ScratchTX 0 #1 August 21, 2004 Need another perpective on this: My neighbors across the street have a bike that sits in their driveway. Every weekend he starts it up and sits in front of the house for about five minutes, revving the engine to its max. I'm no bike expert but the engine sounds like crap to my untrained ear, and like it's being pushed to its limit. It's loud enough that you can't hear anything in the house (conversation, movie, music). Then after 3-5 minutes he peels out at full throttle down our very quiet, one-block-long residential street of elderly people, cats, and two families with small kids. Turns and races up the adjoining blocks. Come backs, revs the engine ultra max again to the adoring cries of "daddy! daddy!" from his very young daughters. Shuts down the bike for a few hours until he does it again. This happens several times a day most every Friday, Saturday and Sunday; usually before the "magic hour" of 10 PM. Questions for other bikers: - Why would you do this? - Is this GOOD for the bike? Necessary? - Does the appeal of going VROOM VROOM VRO_BLAT_VROO_uh_OOOOOOM really really loud outweigh everything else? - From a biker's perspective, does this seem as inconsiderate and assholic (oops I guess my history with these neighbors is showing) as it seems to me? - If you were really into your bike and loved doing this, is there anything anyone could say to you that might make you think otherwise about doing it? Alternatives? Or is this just good all american fun and I am just turning into bitchy neighbor lady? I'm really looking to gain some insight here; I don't get it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BikerBabe 0 #2 August 21, 2004 whoo, boy, if you had gone to a motorcycle forum and asked this, it would have started a shitstorm parallel to RSL vs. no RSL or AAD vs. no AAD here. you may want to ask this in the speaker's corner... Only speaking for myself, yes, loud pipes are unnecessary and annoying, even assholic. The harleys you hear with the loud pipes are not actually sold that way...those are aftermarket. among a certain set of bikers, the louder the pipes and the lower the idle RPM, the "cooler" you are. There's two camps. "Loud pipes save lives" vs. "loud pipes lose rights". the first group argues that drivers who hear bikes are less likely to plow into them with the excuse "I didn't even see him". The second group argues that said loud bikes piss off people and cause motorcyclists to be seen in such a negative light that many of our rights are overlooked or taken away. I'm with the second group. I also don't think a soccer mom in her hummer with 2 kids in the back and the radio on and the windows up would be able to hear a nuclear bomb going off 100 yards away, much less a motorcycle. BTW, the AMA (american motorcyclist Association) is another lobbying group that is working hard on the insurance for "dangerous" hobbies issue...Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkiD_PL8 0 #3 August 22, 2004 It is definitely not courteous. Also that kind of riding should be done outside of residentil neighborhoods in my opinion. Reving the engine is fine for the bike up to a point. I would say he is being a complete asshat and showing no respect for anyone in your community. It is people like that that give motorcyclists a bad name. Greenie in training. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ScratchTX 0 #4 August 22, 2004 Whoo hoo, didn't realize I was stirring it up! Interesting. But just to clarify -- it's not one of those loud pipe bikes, I don't think (I hear/see them at the huge bike rally here every year.) It's a cheapish looking-sounding bike, not a tricked out fancy anything. It sounds normal at normal driving speeds (rarely heard). My Toyota Corolla would sound loud and tortured too if I put it in neutral and held the accelerator to the floor... (Hey maybe with all the SUVs out there dwarfing me I should think about loud pipes for my Corolla... :>) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funks 1 #5 August 22, 2004 is it a sport bike? (crotch rocket, rice burner, etc?) If so, there are a lot of sport bike riders who love being obnoxious. We sort of see it as our civic duty...yes, loud pipes can be viewed as a life saver, but deepdown inside the reason most bikers (speaking for sport bike riders) get them is because of the sound. A good couple of seconds of revving is expected, doing it over and over again would be considered just being an asshole. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squeak 17 #6 August 22, 2004 QuoteNeed another perpective on this: QuoteQuestions for other bikers: - Why would you do this? Cause you're (him) a Dick Quote - Is this GOOD for the bike? NO not at all QuoteNecessary? No not even a little bit Quote - Does the appeal of going VROOM VROOM VRO_BLAT_VROO_uh_OOOOOOM really really loud outweigh everything else? The apeal is in riding the the thing and making it go Vroom, not sitting on the fucker in the driveway Quote - From a biker's perspective, does this seem as inconsiderate and assholic as it seems to me? Definatley YES, The guy is a Wanker, who knows very little about machine maintenance Quote - If you were really into your bike and loved doing this, is there anything anyone could say to you that might make you think otherwise about doing it? Try this Dude, you are fucking up your motor stop being a twat, and just ride the thing normally. QuoteAlternatives? Stand out on the verge when he is doing it, point at him and luagh, ALOT (works for me) QuoteI'm really looking to gain some insight here; I don't get it. He's a knob you probably won't be able to sway him from doing it. But if he is tearing up and down the block, call the cops, 'cause he's not only a nusance he's dangerous too.You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky) My Life ROCKS! How's yours doing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ozthebum 0 #7 August 22, 2004 Just my 2 cents here…. Loud pipes on a bike are just one of those things that motorcycle owners sometimes do…..kind of like those who do a sweet swoop or a cool head down, they do it because they can. Sometimes it’s to show off, sometimes it’s because that is what gets them charged up. Like everything else, there are those who do it right and those that push it more than everyone else want them to. Quote revving the engine to its max That is never a good idea, where an engine safely revs to is dependant on the load it is under…..if an engine has no load, (clutch engaged, just spinning freely, etc.) reving it up and keeping it there is a wicked bad idea, but if it has a load on it, it’s not as bad for the engine and most times it can handle more. After a re-reading of your post, whether the dude is running loud pipes or not, that guy is an asshat!!!!. Edited to add: I totally agree with what squeak said, it just takes me to long to type what I'm thinking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wzettler 0 #8 August 22, 2004 funks does not own a bike, so I wouldn't take anything he says to heart. Just because he used to be obnoxious on his (that he wrecked because he sucks) doesn't mean he speaks for the community. I happen to own a VERY loud (old) sport bike and I have always tried to leave my neighborhood as quietly as possible. So I do agree with funks that doing it repeatedly for anything longer than it takes to get out of the neighborhood is ridiculous. From the your story, I would talk to that neighbor and tell him that he is creating a disturbance and ceasing would be his best alternative... I think when Jesus said "love your enemy" he probably meant don't kill them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrHixxx 0 #9 August 22, 2004 Definately a dumb ass. The bike doesn't lubricate properly if it isn't moving. Reving it cold at a standstill is about as bad not keeping enough oil in it and reving it. I don't think his engine is going to last long or his living arrangement. -Hixxxdeath,as men call him, ends what they call men -but beauty is more now than dying’s when Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funks 1 #10 August 22, 2004 Quotefunks does not own a bike, so I wouldn't take anything he says to heart. Just because he used to be obnoxious on his (that he wrecked because he sucks) doesn't mean he speaks for the community. I happen to own a VERY loud (old) sport bike and I have always tried to leave my neighborhood as quietly as possible. So I do agree with funks that doing it repeatedly for anything longer than it takes to get out of the neighborhood is ridiculous. From the your story, I would talk to that neighbor and tell him that he is creating a disturbance and ceasing would be his best alternative... Bite me Since i am supposed to be picking your ass up at 7am tomorrow to head to the DZ i think i may just happen to pass by your place now without stopping. I'll be thinking of you sitting at home womdering where i am while i am on that first helicopter load. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #11 August 22, 2004 Quote I'm with the second group. I also don't think a soccer mom in her hummer with 2 kids in the back and the radio on and the windows up would be able to hear a nuclear bomb going off 100 yards away, much less a motorcycle. Esp given that the noise is directed BACKWARDS. It's only be the sheer obnoxiousness of the level that so much sound is reflected to the front. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Softdocker 0 #12 August 22, 2004 Good thought, Biker Babe. As the owner of two Harleys, I feel I have to weigh in here. Biker Babe, you have a valid point. I had 'legal' pipes for years, till I was hit by a car on the highway. (Driver changed lanes w/o looking.) The neighbor in question here really needs to get his act together. I do not warm up my bike like this guy does: If what you describe is not exaggeration, there is no reason to warm up a bike so. Also, when I get off the highway, and back to my 'hood, I take it very easy on the throttle. It's called being considerate; obviously an alien concept to this neighbor. Can't we all just get along? Blue Skies!You only live once. . . . Let's Rock! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vid666 0 #13 August 22, 2004 they say "load pipes save lives" AMA and many others say "loud pipes risk rights" ( like a certain Chicago street being off limits to motorcycles till the feds stepped in ). I say - assholes are always assholes. Inconcederate people will do that with anything - wether a motorcycle or a lawnmower at 8am on a tuesday morning like on of my neighboors :) bottom line - talk to them - perhaps the guy who does it thinks people like it, and he might actually listen to you ( long shot, but what the hell - if you try and fail, it's better if you don't try ). I am sure the cops can have a stance on this too since every city has noise ordinances and a noise pollution law. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chutem 0 #14 August 22, 2004 Sounds like reckless endangerment to me. Rideing like that with kids in the neighborhood. If it is happening on a regular basis you should get video of what's happening and either show it to him and threaten the cops if it keeps up or just go to the cops. Someone needs to stop this asshat befor he hurts a kid. Jerks like this give the rest of us a bad rep. I'm not saying I never rode wild on the street but not in a residential area. If all else fails if a patch of small loose gravel appeared by the end of his driveway he might make quite the example out of himself laying in the road in front of his driveway. James Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ScratchTX 0 #15 August 22, 2004 thanks for the ideas and input, all. I like the small patch of loose gravel idea. Sadly, it's hard to get the cops to care since it never lasts long plus we are not exactly a white middle class neighborhood over here so the cops aren't too responsive (except when they over react and shoot people). I have talked to the guy before and was only successful in getting the loudest engine rev ever, before they stopped for the night. He's not a classic "biker," more a hood/gangsta type. Thing is, he has at least two little kids and there seem to be a few more living at the house. His kids think it is cool. He's a moron. Maybe I'll go find out if the bike is a Kawasaki or Yamaha or whatever and print up an authentic looking flier from the company, to all [brand} sport bike owners... a reminder of maintenance tips as we approach the fall season: revving your bike at high speeds with no load will damage the engine... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shawndiver 0 #16 August 23, 2004 QuoteSadly, it's hard to get the cops to care since it never lasts long plus we are not exactly a white middle class neighborhood over here so the cops aren't too responsive PIctures (video) might at least get the cops to give him a call..._________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #17 August 23, 2004 draining the oil from the bike in the middle of the night would put a stop to the revving in short order... not that i would ever condone or recomend that......... ______________________________________ "i have no reader's digest version" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkM 0 #18 August 23, 2004 Quote - Why would you do this? - Is this GOOD for the bike? Necessary? If you don't run a bike for a while the gas in the carbs will harden up and set, causing you to have to rebuild the carbs. That may be one reason why he's firing up once a week and giving it a little run. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #19 August 23, 2004 There's always the option of sneaking over in the middle of the night, pulling the spark plugs and clipping the ground electrode off.... MIGHT be illegal....>Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoostedXT 0 #20 August 23, 2004 Ok I have been around bikes for basically my whole life and what your neighbor is doing is pointless and destructing to the bike. 1) My guess is he has a good job and could afford that "custom" Harley he has always wanted. Now he can show off and be a badass....when in fact he is a pompus jackass with no idea how to treat a bike. there is also a sang in biking that says...."If loud pipes save lives. Why do peopl with them always seem to crash more?" 2) It is not good for the bike. As stated earlier free reving is bad....reving under some tension is fine. If you rev to fast and often you can actually make ports in the top of the cylinder......the motor will soon blow up if he continues reving and oil starved motor. 3) No.......he obviously didnt buy the bike for the right reason. 4) It is very inconsiderate.....the same goes for blaring of the car stereo in the neighborhood. 5) Ehhh.....let him blow it up. There is a term for people who act in this fashion...Squid...Squids usually take care of themselves. JoeFor long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be. Pedro Offers you his Protection. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kennedy 0 #21 August 23, 2004 QuoteThere is a term for people who act in this fashion...Squid...Squids usually take care of themselves. He seems beyond SQUirrely and too old to be a kID. I have a term for him: "Future Darwin Award Recipient"witty subliminal message Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards. 1* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kris 0 #22 August 23, 2004 QuoteHe seems beyond SQUirrely and too old to be a kID. I have a term for him: "Future Darwin Award Recipient" Nope, Squid comes from those who get on a bike, nail it in one direction, re-orient the bike, and nail it again. People who have no love, finesse, or passion for riding, those that ride without gear, and posers are all squids too.Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shropshire 0 #23 August 23, 2004 This has little to do with him as a mototcyclist, more to do with him being and ARSE - it just happens that he's using his bike as his passport to arseholeship. You get them in most neighbourhoods.... loud bikes.... loud cars... loud music... loud fireworks... loud voices screaming at loud kids and barking dogs and all sorts of inappropriate behaviour.... It's your Standard 21st centry 'I've got a god-given right to be a twat' syndrome and it seems that without resorting to violence... there's little we can do about it .....except move ...... or try to find out if his bike is road legal .... if not set the law on him. (.)Y(.) Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cvfd1399 0 #24 August 23, 2004 Mid-life crisis? He might be giving her all shes got captian'(pirate voice) trying to not realize the old light has illuminated! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
councilman24 37 #25 August 23, 2004 Sounds to me if he's only EVER going around the block he may not have a license to drive the thing.I'm old for my age. Terry Urban D-8631 FAA DPRE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites