Misslmperfect 0 #76 August 16, 2004 heheheh yeah, and then i believe it was a day or so before he surfaced againOh Canada, merci pour la livraison! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #77 August 16, 2004 I also got a tatoo. I was taking a shower one morning and found a tatoo right above my boob with not memory of how it got there. ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanillaSkyGirl 6 #78 August 16, 2004 QuoteI also got a tatoo. I was taking a shower one morning and found a tatoo right above my boob with not memory of how it got there. Now, THAT is some funny shit!!! You are sooo much fun, Sunny! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unstable 9 #79 August 16, 2004 Here is my List - I packed over 75 Tandems over the course of the entire Convention. My fingers are little bloody stubs right now... 3 Jumps on a RW PC - Thanks for letting me play with it, Windsor!!! No more rounds for me 26 Jumps total Rodriguez Initiations - Thanks Sunny!=========Shaun ========== Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cocheese 0 #80 August 16, 2004 Quoteheheheh yeah, and then i believe it was a day or so before he surfaced againI was around, just on a mission. not sure what it was , but i was on one.Bummer no close ups after the flight, but some video showed it looked like i just got laid by some of Hollywood's finest. Well the buzz is wearing off and the party's over for a while. Still have memories i will not forget from those 5 days at Rantoul.Glad i got to meet so many and sad i missed some of you.What a blast this year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoadRash 0 #81 August 16, 2004 QuoteYikes, i just got home and i'm sure i'll forget some things. I'll attempt to come up with my bestest memories. ~Pitching my tent, then never sleeping in it. ~Out running security on the runway. ~Learning to drive a 4wheeler. ~3way shower with Casie and Robyn. ~11 Jello shots in 15 minutes. ~Jello Dick Rodriguez. ~Me and Alanab starting the toga party a few hours early. ~The golfcart. ~Roadtripping with Kai. ~Getting the most awesome hat ever from Kolla. ~Playing the ultimate joke and making everyone think i was getting "someone" deported. ~Spending good quality time with my wingnut. ~Moody's outside voice. Sunny, don't forget trying to hurl wingnut from the golf cart thanks to a very big hole......That was classic!!!! ~R+R...sunshine is the cruising queen!!!!~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #82 August 16, 2004 QuoteSunny, don't forget trying to hurl wingnut from the golf cart thanks to a very big hole......That was classic!!!! How could i forget that? shit. I sooo wish i had video of his face when he jumped off. shit. Thinking about it still makes me laugh. shit. I swear, after you and casie left, i was definately not having as much fun. shit. ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoadRash 0 #83 August 16, 2004 QuoteQuoteSunny, don't forget trying to hurl wingnut from the golf cart thanks to a very big hole......That was classic!!!! How could i forget that? shit. I sooo wish i had video of his face when he jumped off. shit. Thinking about it still makes me laugh. shit. I swear, after you and casie left, i was definately not having as much fun. shit. LoL...that was good shit!!!! ~R+R...Shit, I miss hanging out with you and casie, shit...I can't wait to do this shit again...shit......~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bkdice 0 #84 August 16, 2004 Hey Val! It was great to meet you on the KA! You are very friendly and have a hell of a smile to greet people with. My pics are not online yet, except the attached from the bi-plane. some of my highlights.... - 300th out of the Sikorsky S-58 - Sunset balloon jump - Bi-plane - Pac - PMS initiation dive with Katie and 5 new girls & Alanab - Lots of fun jumps with my sweetie and some other friends - Food at the CarboneZone I met a lot of great people, like Shananay and EricaH, and many more that I am too lazy to list. It was good to see some familiar faces too (Rosa, Katie, Tami, Mike/Nightjumper.......). We will definitely visit Rantoul again next year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Vallerina 2 #85 August 16, 2004 It was great meeting you, too! Your biplane pic is so cute! I'll have to post mine (which is very scary!) You are such a cutie! I also enjoyed sharing Hot Sex with lots of people! Bytch like my Hot Sex the most!There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sangiro 26 #86 August 16, 2004 Big thanks to everyone who made this year so much fun again! It was great meeting so many new people and getting to put more faces to the names. Sorry to those I didn't get to see to say goodbye. We'll do it again in Eloy in December. Safe swoops Sangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites eeneR 3 #87 August 16, 2004 Final numbers for WFFC :20:lots! 20 jumps total, first rodeo, first 8 way rodeo where we mounted in freefall...then tried doing 4 way (with riders) RW work...., got to jump with Ponce, got to jump with Mary, Val, and a few others...First Chopper jump (thanks Steve)! Also got to do my first tracking dive with Phree, WFFC, Cajones and a few others!!! (thanks Phree) I had SOOOO much fun this year. I guess the third time was a charm! I met so many new dz.commers...i cant remember everyone i met! but you all know who you are. I didnt get to spend as much time in the DZ.com tent as i had planned, as i was playing with the bigway stuff...hope to see all of you again next year, and meet even more of ya!She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway." eeneR TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites melstarr 0 #88 August 16, 2004 yaaaaaaaay BEE!!! i am so happy you posted your bi-plane pic! it's so freaking Cool and full of smiley-Fun!!!! VAL!!! YOU Rock! jj was so delighted to meet you at Summerfest ~ he was like: "hey! guess who i met today?" i was like: "who babe?" he was like: "your sweetie-friend-val!" i was VERY jealous, because No Fair, i wanted to meet you first! he said you were so Smiley & Pretty-Love.... thank you for being so kind! i can't wait to play with you one day! it looks like you are one ball of fun-alicious like my little baby-cake Bee! i am so happy for everyone that had so much fun at the WFFC!!! ~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Flyer2Diver 0 #89 August 16, 2004 I had a fantastic time. My time at the convention - will definitely be back next year! Vivid memories... - Bi-plane jump through hole in the clouds - simply awesome! - Helicopter jumps from Sikorsky & alouette - 23k High-altitude jump from Mullins King Air - CASA high-speed pass. Wow! - My 100th jump - organized thanks to Scott, Daryl & Anita - Getting tossed into the swoop pond for my 100th - thanks, Matt - gotta get my digital camera hooked up so I can post the picture of me, looking like a drowned rat! - Meeting a whole bunch of awesome people! - Couches on fire!_______________________________ 30005KT 10SM SKC 23/05 A3006 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites happythoughts 0 #90 August 16, 2004 It was great seeing old friends and some dz.commers that I'd never met. A nice pic that Tony Hathaway took of one of our inflatable rides. Favorite quotes" "Do you think she's injured? She isn't moving." "OMG, she's beating him with her thong." "So, who cares if they're real." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sunshine 2 #91 August 16, 2004 I'm bummed i didn't get to meet you Mel. Oh well, you can't run away from me forever. ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites diablopilot 2 #92 August 16, 2004 Highlights: My 3 $20 jumps from the chopper for the swoop competition. I sucked ass, but the rides were cool. Meeting everybody. My jump with the 2000+ sq ft flag. Most amazing jump I've done in a long time! Thanks Mar, Ralph and others. Winging it with the MonoUno Monke one and a dozen others. PAC Jumps. A Day in Chicago hanging with a good friend. Toga, Toga, Toga. Couch burning. High speed Casa pass in a wingsuit. Landing in front of and talking to the WUFFOS. They were sooooo much fun. Giving the kids pull-ups and letting them try on my gear. Seeing bunches of people survive jackass moves.... Edit: Ooops. ---------------------------------------------- You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites eeneR 3 #93 August 16, 2004 QuoteMy jump with the 2000+ sq ft fag. Most amazing jump I've done in a long time! Thanks Mar, Ralph and others. Im telling Ralph!!!!She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway." eeneR TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Vallerina 2 #94 August 16, 2004 Mel, you are too kind!!!! Is Mardi Gras here yet? There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites alanab 0 #95 August 16, 2004 memories? too many to list, but here's an attempt: showing up the first night before jumping started with my friend justi and meeting gimp, mary and WFFC at their bonfire. then heading to the jello shot bar for my first taste of many many many (about 100) rantoul style jello shots to come. hanging with arthur and his woman liz. waking up every morning to israel's "somewhere over the rainbow" and "good morning rantouuuul". jumping with lew, airspeed, golden knights, dave brown, guano, dz.commers, new friends, and old friends. staying an extra night and day longer than planned... and then going home for 2.5 days, being sad and driving back for more fun for the last 2 days and nights. sleeping in the birdman tent the last night. hanging out with chuck and katie and pj a lot of late nights. doing my first 5 tracking dives (meeker, you are the man, i wont leave your side), a sweet and quite successful hybrid (thanks chris), many fun and skill testing freefly jumps, a few coaching jumps with dave brown (what a great coach), my first 2 birdman jumps (thanks chuck and scott for being awesome and teaching me). jumping from mulilns king air like 20 times at least. damn i love that plane and the 0 G (i bought the "i love mullins" shirt to show my love)! i also jumped the pac 750 XL. meeting and talking with norman kent, brian germain, mike and jeff mullins, dave brown and many many more awesome and very knowledgeable and experienced people in the sport. learing some new packing tips from my sweet brandy. meeting the infamous "other" alana only to find out that she is one of the cooolest sky chicks i have met. i did drop my digi cam in a beer and it no longer works (i am trying the distilled water wash lew and cajones). doing my PMS initiation jump with my fav. katiebear. also doing my sponge bob square pants initiation jump with jamie! being a part of an 8 way all female dz.com record jump/pms initiation jump for 5 new girls plus myself, betina and katie. hanging out with the hellfish from tecumseh, especially the toga party night (once again a good party with tecumseh peeps). lauging my ass off at the last nights couch fire/ marshmallow fight by the swoop pond. catching rides on golf carts, 4 wheelers, motorcycles and scooters to just about anywhere i wanted at the convention (especially the showers). meeting and jumping with julio and christi from peurto rico finally! running into hector from icarus from spain who i thought i would probly never see again. what a great surprise. hearing john king's saying: "pack jobs, no waitin, space available, no cryin babies" about 50+ times a day! finally tasting carbone zone food! being there the night goat boy got married! saying good-bye to one very awesome person was the saddest part for me. so was leaving rantoul the first time before i came back. i also got to meet a ton of new dz.commers and non-dz.commers. waaaaay too many to list, but each of you are special to me and will remain in my memories forever! i cant wait until next year! only 354 days left! also wanted to thank everyone that was involved with organizing setting up and volunteering for the whole event. it was a truely amazing experience for me and im sure everyone that was there. it was great to see all of us come together and have a fun and safe 10 days in rantoul this year with no major skydiving related incidents and no deaths. numbers? 27 pictures? to come, once my camera works :( at least the memory stick was safe! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites weegegirl 2 #96 August 16, 2004 Quotebeing there the night goat boy got married! ummm.... really? ummmm.... were there jello shots involved??? details please! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites melstarr 0 #97 August 16, 2004 QuoteWTF????? Is that the new club, the CMS? Camo Mafia Sisters? http://ww2.freefall.com/images/rantoul/2004/09aug/pages/IMG_5115.htm I blame Mar for them shenanigans! lol I think they actually said fuck the pink mafia and created their own club - Blow Joe... yes, i don't think mar cares for the pink-sweetness -- but that's okay, i Love her just the same* soooo, not only F*ck the Pink Mafia, but Blow Joe as well ~ Nice Sunshine ~ to my little girl of sun, i will see you at skydive chicago sooner than you think ~ i am going to hug you and val so hard you will pop! ~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vallerina 2 #85 August 16, 2004 It was great meeting you, too! Your biplane pic is so cute! I'll have to post mine (which is very scary!) You are such a cutie! I also enjoyed sharing Hot Sex with lots of people! Bytch like my Hot Sex the most!There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sangiro 26 #86 August 16, 2004 Big thanks to everyone who made this year so much fun again! It was great meeting so many new people and getting to put more faces to the names. Sorry to those I didn't get to see to say goodbye. We'll do it again in Eloy in December. Safe swoops Sangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eeneR 3 #87 August 16, 2004 Final numbers for WFFC :20:lots! 20 jumps total, first rodeo, first 8 way rodeo where we mounted in freefall...then tried doing 4 way (with riders) RW work...., got to jump with Ponce, got to jump with Mary, Val, and a few others...First Chopper jump (thanks Steve)! Also got to do my first tracking dive with Phree, WFFC, Cajones and a few others!!! (thanks Phree) I had SOOOO much fun this year. I guess the third time was a charm! I met so many new dz.commers...i cant remember everyone i met! but you all know who you are. I didnt get to spend as much time in the DZ.com tent as i had planned, as i was playing with the bigway stuff...hope to see all of you again next year, and meet even more of ya!She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway." eeneR TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melstarr 0 #88 August 16, 2004 yaaaaaaaay BEE!!! i am so happy you posted your bi-plane pic! it's so freaking Cool and full of smiley-Fun!!!! VAL!!! YOU Rock! jj was so delighted to meet you at Summerfest ~ he was like: "hey! guess who i met today?" i was like: "who babe?" he was like: "your sweetie-friend-val!" i was VERY jealous, because No Fair, i wanted to meet you first! he said you were so Smiley & Pretty-Love.... thank you for being so kind! i can't wait to play with you one day! it looks like you are one ball of fun-alicious like my little baby-cake Bee! i am so happy for everyone that had so much fun at the WFFC!!! ~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flyer2Diver 0 #89 August 16, 2004 I had a fantastic time. My time at the convention - will definitely be back next year! Vivid memories... - Bi-plane jump through hole in the clouds - simply awesome! - Helicopter jumps from Sikorsky & alouette - 23k High-altitude jump from Mullins King Air - CASA high-speed pass. Wow! - My 100th jump - organized thanks to Scott, Daryl & Anita - Getting tossed into the swoop pond for my 100th - thanks, Matt - gotta get my digital camera hooked up so I can post the picture of me, looking like a drowned rat! - Meeting a whole bunch of awesome people! - Couches on fire!_______________________________ 30005KT 10SM SKC 23/05 A3006 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #90 August 16, 2004 It was great seeing old friends and some dz.commers that I'd never met. A nice pic that Tony Hathaway took of one of our inflatable rides. Favorite quotes" "Do you think she's injured? She isn't moving." "OMG, she's beating him with her thong." "So, who cares if they're real." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #91 August 16, 2004 I'm bummed i didn't get to meet you Mel. Oh well, you can't run away from me forever. ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diablopilot 2 #92 August 16, 2004 Highlights: My 3 $20 jumps from the chopper for the swoop competition. I sucked ass, but the rides were cool. Meeting everybody. My jump with the 2000+ sq ft flag. Most amazing jump I've done in a long time! Thanks Mar, Ralph and others. Winging it with the MonoUno Monke one and a dozen others. PAC Jumps. A Day in Chicago hanging with a good friend. Toga, Toga, Toga. Couch burning. High speed Casa pass in a wingsuit. Landing in front of and talking to the WUFFOS. They were sooooo much fun. Giving the kids pull-ups and letting them try on my gear. Seeing bunches of people survive jackass moves.... Edit: Ooops. ---------------------------------------------- You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eeneR 3 #93 August 16, 2004 QuoteMy jump with the 2000+ sq ft fag. Most amazing jump I've done in a long time! Thanks Mar, Ralph and others. Im telling Ralph!!!!She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway." eeneR TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vallerina 2 #94 August 16, 2004 Mel, you are too kind!!!! Is Mardi Gras here yet? There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alanab 0 #95 August 16, 2004 memories? too many to list, but here's an attempt: showing up the first night before jumping started with my friend justi and meeting gimp, mary and WFFC at their bonfire. then heading to the jello shot bar for my first taste of many many many (about 100) rantoul style jello shots to come. hanging with arthur and his woman liz. waking up every morning to israel's "somewhere over the rainbow" and "good morning rantouuuul". jumping with lew, airspeed, golden knights, dave brown, guano, dz.commers, new friends, and old friends. staying an extra night and day longer than planned... and then going home for 2.5 days, being sad and driving back for more fun for the last 2 days and nights. sleeping in the birdman tent the last night. hanging out with chuck and katie and pj a lot of late nights. doing my first 5 tracking dives (meeker, you are the man, i wont leave your side), a sweet and quite successful hybrid (thanks chris), many fun and skill testing freefly jumps, a few coaching jumps with dave brown (what a great coach), my first 2 birdman jumps (thanks chuck and scott for being awesome and teaching me). jumping from mulilns king air like 20 times at least. damn i love that plane and the 0 G (i bought the "i love mullins" shirt to show my love)! i also jumped the pac 750 XL. meeting and talking with norman kent, brian germain, mike and jeff mullins, dave brown and many many more awesome and very knowledgeable and experienced people in the sport. learing some new packing tips from my sweet brandy. meeting the infamous "other" alana only to find out that she is one of the cooolest sky chicks i have met. i did drop my digi cam in a beer and it no longer works (i am trying the distilled water wash lew and cajones). doing my PMS initiation jump with my fav. katiebear. also doing my sponge bob square pants initiation jump with jamie! being a part of an 8 way all female dz.com record jump/pms initiation jump for 5 new girls plus myself, betina and katie. hanging out with the hellfish from tecumseh, especially the toga party night (once again a good party with tecumseh peeps). lauging my ass off at the last nights couch fire/ marshmallow fight by the swoop pond. catching rides on golf carts, 4 wheelers, motorcycles and scooters to just about anywhere i wanted at the convention (especially the showers). meeting and jumping with julio and christi from peurto rico finally! running into hector from icarus from spain who i thought i would probly never see again. what a great surprise. hearing john king's saying: "pack jobs, no waitin, space available, no cryin babies" about 50+ times a day! finally tasting carbone zone food! being there the night goat boy got married! saying good-bye to one very awesome person was the saddest part for me. so was leaving rantoul the first time before i came back. i also got to meet a ton of new dz.commers and non-dz.commers. waaaaay too many to list, but each of you are special to me and will remain in my memories forever! i cant wait until next year! only 354 days left! also wanted to thank everyone that was involved with organizing setting up and volunteering for the whole event. it was a truely amazing experience for me and im sure everyone that was there. it was great to see all of us come together and have a fun and safe 10 days in rantoul this year with no major skydiving related incidents and no deaths. numbers? 27 pictures? to come, once my camera works :( at least the memory stick was safe! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weegegirl 2 #96 August 16, 2004 Quotebeing there the night goat boy got married! ummm.... really? ummmm.... were there jello shots involved??? details please! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melstarr 0 #97 August 16, 2004 QuoteWTF????? Is that the new club, the CMS? Camo Mafia Sisters? http://ww2.freefall.com/images/rantoul/2004/09aug/pages/IMG_5115.htm I blame Mar for them shenanigans! lol I think they actually said fuck the pink mafia and created their own club - Blow Joe... yes, i don't think mar cares for the pink-sweetness -- but that's okay, i Love her just the same* soooo, not only F*ck the Pink Mafia, but Blow Joe as well ~ Nice Sunshine ~ to my little girl of sun, i will see you at skydive chicago sooner than you think ~ i am going to hug you and val so hard you will pop! ~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChasingBlueSky 0 #98 August 16, 2004 OH! I forgot about the marshmallow fight! You have a pretty good arm! I must say the "charging moon" attack was unique_________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jib 0 #99 August 16, 2004 2 PAC750 1 Mullins 23k 2 Sikorsky's -- 2400' 1 balloon + 1 balloon chase into Indiana 2 Birdmans 1 Biplane 5 others or so Sunny trying to start Clay's ride (with the gas off) The exit row reclines Portolets, golf carts and gaffer tape Flare in the pimp'd exhaust Wet Tshirts, Togas & Tatoos Non-Mullins spots 24oz Becks -------------------------------------------------- the depth of his depravity sickens me. -- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanillaSkyGirl 6 #100 August 16, 2004 QuoteFavorite quotes" "Do you think she's injured? She isn't moving." "OMG, she's beating him with her thong." "So, who cares if they're real." Your favorite quotes...lmao...the one in bold was mine. She WAS hitting him with her THONG!!! It was really fun to watch, too.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites