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can spell - antidisestablishmentarianism
now use it in a sentence..:D

I saw some people on CNN last night expressing their antidisestablishmentarianism by wearing t-shirts that said "Citizens rallying against protestors. CRAP"

Um, that doesn't work for the definition that I know.

Here's the definition:


Main Entry: antidisestablishmentarianism
Function: noun
Definition: originally, opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, now opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in a country.

That's the origin of the word, but if you look at how it's broken down.

~ism ....................... the philosophy of
~arian~ ................. those people who believe in
anti~ ...................... opposition to
~dis~ ...................... the removal of
~establishment~ .. the Church of England as the official state church

The establishment portion could be replaced with any "establishment" and not just referencing the Church of England.

More simply, It's those who oppose, the people opposed to the government.

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Main Entry: antidisestablishmentarianism
Function: noun
Definition: originally, opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, now opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in a country.

That's the origin of the word, but if you look at how it's broken down.

Actually, that's the dictionary definition of the word.

Note the "now..." part giving the accepted current definition.
-- Tom Aiello


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Vehicles in Chicago emit an extra 2,500 tons of carbon dioxide daily due to traffic-light induced congestion.

The national debt of the USA is equivalent in value at current prices to a cube of pure gold with an edge length of 106 feet.

A pile of dollar bills equal to the US national debt would reach beyond the orbit of the moon.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Since Chevrolet has produced the Corvette there has been only one year in which there was not a production Corvette made. The year was 1983. The Corvette was undergoing a major overhaul and body modifications.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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Collective nouns:

i.e. An ambush of tigers

Crows - Murder
Ravens - Unkindness
Kangaroos - Mob
Owls - Parliament
Apes - Shrewdness
Ferrets - Business
Peacocks - Ostentation

and A Congress of baboons. Ironic?

There are loads but these are some cool ones.


Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people

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"Rule of Thumb" derives from an old English law that says that it unacceptable to beat your wife with anything thicker than your thumb...

It is still legal to shoot a Welshman with a crossbow in parts of England - the law was never revoked. (I'll remember exactly where soon - my memory ain't what it was).

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It is still legal to shoot a Welshman with a crossbow in parts of England - the law was never revoked. (I'll remember exactly where soon - my memory ain't what it was).

The law your referring to makes it legal to shoot a Welshman in the grounds of Hereford cathedral with a Long bow on Sundays. The same rule exists in Chester but only after midnight and a similar law was enacted in relation to Scotsmen inside York’s city walls after dark.

I have to warn any would be archers though; it's a myth. Whilst the laws did exist, the doctrine of implied repeal would mean you'd find yourself caught by the Homicide Act 1957. ;)

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My useless factoid is that the small British town of Berwick-upon-Tweed is technically at war with Russia and has been so since 1853. When Britain declared war on Russia for what became known as the Crimean War, whether the town was part of Scotland or England was in dispute. It was therefore listed as a separate entity on the declaration of war. Three years later however at the conclusion of hostilities, the draftsmen negligently omitted mention of the town from the peace treaty.

The town was thusly left in the curious position of being in a permanent state of war with the Asian giant. That was of course until the 1960's when the Mayor of Berwick signed a peace treaty with a Russian diplomat, assuring the diplomat that the Russian people could now rest easy, secure in the knowledge that they were no longer threatened by the awsome power of Berwick-upon-Twead.

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It is still legal to shoot a Welshman with a crossbow in parts of England - the law was never revoked. (I'll remember exactly where soon - my memory ain't what it was).

The law your referring to makes it legal to shoot a Welshman in the grounds of Hereford cathedral with a Long bow on Sundays. The same rule exists in Chester but only after midnight and a similar law was enacted in relation to Scotsmen inside York’s city walls after dark.

I have to warn any would be archers though; it's a myth. Whilst the laws did exist, the doctrine of implied repeal would mean you'd find yourself caught by the Homicide Act 1957. ;)

Yes! I remember! I was drunk in Chester on a New Years party when I was told that! Cheers! That's been bugging me all day!

Homicide act... bah humbug... [mutter mutter] ;)

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American history books tell us that the pilgrims were helped by two native americans called Samoset and Squanto (whose real name was pronounced Tisquantum) and thereafter prospered in the new world.
They neglect to mention the fact that when they met him, Squanto spoke fluent english and spanish and had lived in both England and Spain for some 15 years, before returning in 1619 (1 year before the pilgrims arrived) as an interpreter for an exploritory expedition of the New Engalnd coast.

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