
Weekend Numbers 7/29 - 8/01

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Got in a few training jumps with my teammate before he got called away to do AFF. Got in a few freefly dives, well other people were sitflying while i was on my belly:D Damn 130 mph sitflyers:P Took some stills of a few dives. Then ended the evening with two night jumps the first one was a NSCR and the second was another sitfly while i was bellyflyingB| Beer for the first night jumps on my Xfire2 109B|


don't make fun o fmy slow sit...I need to stick to my freestyle suit to go faster. Thanks for the jumps!
"Well behaved women rarely make history"

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Owe beer for jumping outta the PAC750XLB|

Dude.. you wouldn't have owed beer if you'd come to the right dropzone.. :S You know.. the one where your gf was.. the one where I was.. the one where Cornholio and Plaything and Gravity Girl and Gee and Marc and Farrah and Vic and Connie were.. and the wind.. let's not forget the wind..

Whadja do? Make a wrong turn or sumpin? :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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ehhh... heard thru the grapevine there were no up jumpers at all there and they'd be shutting down by 3 or 4. C'est la vie
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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1 Interview with a company. Might add, the fourth interview with said company. Interviewing for the same people is getting old, I wish they'd just make up their minds. Otherwise, it was a rainy nasty weekend in Tampa Bay. All I wanted to do was go to the beach. Woulda been a mud pit. >:(


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it was a rainy nasty weekend in Tampa Bay.

we were skydiving most of saturday at zhills!

and towerrat, perhaps you are a loser at go-karting!!:P, but for telling bad jokes, you win the prize!;)


"The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton

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Drinking friday and wind on sunday kept me from making more. Had some fun, ya know the usual.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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0:0:2 No humps, :( no jumps >:( AGAIN due to weather (unless you guys wanna count the GAZILLION exits from the mock door, hours on the creeper & in the harness. :) At what point did I cross over?? A couple of times I had to fight back the urge to say "Hey!! You kids shouldn't be smoking that stuff!!" Sad. [:/] Don

Here's to friends!

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Missing all my peeps that took off for Sweden and Lost Prairie..


They got lots of jumps in the near perfect conditions of LP...

Me.. something like 29 jumps...including POPS... Womens 16 way( PMS initiation) Plenty of PMS jumps.. and the demop jump into the Lang Creek Brewery...Crosscountry sunset load....RW Freefly.. I am really tired and everything I own it seems is dusty.... but I am a happy camper

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Played with some RW, solo freefly working on transitions. Felt good to do nothing Sunday.

You should have come out Sunday, was a good day for SAFETY FIRST! (3), also one of the RW teams would have spotted you slot for video...

Hook high, flare on time

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2 Jumps at Snohomish on Thursday with ACME
(I owe beer for first ride in the 206)
2 on Saturday at Blue Skies, and 1 on Sunday.


WHERE'S MY BEER, COREY??? :ph34r: -An' don't try bringing American sh*t to our DZ...I'll never make that mistake again...:P;)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I'd appreciate it. And steal Paige's car for me while you're at it.

It was just a beautiful week... the rest of it either isn't fit for public consumption or you really wouldn't care about.

I still smell artichokes.... and garlic... k? mmmmk.

Ha ha ha, we could have killed an entire town with our garlic chicken breath but man was it delicious,

Oh, my car is in the garage now so its safe parked in front of Carrie's car. If you can get it out, it's all yours:P
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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