
Weirdest Malfunction ever - packing mistake?

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hey guys
last week i had my first malfunction.
I'm posting it here since i'm sure we can learn a lot about it.

Main Canopy: Katana 97
Container: Infinity
RSL: yes
Reserve: PD113
Cypress: yes

the toggles slack got caught up with the slider's catcher that was on the reserve flap.
the slider's catcher just snapped out of the reserve flap and somehow this whole mess was all around my right risers...
here are some pictures that we took on the ground after we've found the main canopy

what do u guys think? what could have prevent this from happening?
i already heard few possibilities:
1) fixing the toggles slack in it's place would have prevent it

2) the last stowing rubber band was made too close to the riser which caused the d-bag float very close above the container on opening...
if thats the case, any line could have caught that slider catcher, not just the toggles slack...

3) non of this could have happened if i didnt have a slider catcher (whats the name of that thing anyways?). very lucky me that it didnt stay on the reserve flap - and then i could cut away...

here's the cutaway video:

even though it's not easy u might notice that theres something wrapped around both right risers...

what do you guys think?

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for that same reason French Teams are not allowed to have such a slider stopper, and the "normal" French jumpers are advised not to.

The good thing for you is that the ball got ripped off the reserve flap.

Excess break line should be properly stowed
Snagpoints should be limited
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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  • stow your break line slack better

  • Less things can be caught.
  • leave at least 50cm between the links and the last line stow

  • You D-bag can bounce further from your body.
  • have at least 5 second delay before pull

  • You may have cleaner air, higher air speed helps PC makes better job.

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    Are your steering/brake toggles like the uUPT Trulok ones?
    They appear to be the same, i.e. They have a pin at the bottom of the toggle.
    With uUPT Trulok toggles you should pin the excess brake line when you pin the bottom of the toggle.
    I would suggest you do the same with your toggles.
    If you do not know what I'm talking about check out page 53 of the Vector 3 owners manual which you can download from their website:-http://www.unitedparachutetechnologies.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=71&Itemid=66

    p.s. I know your container is an Infinity and not a Vector. However this procedure for setting your brakes and stowing the excess brake line is a very good method. You'd be surprised how many Vector owners with Trulok toggles don't know that either!

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    Get one of these: http://www.chutingstargear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=50_54&products_id=391 or have your rigger make one for you (will be cheaper).

    I have one of these, it's awesome. Sometimes it flips over itself in free fall & is harder to reach but it works really well. As a bonus, it can also hold your top flap for you when you're packing. B|

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    yup, some fookers sell them in Switzerland at double the price [:/][:/][:/]

    hey - if you buy an 85$ membership per year, you get 10% off AND a free email - if that aint smart, i dont know what else is! ;)
    “Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
    -Hunter S. Thompson
    "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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    Such slider stopper are the most modern stupid toy ever made.

    We've talked about those before in this forum, as a potential problem.
    And now we have proof that it's actually happened.

    Previous discussion, from 4 years ago:

    It's not a packing mistake. It's a mistake the jumper made in choosing to add something to his gear that isn't supposed to be there.

    These gizmos are designed to hook onto things and not let go, for tying down tarps:
    So why would you want something like that hanging behind your backpack in freefall?

    The lesson to be learned here, is the same old tired lesson that we've preached for years, to which the
    new guys never listen: Don't monkey around with your gear without expert advice - seemingly harmless
    things can cause major problems.

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    Such slider stopper are the most modern stupid toy ever made.

    We've talked about those before in this forum, as a potential problem.
    And now we have proof that it's actually happened.

    Previous discussion, from 4 years ago:

    It's not a packing mistake. It's a mistake the jumper made in choosing to add something to his gear that isn't supposed to be there.

    The lesson to be learned here, is the same old tired lesson that we've preached for years, to which the
    new guys never listen: Don't monkey around with your gear without expert advice - seemingly harmless
    things can cause major problems.

    Jérôme Bunker
    Basik Air Concept

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    I've never cared for the ball/rubberband slider stows, since you have something in the airstream that is INTENDED to hook a line/rubber band and not let go:S

    The risers look like UPT risers, not that it would have made much difference if they were ours.

    I doubt your last line stow had much to do with the malfnction, unless your main PC is very weak and has a hard time lifting the bag away from your back.

    No line twists on the reserve? AMAZING!;) Good job on dealing with an unlandable canopyB|

    VSE on Facebook

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  • leave at least 50cm between the links and the last line stow

  • Leave NO MORE THAN 50 cm!!!
    Longer "free" lines = bigger chance of horse shoe:S

    Blue skies
    "My belief is that once the doctor whacks you on the butt, all guarantees are off" Jerry Baumchen

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    It's nice that the reserve cover flap came open. I wonder if that would have been the case on a more agressive flap like a vector or a marage? You would hope that at least the bungy would break but streamering from a break line after a cutaway...? Every time I say some thing silly like, "I don't see how it can hurt you..." some one finds a new way to kill them selves.

    Also once I refused to put one on some guys rig. It was an old Tallon 2 or something like that that didn't have an "opening cover flap". Basically he wanted me to pack it under the top flap and I told him he couldn't do that. He was a free flier and had to look cool like all his friends. I think he fished it through him self because I seem to recall seeing him later with his slider behind his neck.


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    Your mistake was installing that silly "ball on a bungee cord" gadget anywhere near your reserve container.
    I had sewn dozen or so of Sandy Reid's "slider catchers" to main risers before I ever saw your gadget.
    That "ball on a bungee cord" gadget scared me the first time I saw it and they still scare me!

    You would be far wiser to ask your local rigger to sew a set of "slider catchers" to your main risers.
    Try looking up Brian Germaine's "Slocks."
    Rigging Innovations' slider catchers look like ratchets or tuck tabs sewn to main risers.
    Lately I have been folding triangular slider catchers, starting with 1.5 inch wide Type 4 tape and sewing them to main risers 1.5 inches above the crotch.

    The bottom line is that many safer versions of "slider catchers" have been invented - before and after - that scary "ball on a bungee cord" gadget.

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    Such slider stopper are the most modern stupid toy ever made.

    Such slider stopper are the most stupid modern toy ever made.

    Fixed it for you and I agree. This problem isn't new.

    I'd advise getting rid of it and replacing it withe either riser slider stow tabs commonly referred to as "slocks", a velcro slider keeper attached to the yoke trim tape, or a removable slider which has it's own problems.

    The magnetic keeper is better, but still a problem as it attaches to the pin cover. Not something I'm willing to mess with.
    You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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    Isn't somebody making a magnetic slider holder thingamabob?

    I saw one a while back and it didn't look like a custom one of a kind unit...made sense, plenty of 'hold' but not enough to hinder normal EP's.

    Edited to add:

    Guess JP answered my question, but the one I saw was attached closer to the yoke a little off center behind the neck.

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    hey again and thank you guys for all your comments
    u guys are right, it is pretty silly to put that ball so i'll switch it to something safer like that magnetic thing or the slocks!
    i dont wanna think what would have hapenned if that plastic ball havent snagged out and i'd try to cutaway... especially with my RSL connected :S...

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  • leave at least 50cm between the links and the last line stow

  • Leave NO MORE THAN 50 cm!!!
    Longer "free" lines = bigger chance of horse shoe:S

    Blue skies

    Huh? How do longer free lines(stowed in a closed container) add to the chances of a horse shoe? Am I missing something?

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  • leave at least 50cm between the links and the last line stow

  • Leave NO MORE THAN 50 cm!!!
    Longer "free" lines = bigger chance of horse shoe:S

    Blue skies

    Huh? How do longer free lines(stowed in a closed container) add to the chances of a horse shoe? Am I missing something?

    The lines are very chaotic on deployment and longer lines have a greater chance of catching on a main flap. I've personally seen a fatality due to this. Bill Booth did some interesting work on this including slow motion video of deployments, with the lines flying about. The Vector manual specifically states "Leave no more than 15 inches (37 cm) of lines unstowed between the bag and the connector links." There IS a reason for this!
    "We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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