Atlanta just to give me something to look forward to so my days aren't always filled with doom and gloom.

Got the first estimate for simple wall replacement - $14,000...does not include painting, or kitchen replacement or bathroom fix or new flooring. Just the walls - $14,000. DAMN.....sure hope the insurance gang shows up soon.

Hugs to all my skydiving pals....my strength these days...


Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Yes I am thankful we did not stay, yes I am thankful for my health but this without a doubt is the absolute hardest thing I have ever had to go through in my life - even considering losing my mother. Absolutely everything I have worked for and built over the course of my life is gone - literally everything. I boxed up two boxes of photo albums and pictures before we left and that was it, never in my wildest dreams thinking I would come home to this. It is emotionally draining but I also have been contacted by some very special people in my life and they help me realize that this is just a phase I have to go through - it will get better and I will go one....it just isn't easy to see and sometimes realize as you go through each day.

You have the right attitude girl. It's amazing how we bounce back from nothing. 3 years ago I have less than $20 and the clothes on my back. That was about it. I really thought it was all over and wonder how I could ever start over again. Once you find out you're not alone and you have loving people around you life gets a whole lot better. Take care girl. Sending some warm thoughts your way.


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Just updating the masses....insurance finally came and now I know for sure - the inside of my house is a total loss. Now I wait and see what the number is so the rebuild can be planned (fyi - I don't get the cash - mortgage holds it and pays as repairs are made).

We finally got power night before last, although it really does me no good since I can't live in the house since mold has overtaken EVERYTHING!

The County finally came and began removing all the garbage and debri that's been building on the streets for over a week now.

I had my 5 year anniversary at work and got a $250 travel certificate so maybe I can still head to Atlanta for Halloween - if the house work has not begun by then.

And Lastly, I got some great little surprises today (care packages) in the mail from some special people who have become a part of my life.....Although I can not skydive right now nor can I even think about spending the money to do so, the sport and the people who have become so valuable in my life - once again brought a smile to my face.

Hope everyone is safe and sound and warm in there beds tonight. Hugs to you all.....Denise

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Hugs and prayers are with you and everyone in the path of the multiple hurricanes this year. This will take several months. So take a deep breath and go at it one step at a time.

I've become real familiar with "unscheduled changes in life" over the last 14 months or so. I can only imagine what you are going through.

If you need to "get away" from it all in a few months when you are still pulling your hair out to get things done, feel free to crash up here in Raeford. You are always welcome.

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Lots of us love ya Dee and are sending our strength - even in the form of chocolate. :P


I had my 5 year anniversary at work and got a $250 travel certificate so maybe I can still head to Atlanta for Halloween - if the house work has not begun by then.

Remember that I'm buying you a slot if when you come to Atlanta. :)
Lotsa hugs....

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Yes, Frances opened my eyes to what a hurricane can do. When I see the amount of people who have died and no longer even have a home I feel bad that I was upset about not having power for a week and not being able to work (I'm hourly). Oh yeah, and there's the hurricane eating habbit that I still haven't broken.

But, life will go back to normal in time, things can be fixed and replaced. (Not that it doesn't suck.)
-Kimberly Griffin

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Hurricanes may not be the worst of mother nature when compared to: Forest Fires/Landslides/Earthquakes. And some people think 'Hurricane' is just a fancy name for "a little wind & rain" but when you see videos like this... Ivan's Destruction on the Alabama/Florida Coasts ~ "little" is far from the destruction :(

*the black windows in all of the remaining buildings, are blown-out-glass....the storm surge of 16ft. washed out the beaches*

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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Actually I am on my 3rd VERY TALL white russian after having spent nearly 2 hours with FEMA hoping they might be able to assist me until the insurance comes through and I think I might be seeing a light.

I'm daydreaming about the new kitchen I want and also I can't stop thinking about wanting to make some jumps tomorrow since there is nothing left I can do at my place. It sucks when you want to spend money but have that responsible damn angel on your shoulder telling you to be resposible...am I babbling.

Love to all.....it will get better. It sure the fuck can't get any worse and I am LOVING these brownies (thanks B~)

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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