
How does the saying go? help me win a bet

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my roommate and I disagree on which one of these sayings is the correct one. He's a moron and I know that hes wrong, but I want to make sure that I didn't get confused about the saying.

I'm not gonna tell who thought what because i don't want to influence the polls :P. help me out here.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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OK, I googled it, and it's split pretty even, though the Best Offence is a good Defence is the only way I've ever heard it.

That must be the yankee version of the right way to say it.

The best defense is a good offense is the right way.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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The best Offense is a good Defense.. because its supposed to be an inspirational "go get em" kinda saying.
Dont think of it in football terms. It wont make sense.
Your offense is the "go get em" in you. Your defense is your preparedness and ability to handle unexpected issues. You can have all the drive in your heart and soul, but if youre not prepared, it won't work.

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The best Offense is a good Defense

So what you're saying this means is the best performance comes out of the best preparation? If so, that makes sense that way.

But on the first hand. The only time I've heard this term is in team sports. I can't think of it in any thing other than in football terms. Meaning, the best way to defend (ie., keep the other team's offense from scoring more than you) is to keep the ball out of their hands and run up the score yourself.

So the only phrase I've ever heard is: the best defense is a good offense

(ed to add: and to our non-american english speakers who spell it "c" instead of "s" i'd only have to say "the best spelling error is an american spelling error".) ;)

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I hope "the best offense is a good defense" isn't the right way to say it, because it doesn't make any sense. If your intention is to conquer your opponent (to have a good offense) it is completely impossible to do so by being defensive.

Unless your opponent is a large horde of zombie people that need to eat human brains to survive... then you can just build a giant wall and wait for them to die.

The point of the quote is, if you can keep your opponent back on his heels cause you constantly progress, you don't even really need to have a defense.

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This is Right off the History Channel!! Come on People - Sheesh. The Quote is "The best Defense is "The best Defense Is a good Offense." Vince Lombardi made this quote famous, but if I remember correctly, it came from either Patton or Eisenhower. I'd put money on it. :)
=========Shaun ==========

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I've heard it both ways actually, and it depends on the situation I suppose. Aside from the brain-eating-zombies, defense could be your best offense in:
- football, if your offense really sucks, the defense can do offensive work (score, give you good field position, etc)
- in command and conquer playing the AI, you can build defense right out side their base and just destroy any kind of offense they can put out until their worn down. You can always do this with the 'peasant rush' in AoE too - throw up a castle near their base, and the enemy units flock to their destruction
- in chess, a well designed defense can counter enough offensive moves and eventually give you an offensive advantage
- if you're horribly outnumbered, and don't have the forces to send out, a good defense might be your only choice... so rather, the only good offense you have is no offense
You can conquer an opponent by being defensive - the goal isn't always to overrun them, but rather keep them from overrunning you
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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I found this at


which one is right?

1. the best defense is a good offense
2. the best offense is a good defense

_A Dictionary of American Proverbs_ (1992) gives two forms:
The best defense is a good offense.
A good offense is the best defense.

Make them believe, that offensive operations, often times, is the surest, if not the only ... means of defence. (George Washington, 1799)
The British People had always believed that the best form of defence was attack on the enemy. (_Times_, Nov 26, 1941)
"My old and very good friend, Jack Dempsey, has a saying which he has proved time and again in the ring. The best defense is a good offense." (Elia Kazan, _The Arrangement_, 1967)
He had learned -- at an early age -- that the best form of defense was offense. (Jackie Collins, _Hollywood Wives_, 1983)
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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Unless your opponent is a large horde of zombie people that need to eat human brains to survive... then you can just build a giant wall and wait for them to die.

That's just completely unrealistic. Zombies are already dead, so how can you wait for them to die. Zombies dying. Really! People get your facts correct or none of these polls will mean anything.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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- in command and conquer playing the AI, you can build defense right out side their base and just destroy any kind of offense they can put out until their worn down. You can always do this with the 'peasant rush' in AoE too - throw up a castle near their base, and the enemy units flock to their destruction

well using units/structures intended for defense as offensive weapons isn't really what I'm talking about. And yes, I loved annoying the crap out of people with mine laying vehicles. :ph34r:


- if you're horribly outnumbered, and don't have the forces to send out, a good defense might be your only choice... so rather, the only good offense you have is no offense
You can conquer an opponent by being defensive - the goal isn't always to overrun them, but rather keep them from overrunning you

I believe this falls under my horde of zombies clause.

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I don't think I've ever heard the first version ("the best offense is a good defense."). I can sort of see it, but it's a passive sort of saying -- "let them beat themselves to death on your defense."

So, of course, I agree with your reference, which makes it clear that the best defense is a good offense.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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