
Do women "scare" you?

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OK, everywhere I look I'm reading from women about how they "scared" their man away because they are strong women. Or, men are "scared shitless" by strong women. Usually these statements are accompanied by "he didn't call me back because" or "he left because"...

I don't buy it.

Can they men out there, who I know are exposed to strong women in this sport, clear this up for me? Do you shy away from strong women? Is it scary or something else?

Strong = Intelligent, competent women who live their lives honorably and compassionately ...who speak their minds, make decisions independantly and deal with life in an open, honest manner. Ahhh, such beauty.

Strong = self centered bitch who takes what she can because she can ...who thinks because she is female she is entitled to privledge and special consideration? Pass, thanks.


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I don't buy it.

I don't either. The only way I've ever scared men is because I've walked around the dorms with a lawn bag over me, had a talking Christmas tree greet everyone at the elevators, had a study pool for finals, and I had midget porn night for one of my first parties in my frist apartment. :D But, if I speak my mind (I guess that's not if...more like when) people tend not to be scared.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I think it has been touched on here by others but if a woman is self-assured, confident, assertive (not aggressive), and intelligent she is not at all 'scary'. In fact, most men would find this to be very attractive.
However, if she was obnoxious, resorted to put downs, rude, and had no problem putting men down for that sake only in a 'femiNAZI' manner then she would be scary and would not be someone most would want to be around.

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