
Your biggest character flaw?

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Too much too soon, in almost any situation. I think my passion and emotions get too much control.

My personality seems to come on too strong at times. I find it hard to sit back, relax and wait for things to happen. I react too quickly and sometimes divulge to much too soon.

I need to learn to be more of 'closed book', and chill out, be patient and RELAX..it has a tendancy to frighten people. :S Not to be so overwhlelming I guess.

I am really trying though..it is hard but I am trying in so many different situations I have going right now..

BLAH!!! It's so hard to change but isn't the first step noticing that you doiin fact have a problem?? I am halfway there! :P

Do it Again!
P.M.S. #22
LaLa Gang #4

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I'm very inconsiderate regarding the pain it causes people.

I suggest that you learn how to make up for such pain and sorrow....This is something that is unacceptable! I can give you ideas on how to make up for it if you are confused.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I'm a JACKASS of course.

Hmm...the biggest flaw out of many...I would have to say that sometimes when I know I'm right and have convinced myself of it, I can be a really narrow-minded arrogant sonofabitch when dealing with the subject. (that's only one of many flaws).


First of all...I am gonna spoil this for ya Vinny!!! YOU ARE NOT A JACKASS!!!!!!!!!!!>:(

Second...I have many character flaws myself...:o...but the one that annoys even me is my numerous mood swings...[:/]...I HATE IT!!!!!!!!:S

Happy one minute, then an emotional wreck the next...it sucks ass...B|...

~R+R:)...But I am happy right now!!!!B|:)
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I lack self confidence.

Right there with ya' Sunny. I think I know my underlying cause though: ZERO self-discipline.

All these things I think about needing or wanting to do: start a real exercise program, eat better, drink less, sleep more, organize my mess...etc.

Then I don't follow through because I don't deny myself anything, or I can put it off, get overwhelmed, convince myself I've failed before I've started, and then my self-esteem takes a dive. And then I procrastinate. And then I feel bad about myself...

My biggest accomplishment in the past week was getting my oil changed 1,500 miles late. [:/]

Geez I suck.

Where's the biggest charachter strength thread??

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Hm, character flaw would be one, I over-anaylze people and situations, and two, I am too trusting at times which tends to either get me hurt or in positions that I shouldn't be in. The over-anaylzing I can work on the "too trusting" part...is just me, I will never change that, I will always see the good in people! :)

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So, what is YOUR biggest character flaw?

Surprised no one has mentioned lack of confidence and basic decision-making skills. Seems every other post is one asking for what they should eat, what movie to rent, if they should get their baby circumcised, what they should wear, if they should quit their job, etc... You know, the questions 99% of us make without blinking.


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Surprised no one has mentioned lack of confidence and basic decision-making skills. Seems every other post is one asking for what they should eat, what movie to rent, if they should get their baby circumcised, what they should wear, if they should quit their job, etc... You know, the questions 99% of us make without blinking.

So I can just put down "group social skills" for ya?

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So I can just put down "group social skills" for ya?

LOL, to name just a few, yeah. You can add the following as well...

- No bedside manners.
- Glaring type A personality.
- Egotistical.
- Overconfident.
- Not afraid to tell it like it is.

And in regards to not reading everything? Guilty. How could any sane person read some of these posts. There's not enough duct tape in the world to keep my head from exploding if I read some of the crap posted on here.


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How could any sane person read some of these posts. There's not enough duct tape in the world to keep my head from exploding if I read some of the crap posted on here.

That's because Sunny used all the duct tape on port-o-lets at Rantoul during a moment of frivolity. :)

I used to work for an old, grizzled, redneck type. He was in his office one day and a woman was across the desk. She talked about her miseries for about 15 minutes and then said, "I hope it didn't bother you, having to listen to all my problems." He replied, "Well lady, your problems don't bother me at all. It's mine that keep me up at night."

That makes sense to me today. :)

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I can be overly aggressive. Sometimes I have a hard time walking away. It's gotten me in trouble a time or two. It's something I try very hard to work on, but it's ingrained from childhood. I can also be brutally honest, which has it's pros and cons.
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I lack self confidence.

Right there with ya' Sunny.

Yeah, me three.

When it comes to doing something, skill based I'm ok. I have next to zero social confidence. It sucks and I'm trying to improve. bleh :S
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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There's not enough duct tape in the world to keep my head from exploding if I read some of the crap posted on here.

DITTO. >:(

But, he specifically stated:

Surprised no one has mentioned...

Then made the above comment.
THAT I have a problem with.
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RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I need to learn to be more of 'closed book', and chill out, be patient and RELAX..it has a tendancy to frighten people. Not to be so overwhlelming I guess.

Shannon, that's no flaw girl! You were a blast to meet. You were very approachable and friendly and easy to hang out with. It was great!!!! I thought you were fantastic! :)
Some of my flaws include....

Being really hard on myself about some things which leads to some confidence issues at times.


Spiteful - but generally only for good reasons :)

Bottling up emotions - which I'm getting better about not doing.

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Bottling up emotions - which I'm getting better about not doing.

That used to be my biggest flaw, but I worked hard on that and (don't laugh) even got a set of tattos to remind me not to do that. Now it's probably my beer consumption, and a little bit o' self deprecation...though that is also one of my best traits.

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Surprised no one has mentioned lack of confidence and basic decision-making skills. Seems every other post is one asking for what they should eat, what movie to rent, if they should get their baby circumcised, what they should wear, if they should quit their job, etc... You know, the questions 99% of us make without blinking.

or people like the input of other people just to see if maybe they are overlooking something. Or if their life experience can add to theirs.

Naturally, when you are as perfect, well rounded and extremely smart like yourself, you don't need or want that input.

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- Not afraid to tell it like it is.

Should be "Not afraid to tell it like I see it."

Big difference, ya know.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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