
What are you thankful for? What do you appreciate?

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I am thankful for my health, my families health. My wife and beautiful children. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for God giving all of these things to me as I must have done something right to be so blessed.

I am thankful for my children's soft touch.. For their smiles.. The sounds they make.. The silly things they do a thousand times a day.. I am thankful for hearing my 15 month old son laugh, giggle and cry.. I am thankful for every breath he takes.. I am thankful for that shiver that sometimes runs down my back when his little fingers touch my skin and I feel that unconditional love.. I am so thankful to be able to kiss my boys beautiful faces, hold their hands.. I am thankful for having the health to play with them, carry them on my shoulders.. And laugh with them.

I am thankful for having the chance to write this email.. For having a roof over my head and an income to support my family. I am thankful for the troops defending our freedom and a few of the many politicians that aren't screwing things up for the future..

I am thankful for the fresh air we breath.. For every thought I get to think.. For being able to feel with my finger tips and see with my eyes.. I am thankful for being able to walk and feel and touch and smell.

I am thankful that so much love is in my life and for the chance to share it with you. I am thankful and greatful to God for giving me all of the abilities that I have and challenges to overcome.. I am thankful for the good times and the bad times, past, present and future..

I am thankful for the running water we have, the heat, electricity, computers, phones and all the other unecessary things that won't function in the coming years.. I am thankful for every skydive I make and for the friends I make them with..

I am thankful for waking up every morning and having the privelege to train, mentor and father my kids.. I am thankful to God for trusting me with that responsibility. I am thankful for the fact that I can even experience love.. I love them so much..

I am thankful for my beautiful wife and every breath she takes... I am thankful to Jesus for washing away my sins as I have had many and continue to screw up. I am thankful for my faith and understanding in God and for all that I have yet to learn..

I am so very grateful.. So very thankful.. So very blessed and happy to be here today.. No matter what the future brings us I will continue to cherish every piece of life that I get to experience with the ones that I love every day until I leave this earth.

Thank you God.. Thank you for my life..

Robert Cowan

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I'm thankful for love. The love I give to my family and friends, and the love they give back to me, freely, with no expectations and no limitations.

I'm thankful for forgiveness. Both forgiving and being forgiven. A second chance after a screw up is a gift not to be given or received lightly.

I'm thankful that in less than a week I'll be seeing the brown, brown hills that my heart calls home. And better yet I'll be seeing them with someone who is becoming very, very special to me.

And I'm most thankful for this fragile, precious thing we call life.

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I'm thankfull for all of this
I'm thankful that
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shakin' hands, sayin' "How do you do?"
They're really saying "I love you"

I hear babies cryin', I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I'm thankfull for all that:)
And I'm thankful for my wife,she rocks:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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1/ I am thankful for that PC in tow finally clearing up once I reached for the pillow
2/ I am NOT thankful for Skybytch new avatar (liked the previous one better):P
3/ I am thankful for being in good enough health and spirit to be posting the above...


"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I am thankful for god giving me the best children and grand children possible. I thankful that I have a job that I love and allows me time to spend with them. I am also thankful to finally have direction and guidance in my life. Life is great don't sweat the small stuff and live life as is today was your last day no regrets.

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being a recovering addict im grateful just to be clean.i was one of those that contaminated the whole community when i was using.and im healthy happy and i get to spend time with my parents without them following me around their house as i used to steal from them to feed my addiction.as a matter of fact my father is having hip replacement surgery tomorrow and he really wants me to be there.tell me there isnt a god and i will disagree with you.

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