lynxie 0 #1 September 16, 2004 Is there somebody else who is injured and out of jumping for the moment? What did you do and when can you skydive again? -- "If you can dream it, you can DO IT!" -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piisfish 140 #2 September 16, 2004 my ego is bruised, and some articulations hurt a little, but I can still jump. Maybe have a total of 10 non standing jumps, and 3 of them were this monday. Landing in turbulent conditions and not taking all necessary measures to land properly...scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judit 0 #3 September 16, 2004 QuoteIs there somebody else who is injured and out of jumping for the moment? I'm not injured just curious. How did you get hurt? (Perhaps i missed it on another forum ,) Fast recovery to everyone hurt! Take risks not to escape life but to prevent life from escaping Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beowulf 1 #4 September 16, 2004 Somebody hurt my feelings one time. Does that count? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chopchop 0 #5 September 16, 2004 I got a headache.. but that was from reading some locked threads in the Swooping and Canopy control forum... chopchop gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking.. Lotsa Pictures Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lynxie 0 #6 September 16, 2004 broke my back, leg and arm. back to skydiving in 6 months! -- "If you can dream it, you can DO IT!" -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piisfish 140 #7 September 16, 2004 Quotebroke my back, leg and arm. back to skydiving in 6 months! sorry to hear that, how did you do it may I ask ?? vibes for good healthscissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ScubaSteve 0 #8 September 16, 2004 Still out due to hard opening. Ruptured left hamstring and three lateral abductors. Also wiplash in thoracic spine. Ill be back probably next spring. I still, evenwith physical therapy, have a softball sized lump on left upper/innside thigh and back very stiff and sore. I am getting better. mobility PT on back and lots of leg work. The muscles are getting strong again and lump going down. I want to be 110% before coming back. Are these injuries common for hard openings? I am a newb and courious. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lynxie 0 #9 September 16, 2004 thanks, good vibes to your ego too, I hope it heal base jump, line over, hard landing in the talus -- "If you can dream it, you can DO IT!" -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #10 September 16, 2004 Do you ever jump a camera? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judit 0 #11 September 16, 2004 Quotebroke my back, leg and arm. back to skydiving in 6 months! That sounds awful! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HEALING HUGS AND VIBES}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Take risks not to escape life but to prevent life from escaping Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piisfish 140 #12 September 16, 2004 Quotethanks, good vibes to your ego too, I hope it heal base jump, line over, hard landing in the talus oops... a friend got a broken back too last weekend BASE jumpin too. She is the one in the unlucky but lucky thread on the BASE forum...scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lynxie 0 #13 September 16, 2004 sounds like a really bad opening. when did it happen? Let's train hard the whole winter so we can jump again next season. -- "If you can dream it, you can DO IT!" -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lynxie 0 #14 September 16, 2004 QuoteDo you ever jump a camera? yes. but not on this jump. -- "If you can dream it, you can DO IT!" -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plummets 0 #15 September 16, 2004 Am out for another month after ankle injury at Kolomna, Russia. It happened after jumping while keeping up with the locals on vodka , whatever we were playing I think I must have lost "Life is a bowl of deadly nightshade, stay way way out on the rim brother" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lynxie 0 #16 September 16, 2004 seems like most skydiving related accidents happens AFTER jumping heal quickly! -- "If you can dream it, you can DO IT!" -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lynxie 0 #17 September 16, 2004 Quoteoops... a friend got a broken back too last weekend BASE jumpin too. I hope no nerves were injured and wish her quick recovery!! Hope she gets some nice painkillers -- "If you can dream it, you can DO IT!" -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACMESkydiver 0 #18 September 16, 2004 Yup. 'cuz I'm a "short bacon-head", as my 8 y.o. daughter would say... This injury is now appearing worse than the other two times I did it, and it looks like I might be out until 2005. Right when I get laid off an' have plenty o' time to jump, and money on my account at the DZ! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanuckInUSA 0 #19 September 16, 2004 I'm coming off of an injury. I started jumping four weekends ago after a one month layoff and believe it or not I went BASE jump before I went skydiving because my BASE canopy is more than twice the size of my skydiving canopy and I know I can get softer landings with it (plus I was jumping the legal span in ID during the day with it's somewhat more forgiving LZ rather than a LZ full of nasty stuff). Try not to worry about the things you have no control over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lynxie 0 #20 September 16, 2004 shit happens. but three times!! that must be frustrating. but we can look forward to the spring when we have saved a lot of money for skydiving! -- "If you can dream it, you can DO IT!" -- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sheenster303 0 #21 September 17, 2004 I broke my tibia and fibula right at my ankle and messed up a whole bunch of nerves in my foot. That happened on August 1st and I'm still in a hard cast until at least Sept 23rd. I got a plate and several screws holding my leg together. I don't when I'll be back to skydiving. I made a promise to myself to pay off my medical bills before I start jumping again. Insurance paid most of it, but there's still a little left over I gotta deal with. I'm projecting that it's probably going to be after spring semester ends next year, which is in May. Oh and I forgot to say how I broke it. Seriously, I had my best landing ever. I'm guessing I just stepped out wrong. I stood up and everything. Didn't know what I did until I looked down and saw my right foot was turned in a way it shouldn't have been. So I guess that's what I get for finally doing a landing correctly huh?I'm so funny I crack my head open! P.M.S. #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobsled92 0 #22 September 17, 2004 Separated shoulder:surgery=loss some of tendons and removal of the ends of my A/C joint(bones). jumping again after 9 months._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paige 0 #23 September 17, 2004 I broke my acetabulum (socket part of hip, not the ball) and was fixed with 2 plates and 7 screws. I'll be back in the tunnel at the end of October, Halloween actually Jumping by the new year I hope Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zee 0 #24 September 17, 2004 Quotebroke my back, leg and arm. back to skydiving in 6 months! I just spent seven months and 8 days on the ground due to a shattered tib/fib. The boredom was far worse than the pain - it's a real bitch trying to find stuff to do when you're stuck on the couch Although, it was kind of fun racing the old folks in the motorized shopping carts at the grocery storeHope ya heal quick. Peace, Z Action©Sports Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zenister 0 #25 September 17, 2004 yup.. recovering from femuring myself on the 4th of July will be back to work and jumping early November... boredom is starting to kill me, but i've got enough to read to make it through this week....____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites