
Your favorite part of the WFFC?

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I have to say that every part of Rantoul was awesome, but my most memorable moment was during an off field landing I got rushed by about 10 kids wanting my autograph. It just made me feel good to think some strange kids thought so highly of skydivers that they would want their signatures. Just kind of made me feel good and I thought I would post about it.:)__________________________________________________
What's the worst that can happen?

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My Rantoul highlights include:

1. Bunch of 4-12 way RW jumps organized by Airspeed -- those guys (and of course Eliana) know how to bring out the best in everyone and their enthusiasm for the sport is contagious.
2. Balloon jump with Norman Kent -- 'nuff said.
3. High altitude (23 grand) jump from the WTS King Air. A group from Quantum Leap (near St Louis) very generously invited me to join their group on the jump.
4. BirdMan seminar by Chuck Blue and Scott ("Lou Diamond") -- very well organized and thorough.
5. Bi-plane -- gotta do it once.
6. PAC 750 -- great jump plane.
7. Almost meeting Vanilla Sky Girl -- she was visiting the Airspeed tent and I was gonna go over to say hi, but next time I looked she had vanished. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. :(

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Doing my birdman jumps! I think I found a part of the sport I just can't get enough of! I was soooo scared on my first jump, I felt like a whuffo again, but once I was in the air it was so natural and intuitive!

Oh yea, shooting for a hole-in-one on a demo canopy into the golf course! :)
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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My favorite part was the bi-plane. I will be displaying this picture for a long time. Also, just being there is cool. With all that is going on there is no reason to get bored because you can't or don't jump. Then there was the afformentioned seeing Sunny passed out on the lawn in front of the dz.com tent. Ummm, what else is there to say.

"Don't! Get! Eliminated!"

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I had a great experience in so many ways. If I had to pick just ONE favorite part, it would be the sunset balloon jump with my jmfreefly. That was such an awesome experience.


rushed by about 10 kids wanting my autograph

:D I signed a few autographs too. Pretty funny.

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My favorite parts:

Hot Air Balloon Jump - Landed on the 10th hole (par 5) of a golf course near Champaigne.

The raft jump that went to poop a few seconds out of the casa.

The second golf course landing on the 2nd hole (par 3 I think) of the golf course the was next to the runway at rantoul.

Jumping the Alouette Helo - twice!! Neat ride!!!

Bi -Plane jump of course!!

all the 8 to 12 ways that we launched!!!

Swooping the Hot Air Balloon as it passed through 500ft!! What a rush!!

Best of all - the spectators and the kids rushing up to talk after landing!!!!

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My Favorite part was just being there. Next Year I will definitely stay longer.

Some highlights for me:
1. Getting some fantastic coaching at Tent 3.

2. Learning to lauch a smooth 4 way that didn’t funnel for once (Hey, that was a first/beer for me!!)

3. Running into some DZ,comers that I had met before (Mouth, Kele, Skymonkeyone and several others) and meeting some that I hadn’t met yet (RevJim, Moodyskydiver, Zeemax, Skybytch, Viking, and atleast a dozen more that I have forgotten in my drunken haze)

4. Closing down the Jello shots bar every night I was there. Viking and the Jello Shot Girls were a definite highlight for this trip.

5. Having to talk P`nut out of the Swoop pond less than 15 minutes before his wedding. Yes Nut, I know the water is nice but you are supposed to be somewhere in a few minutes. Yes, you really have too. No we can’t wait a few more minutes. No, I dont think it is a good Idea if we go manifest for a load right now, you are supposed to be somewhere in 10 minutes, Now get your ass out of the Pond.

Some not so pleasant memories:
1. The swooper who hit my parked golf cart (while I was sitting in it). It is a miracle he got away with only stitches. I though it was going to be MUCH worse when he hit. I did eventually manage to get most of the remaining meat and blood washed off the cart before I turned it back in. I hope he heals fast.

2. My credit card bill that just came in the mail.

I would post some Pictures; I have been threatened with a death and dismemberment if any of my Pics show up on here. Oh Well, There went my Idea for a "Name that Rack" thread.

OC #1 :P

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Some not so pleasant memories:
1. The swooper who hit my parked golf cart (while I was sitting in it). It is a miracle he got away with only stitches. I though it was going to be MUCH worse when he hit. I did eventually manage to get most of the remaining meat and blood washed off the cart before I turned it back in. I hope he heals fast.

Ahhhhhh yeeessssss.... Jay!! The Jay that drives the Flesh-Mobile :D. Steve (the guy that 'swooped' your cart) is all good. He just called me a few hours ago to tell me he got home ok.

Now you, on the other-hand, are on my LIST for ramming into my port-a-potty with your golf cart and locking me in there!!!! Thank God for Shimell!! <---I never thought I'd say that... ;)
Pink Mafia Sis #26

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Yes, I did, although I forgot about that little incident. :D Scroll up for my faves . . . rather unoriginal, though, unfortunately. :P


I have a picture of it if you need a reminder!
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I have a picture of it

What didnt you get pics of???

:D I dont think i was anywhere around you and the camera at WFFC....i was at summerfest :D
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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I have a picture of it

What didnt you get pics of???

:D I dont think i was anywhere around you and the camera at WFFC....i was at summerfest :D

My camera was omnipresent! I'm sure I missed a few things, too many tents to cover!
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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you were at the convention???

MY favorite part (well, there were many, but this one stands out)....

It was shitty out... go figure... so we went and rode the go karts with camera helmets on. B| I'm going around on my billionth lap and JohnyUtah and the Tecumseh boys come screaming onto the track on the golf cart. I have GREAT video of us racing around until they kicked em off. B|

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All the fun Casa jumps launching chunks.

Our orange cream saver tent.

I Love Mullins Shirts!:ph34r:

Seeing my sister (she was working in the medical tent).

Seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

and of course The first song of the morning!

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Gosh, lets see, bundling up in ski wear in August, running to hide from the huge storm that ended up being a nice spring shower, landing in choppy 20mph wind - where do i start; how bout:

great parties!!! learning that a huge lemon drop is my fav drink (vodka, sugar & ice in a huge cup - yummy!!), oh oh, I finally got to meet a bunch of dz.commers but most specially, I got to take part in the (hopefully a record) dz.com girl way w/ 8 kick ass chickas including BKDice & Katie & Alana - yea! Oh, I got all my jumpsuits patched up real nice. Met Tammi Carbon who rocks, hmmm, it just doesn't end.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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And if you think that Shimmel was innocent in the Port-a-potty incident, I have some land I would love to sell you.

I'd expect as much! :D


i dont know what you would do without me sweetheart.

:) I know... apparently I need you to help me remember conversations... :$
Pink Mafia Sis #26

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I guess the most memorable part of it for me is a little bittersweet - having to say goodbye at the end.

Lots of more pleasant memorable moments for me:

1. An 8-way out of the CASA that went GREAT. It felt like we were an 8-way team at the Nationals. I've been on very few jumps in my skydiving career that went that well.

2. Landing WAY off with Judy and having a guy in a pickup truck stop to ask if we were OK then drive away as we started to walk up to get in. Oh, and we were so far off that the people who actually picked us up stopped and said, "Do you guys need a ride back to Rantoul?"

3. First 23K foot skydive.

4. First raft dive.

5. First helo jump - exit altitude near my normal decision altitude.

6. First biplane jump.

7. First cornfield landing. That sh!t is tall.

8. First PAC 750XL jump. This was a really nice plane, and on the way up Mullins absolutely smoked by it and gave us a little wing waggle.

9. Tons of people wearing I LOVE MULLINS T-shirts.

10. The guy who came sliding right behind me downwind into the fence at the edge of the main landing area while I was walking up to the parking lot from the aircraft tents. He wasn't hurt, but he was visibly shaken. He said, "That guy cut me off," and pointed to a dude with about a 250 square foot canopy who was just landing. I said, "Who, the guy landing into the wind?" Swooper Sam did not appreciate that comment too much...

11. Round of applause from a group of spectators while landing near the Alouette loading area.


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Man, I have too many favorites for this year!

-working as Norman Kent's assistant for the entire convention...very awesome experience! I'm looking forward to next year!
-jumping for the first time in 2 yrs for my b-day (definitely want to get current now)
-being able to share that special jump w/ 6 of the best people I've ever met!
-meeting so many awesome people that I wont name them all b/c I know I'd leave someone out
-way too many jello shots(then needing help finding my own tent after too many jello shots)
-RoadRash's wonderful Amaretto Sours
-Scotty and Tammi Carbone's yummy food!
-HH lighting candles in the grass for my b-day w/a drunken group of dz.commers singing happy b-day lol
-my Rodriguez Brothers initiation
-the marshmellow fight during the couch burning
- new friends and rediscovering old friends

Theres so many other great memories! My list would be too long if I wrote them all.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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