
Movies to rent tonight

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Wildblue is the movie king (and king of other things, too, like egg sandwiches...) Ask him! He suggested 50 First Dates, so that's what I'll be watching tonight.

Have you seen Butterfly Effect? Swingers?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I haven't rented movies for about 2 months now. So what do ya'll suggest?

Just buy a Webcam and we can IM each other all night.. *wink* :)

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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IIRC, I was disappointed with Mothman Prophecies.

Butterfly Effect is way good, get/watch the director's cut.

What are you looking for? Cute, funny, drama, scary, adult, love story, ?
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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What are you looking for? Cute, funny, drama, scary, adult, love story, ?

I'm open to anything. My big plans for tonight are to chill out while watching movies all night long.

I have seen the mothman prophecies. A bit disappointed in it.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Ooh! Ooh!

Haha, i didn't even notice "adult" in his reply. Just what kinda things you 2 crazy kids been up to? :o:P


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I'd agree completely with Big Fish, The Last Samauri - both great flix. I actually kinda like Pirates of the Caribbean. Italian Job is a 'fun' movie. Catch Me if You Can I thin kis out too, get that if you haven't seen it. Monster was good too. Runwaay Jury I thought was an excellent movie too - good suspense flick. Any "Non-fun" movie reccomendations I'd have to PM you, otherwise I'd get accused of being gay again (not that there's anything wrong with that)


Kill Bill Vol 1&2 is on my list for this weekend if it rains.

Eh... I actually liked Vol 1 more. Even then, as a whole, I was a little let down. I guess my expectations were pretty high though.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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ok - another vote for the butterfly effect

another vote to skip secret window - even though johnny depp is so damn hot

mistic river was good - but depressing

hmmmm..... what else have i seen lately?

lost in translation was ok too. kind of need to be in the mood to watch a movie with no real point or climax though.

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I'll vote for 50 First Dates also. It was cute and I never like Adam Sandler movies.
Big Fish is awesome and I really liked Love Actually too.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I wasn't keen on 50 first dates.. not as funny as I hoped and kinda slow, but I don't usually like the chick flick kinda movie... I actually LOVE finding Nemo.. after the first 15 min or so it's pretty hilarious.. I saw Duplex, another Drew movie... pretty good not ha ha funny though...

I saw a good alien invastion type movie not too long ago.. Mel Gibson, family on a farm, crop circles... totally freaky!!! Anyone know the name.. got my heart pumpin for sure!!

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Never saw it but i guess if you like Big 13 going on 30 was to be good.

Big Fish is a great movie.
Man on Fire is'nt bad either.
For the girl thats never seen Star Wars... skip the new ones and watch the old ones.

Avoid Gigli!

Is Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind out on video yet?
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And tomorrow is a mystery


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Rent Fear of the Black Hat Great gangsta rap parody mocking the group NWA, sort of.

another vote for The Last Samuri

or A Mighty Wind or any Christopher Guest movie for that matter.

Donnie Darko

There is a 10 year anniversary Conan O'brian DVD that blockbuster has, if you like Conan you'll laugh your ass off at this DVD.:D:)

--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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Movies to rent tonight

Man on Fire Releases on DVD Sep 14, 2004
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Releases on DVD Sep 28, 2004

You're not very good at this. :D
.. or were you just hoping to make sunshine wander around the video store for 3 hours looking for them?
Although Eternal Sunshine was one of the better movies I've seen in a long time. I think I've said too much... carry on.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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