RkyMtnHigh 0 #1 March 28, 2004 Do you have an everything I want to do before I die list? If so, what's on it? Mine is: Gliding/Soaring - Done Skydiving - Done Run a Marathon- Done Africa - not done yet Travel Europe - Done Costa Rica - not done yet Bungie jump - Done (hated it) Scuba - not done yet Drag Race @ Bandermere Speedway- not done yet Parasail/paraglide Rodeo, MrBill, Tube..and MORE! BASE - just ONCE! but that might be my last There's much more but I can't seem to find my written copy... I'm so fascinated by this group, I'm interested in hearing yours.. _________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #2 March 28, 2004 Hang glide off of Mt. Everest naked!--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #3 March 28, 2004 -Out drink Aggiedave ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RkyMtnHigh 0 #4 March 28, 2004 Quote -Out drink Aggiedave I want to witness that one!..."Goooood day, sun-shine..gooood day, sun-shine, goood day sun-shine" (sing with me here!) _________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RkyMtnHigh 0 #5 March 28, 2004 Quote Hang glide off of Mt. Everest naked! That's ambitious...but wouldn't that be really cccc-cold? _________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bch7773 0 #6 March 28, 2004 only things i have left to do: hangglide visit carribean wingsuit hot air balloon jump 2 chicks at once MB 3528, RB 1182 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #7 March 28, 2004 Before I die Flying a plane - nope jumping out of a plane - yep bungee jump - yep scuba - yep get laid - yep Run a marathon - nope (though I did 20 miles in Full military gear in 4 hours - close enough) Saw the Grand Canyon (Big freaking deal - left after ten minutes) Win a big verdict - not yet White water raft - yep (and my legs looked like Joan of Arc they were so sunburned) Experience an earthwauke - many Experience a tornado - yep (thanks colorado) Live through a blizzard - yep - three times See BB Kin gin concert - yep - twice My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fireflyer 0 #8 March 28, 2004 1. wife, kids, dog, cat, fleas, the whole 9 yards 2. develop career in health care 3. sit fly ;-) 4. europe 5. cruise 6. (more) knowledge 7. ...? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orchid 0 #9 March 28, 2004 I've done many things in my life, however, these are the things I still like to do: 1) trip to Europe 2) learn to ride motorcycle & purchase one 3) scuba dive 4) always wanted to be a pilot 5) a halo-jump 6) always wanted to visit all the orphanages around the world. I'm sure there are other things...just couldn't rememeber them all...it'll come to me....hahaha! ^_~"Love is doing small things with great love." Lacrosse: Legally beating men with sticks since 1492 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #10 March 28, 2004 Had to delete it cause it was confusing that cute little blonde chick from CO.... ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RkyMtnHigh 0 #11 March 28, 2004 #7 is to me...he wakes up with a pee pee hardon...so why waste it then? I'm not takin credit when it's gonna happen wid-or widout me...ya know? _________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeNReN 0 #12 March 28, 2004 "7. ...? give my man a BJ everyday to wake him up " Marry ME! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RkyMtnHigh 0 #13 March 28, 2004 Do ya see my point?...save it for later...not first thing! _________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #14 March 28, 2004 Ok, now that i've made 2 smartass posts, i'll post my real list. 1. It's a secret 2. White water raft 3. Swim with dolphins 4. Use my freakin passport 5. Skydive in Hawaii 6. Do the family thing (yeah, i'm a big softie) 7. Drive the audobon Tis all i can think of right now...but i'm sure there's more. I wanna experience everything i can before i die. ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lee03 0 #15 March 28, 2004 do before i die. well lets see *fly an airplane -- done it *fly my favorite airplane of all time, F4U Corsair -- not done it yet, but i will before I die! skydive -- done it *BASE -- don't think so! *Bungie jump -- nope, not interested. *scuba diving -- done it *gliding/soaring -- maybe, one day. *fly a helicopter -- might get to fly a Huey this summer. *run a marathon -- done it *drag race -- done it *drive a stock car -- done it *travel Europe -- done it *Africa -- done it *Asia -- done it *Austraila/New Zealand -- done it would like to go back quite a few more things, will list more if/when I remember them.-------- To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities. --Nevil Shute, Slide Rule Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WFFC 1 #16 March 28, 2004 Quote That's ambitious...but wouldn't that be really cccc-cold? I'm sorry for the guy if he's not worried about shrinkage... ----- ~~~Michael Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TribalTalon 0 #17 March 28, 2004 damn it somebody beat me to the 2 girls at one time thing. eh. honestly. i have no idea. i'd really like to get a motorcycle though. i've always wanted a sportbike, and i might end up buying one this summer .we'll see. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kennedy 0 #18 March 28, 2004 The right thing. If I can know I've done that, the rest of the list is just icing on the cake. However, the rest of the list is pretty damn long. witty subliminal message Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards. 1* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3ringheathen 0 #19 March 28, 2004 Chase a tornado. View the northern lights from a sleeping bag someplace like northern Alaska or Norway. Check out that big New Mexico balloon festival. Burning Man as long as I'm in the area. Stand in the middle of a field during a locust swarm. Take a wingsuit off of a certain cliff in my backyard. Learn a foreign language. Learn to play the guitar. Many more, but those are some of the ones that pop up every single time I think about it. If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive. -Me* *Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akarunway 1 #20 March 28, 2004 Buy my DREAMBOAT and hit every port o call around the world.I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FallingILweenie 0 #21 March 28, 2004 i'd like to truly fall in love before i die. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #22 March 28, 2004 my list is pointless... i am gona live forever... ya know i'm only 23 now so i fugure by the time i'm 40 there should be good stuff to rejuvinate my body... i've been watching the movie trailers for resident evil 2... if it works in the movie it should be in real life in a few years right????? take star trek....wh have a phaser as it is.... ya know stun sseting and all... think they call it a taser in real life... ______________________________________ "i have no reader's digest version" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luv2Fall 0 #23 March 28, 2004 Grass never had time to grow under my feet................if I were to die today, I have lived a full life...........done everything I've ever wanted to do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcrocker 0 #24 March 28, 2004 Items on the checked list: Skydiving, Hang gliding Bungie SCUBA Riding my bicycle (yes, pedal power) across a country (yeah, so it was New Zealand and not the US, I stil rode the whole south island) Marry the perfect woman and live happily ever after Items on the todo list: Walk on the great wall of China African Safari Travel Europe, Asia & South America See the Northern lights See the Northern lights FROM SPACE (never know, commercial space flight in the next 30 years???) Spend a summer sailing around the Caribean Visit the Myan, Aztec, Inca temples/ruins Visit Egypt Viist the Terracota warriors Fly a plane Collect stamps in my passport Raise a family so that my children are a productive addition so society Live long enough to play with my grandkids (not expecting them for AT LEAST 20 years). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flygirl03 0 #25 March 28, 2004 My list is not all that long: *Learn to fly was always at the top and I have done that. Would like additional ratings, but that costs $ I don't have so not likely...but still on the list. *Skydive. Only wanted one jump. Now I want to pass AFF, get my "A" and Possibly my "B". *Go to Hawaii. Ironically, my 17 yr old daughter just got invited to go with her boy friend's family this June. *Go to Australia. I have wanted to go there ever since I was little. *Tour Europe. I don't have much faith in that ever happening either. *Find a "soul mate/companion" to spend the rest of my life with..... OH, I almost forgot... I want to make a jump with Bill Cole ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ earthbound misfit Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites