
Habits from skydiving that cross-over to other areas of life?

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For instance:

I do a gear check every time I leave my house. I think "keys, purse, etc," which is probably normal, but it is always involuntarily followed by "helmet, goggles, altimeter."

Cannot help it!

Added wierdness - I haven't worn goggles in a looong time. And I always think "helmet, goggles, altimeter" while I'm getting ready for a jump too. Can't seem to get rid of the "goggles" part of that.

I've also seen cars pass me and thought "wow, he falls like a rock."

Maybe I'm just going insane. Anyone else?? :)

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I do a pin check...

Ok, there's my pen...

~R+R:)...That's about as close as I get...that or...I wonder how fast that gibbon would fall if I added about 15 pounds of gear...:D:ph34r::D:ph34r::D:ph34r:...
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I was standing on one of the upper mezzanines of a large, palatial movie theater near where I live, in a huge atrium with stairways criss-crossing. I went to a railing and looked up and down and sideways to a bunch of different ledges, and because I've gotten so used to being unfazed by kneeling next to an open airplane door at 13,000 feet, I got this weird feeling: I wasn't at all nervous when I imagined myself climbing all over those ledges. Normally, I am apprehensive about heights and ledges. I guess I've kinda gained confidence because of the notion of having a parachute on when I get high enough to hurt myself in a fall. (Somehow I can tune out the fact that I am not wearing a parachute when near these kinds of ledges. Either that or I pretend to myself that I DO have a parachute on.)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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i called a case of bear yesterday at work.... thank god my manager was gone cause i yelled it.....

then i had to explain it.....

and i have reacehed for a pilot on a backpack as well..... really really sad.
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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Here are some of mine:

- Running down the steps too fast - while thinking about how I will execute my PLF if I miss one on the way down.

- Checking to see if my flap is closed after a visit to the restroom because I don't want to have an unintentional opening

- Watching a lawyer show and thinking that the term "malpractice" is a contradiction.

- Seeing a cartoon character in a parachute and thinking that their wing loading is ridiculous (and then attending a swoop competition and finding out I was wrong)

- Unable to hear the comedian's name Paul Riser without wondering if he can get another 50 yards by pulling down on his rear suspenders.

- Getting excited to get a cloth napkin at a restaurant because I can make a salt-shaker BASE jumper

- Locking up like a hunting dog when channel surfing and a commercial for "Extreme sports - crazy skydivers" comes on.

- Getting cornered by someone in a conversation and wondering, "how fast AM I tracking these days?"

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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At the wind tunnel, whenever I wondered how much longer til my next turn I'd "check my altimeter" - had to laugh at myself every time I did it.

When it's really windy outside I'll track up it. Never know, one day I might develop lift and take off.

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i called a case of bear yesterday at work....

You have bears by the case load in Kentucky????? I bet they drink beer too!!;)

I find my self frequently checking my handbrake and gear lever while waiting at an intersection - just like I would do several handle checks on run-in.

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carving around chicks in night clubs...
during the 1st months of jumping, at my office, sitting on my chair and practicing my exits... Ready-Set-Go... Actually fell off my chair once [:/]:D:ph34r:
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I use a backpack=type purse...and every time I put it on I go through my emergency procedures....I throw my pilot chute, say, "FUCK", then peel, pull, punch....

I am sure I look pretty weird every time I get out of my car and put my purse on my back!!!!


I'm a Doll!!!!

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I don't drink, but I still find myself, after doing something for the first time, thinking "BEEEEER!!!" It gets worse when my whuffo friends do something for the first time and I yell out "BEEEER!!" They think I've fallen off the wagon again. :S;):P

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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On long boring motorway runs...If i'm in the passenger seat, I'll make a little dude with rig from my used gum.....and go through a static line exit procedure via the window.

Wind window down.....check the spot:)
I must be doing something wrong though...they hardly ever have a stable exit and unfortunatly the parachutes never open ;)

Other skydivers in the car just laugh....but a couple of whuffo friends never have looked at me the same way...they think im cwaaaazyyy...lol

(Yeah...I know I shouldnt throw my gum outta the window....but dammit...its too much fun :ph34r:)

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Checking for your pilot cute when wearing a backpack. That one catches me off guard every once in awhile.

I've done that a few times, when I'm running late for class inevitably I reach behind me and check for my pilot chute... then I freak out when its not there[:/]

I wonder if that qualifies as an excused absence
Sorry Prof. I had a total Mal:P

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Anyone saying the word first has me automatically thinking "BEER!" I always end up using "pre-second" in place of the word "first." Everything that I buy is evaluated in jump tickets. When wearing a backpack, I've tried to check my handles. :D:D
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Was running to catch a train the other day, decided on a quick change of direction, put my hands up (to flare, slow down and change direction) and aimed for the door, in skydiving stance!! The embaressing thing is I called out " Wheeeee" at the same time (how I think in freefall) all the passengers in the train looked at me like I was nuts!!

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Yes peacefuljeffery .. sounds like you are ready for BASE.
The weather : I'm checking it all the time like a weatherman. Even injured, i check to see what the weekend is going to be like with the winds and is it going to be a good jump weekend or not.
I say "Door" a lot.
I say Exit exit exit !
( all because of a few rides in Mike Mullins plane )
Thinking about the perfect plf when cleaning the eaves on the roof.

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