
How do you stop wife from snoring without harming her?

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One more sleepless night and there is going to be a painful pillow fight ambush! Any ideas. I am glad she is sleeping well but DAMMIT MAN!

Have her get you so "Worn Out" that you don't wake up.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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If she smokes, make her stop, worked beautifully on stopping my husband's snoring. If she is overweight, encourage her to lose some, worked wonders for me. Otherwise, the strips, or a well placed elbow, or separate rooms, or turn on some kind of ambient noise like a fan or air conditioner or something to help you be accustomed to some degree of noise in the room, or buy a dog that snores louder so it makes your wife's snoring seem even quieter. Or like the other person said, give her an exceptionally good romp and you'll both sleep like rocks.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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If it's a constant thing she may have sleep apnea, which is a very dangerous disorder. People who have it snore very loudly and at times stop breathing during the night. Can't hurt to mention it to her doctor next time she sees him/her.

As far as stopping it, nudging her when she starts will make her stop long enough so you can get to sleep.

Arianna Frances

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Does she have allergies that could be stuffing up her nose? If so, have her talk to her doctor about using a steriod nose spray at night. They are safe to use every day unlike regular nose sprays.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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sleep apnea and a deviated septum are two possible causes. The deviated septume can be fixed fairly easily.

You might also try going to bed before her. I doubt her snoring is so loud that it would wake you from a deep sleep.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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I had this problem (me snoring, not my wife) and did a bunch of research. It turns out that something like 90% of snoring is caused by nasal congestion.

Here's some things that I found to be helpful.

Air filters (put a HEPA filter right next to the bed).
Nasal decongestants (take some right before going to bed).
Breath Right strips (the things actually do work).

There's also a variety of "anti-snore" products on the market, but in general I think you ought to try the easy fixes first. Plus, with less congestion, the (previously) snoring person sleeps better as well.
-- Tom Aiello


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Just don't do what my ex-fiancee did.

We had just mvoed into our new house and were getting used to living together. We had been spending an insane amount of time getting ready for the wedding and everything so we were both just totally exhausted. She woke me up one night complaining about my snoring and I felt really bad for her. I was simply too tired to get up, so I literally crawled out of bed and into the hallway. It was winter and I was naked, but I was simply too tired to dress or drag a cover with me. Despite that, I did manage to get back to sleep. The next thing I remember is a sharp pain in my ribs as she is kicking me for snoring in the hallway. :(

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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Earplugs might work. My wife and I both snore like hell especially if we're sleeping on our backs. Does it bother us? Nope... we're both DEAF! :D

The only way we found out about the snoring was snuggling up and then feeling the vibrations...

My brother, however, can hear quite good, and years ago we'd gone to a ski resort and shared bunk beds in a small inn. First night there I get a strong whack on the side of the wood frame, BAM! :S

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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A tennis ball sewn into back of pajama top will keep her sleeping on her stomach.

the pyjama/t-shirt must be quite tight.. I often wake up with my tshirt turned and the ball on the side..
must try it with a bowling ball.. :P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I've heard that there are different reasons for snoring. Deviated septum, nasal constriction, etc. Some might be cured by nasal strips. Others might require a mouth piece of some sort. If it's bad, she might need to see a specialist for proper treatment. I've also heard that some snoring can be associated with heart disease.

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See, I don't mind the snoring as much as I mind the grinding of the teeth. That sound keeps me up. I've even tried putting my hand on his mouth to stop the grinding, doesn't work.

The words I have to say, May well be simple but they're true, Until you give your love, There's nothing more that we can do-David Bowie

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