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You can never have more than 32 root canals in your lifetime.
----------------------------------------------------- Damn That was a good one . LOLB|
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Whenever I'm a little down, I always try to remember the old story of the Siamese twin

whose brother is gay

and his boyfriend is coming over

and they share the same a**hole.:)
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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yep i guess theres always someone whos got it worse than you...

...and if there isnt, rest better knowing that your helping everybody else fell better by showing them there not at the bottom of the barrel like you!


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i have awesome friends! Most of them I have met in my past 2 years thorough skydiving. I love all of you:) really, i do!

I am going to chicks rock boogie in elsinore and eloy holiday boogie!

I feel very lucky to be a part of this sport! Thanks to everyone who has touched my life and thanks to those who have not yet, but will touch my life at some point:)

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