
Weekend numbers! 8/28 & 8/29

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Levels 5 & 6 AFF yesterday; First sunset jump!!! It was a great jump for my level 6...I went tracking off into the sun setting over the rocky mountains.

Level 7 aff next weekend!! Gonna be big time :D for that one!


I went white water rafting for the first time and had a blast. We ran 10 different class 4 and 5 rapids, dunked several people into the river, jumped from a 20 foot overhang into the pool below, splashed in a waterfall and generally had an amazing time.

I owed and bought my beer to share with the rafting guides. They remind me so much of skydivers

Rafting guides are great people (I'm one of them).. Definatly one of the only groups out there that loves life and drinks as much beer as skydivers!!

It's always so cool when the customers buy the beer and hang out and drink it with you!!

I thought nothing could ever take me away from the river...now I think I've found something that I love just as much...damn I wish weekends were longer!

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0:0:every weekend I owe beer for something... :)Drunk off my Ass right now :P owe beer... would pay up but now one lives in Tahoe.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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ahem, Val, when one organizes a boogie, it is customary for the organizer to show up......

Hey...it was cloudy, and I had to drive all the way from Indiana! Glad you guys got some jumps in, though!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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One two way was fun
One Sitfly Attempt-I suck
One sit fly (fresh) and me as the base docked and did many many 360s and tossed. Lots of fun.
Had 3 nice landings 2 feet from the center of X.
Had lots of fun hanging with the Skydive Long Island Crew.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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;):15 minuntes in wind tunnel (does that count?):1

Fun weekend, went to Balluner, couldn't jump cause Ia m only B license. But I got in the wind tunnel, WOW, talk about learning how to fly all over again, I never had so much fun on my belly.....I guess I owe beer for the first time in a wind tunnel
"Well behaved women rarely make history"

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Great weekend!

Had trouble flying this weekend. I think the weight I have put on in the last 2 weeks threw me off I kept sinking out of the formations:S (hey have to blame it on something) Made a awesome Jump with a Kid name Timmy at the DZ. I went belly and he flew over in a sit and surfed me! Freaking Awesome Video! If I can get it off the VHS and into Digital I will post it:)

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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I made my first skydives in a month after an injury layoff. 6 fun jumps made at Denver Skydivers on Saturday (Brush, CO) and guys I will be back this fall. And another 6 jumps made a MHSD (Longmont, CO) on Sunday. I was supposed to do my first "A" this weekend, but it never happened (my fault).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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:o:1:0, unfortunately...[:/]

Wish I could owe beer for being the first time I f*cked up my right hand, but it's the third...>:(

Good timing, I need to order shorter risers, and I'll be in Las Vegas from Wednesday thru Sunday, so no jumpy-jumpy anyhow! :P B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Only 3 jumps, but a fun weekend. One actual jump on Saturday, even though I was in the plane 3 times.... had to ride it down the first two times.
Two good jump on Sunday. One lower Hop n Pop from 2800 and one sit fly that I actually held for more than a second!!!

Beer for having to ride the plane down for the .... yep... time!
Goggles and Teeth

"You fall like a greased safe!!!"

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Not paying with beer, because I'm not certain it's a beerable offense, having a cutaway where someone else pulls the handles . . . so I'm buying mango rum for all of us girls to enjoy. B|


Howdja have a cutaway without puling the handles? Front of a tandem or just really close friends at pull time? :o

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