
Has anything made you smile today?

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I got you beat. Not sure if I need to see a shrink after this or what;). I was dreaming, and was awakened by a phone call. At the exact moment I woke up I remembered what I was dreaming, and I could not answer the phone due to me laughing so hard. You know the T.V. show Most Extreme Challenge ie '' dont get eliminated"? Well I was Capt. Tenieal(sp), and I was interviewing a contestant dressed in a big inflatable dinosaur costume. We were in the stupid outfits, and using the same voice overs and giggle laughs when I unzipped the contestants costume climbed in, then me and the contestant started getting it on. The front of the outfit was purple(barney fettish? NOOO) and the back was a clear plastic that every one could see through and Kenny Blankenship(sp again) the announcer started doing the MXC "Painful Eliminations of the day" reruns of us doing it with wierd angles and comments?! I was like WTF did I eat to make me dream that!? B|B| I was pissed, after waking up I could not go back to sleep and find out if I won!:P

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