kelel01 1 #26 August 10, 2004 Believe me, I agree with you Dave. It was just an example of how careful you have to be nowadays. You never know who's gonna sue/blame you for anything. And I know the example is much more drastic, but vehicular homicide? If he can be convicted of that, than certainly someone could get some sort of punishment for yelling and scaring someone off. Especially with one of those famous lawyer manipulations. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gordy 0 #27 August 10, 2004 Right on.... Shame none of them hurt themselves more! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #28 August 10, 2004 Atleast in TX criminal mischief is a semi-serious offense when commited at night. (Serious enough that according to state law, you can use deadly force). So luckily, it would be safer to chase them off at night in TX then just about anywhere else in the US.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #29 August 10, 2004 Just so you all know some history, I got vandalized 7 times over a period of six months when building my new house a few years ago. They tipped my porta-john 7 times and caused $600 in damages, not to mention a really shitty smelling house. After I busted them on video, they found my other apartment and damaged my vehicles 3 additional times. I actually had a reward posted for quite some time. I'm no stranger to being vandalized. I live in a neighborhood where the kids know they can get away with A LOT and even if they do get busted, there are little, if any, penalties. Juveniles have it made. Anyway, when I caught the porta-john vandals on the 7th tipping, I got the guy on video. He was a 17 year-old son of a very important, wealthy family in my town. Despite the video, the prosecuting attorney didn't charge him with anything. I was told the charges would never stick, and the kid's dad probably called in a favor to the prosecuting attorney. Yes, the theft of realtor signs is very petty. However, it's a really big problem in my town (I think the kids try to out-do each other by stealing the most signs). The juveniles in my neighborhood are always causing problem, such as last month's 25 orange cones blocking all the roads to my house. Can you now see why I merely tried to get a license plate number? Unfortunately, the girl got hurt while fleeing, but that ain't my problem. Gotta go, cya. PS. Make sure your reserves are in date.....otherwise, it's ILLEGAL(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brains 2 #30 August 10, 2004 QuoteAtleast in TX criminal mischief is a semi-serious offense when commited at night. (Serious enough that according to state law, you can use deadly force). Careful Dave. Remember they have to be removing "tangible property" from your residence or business "at night" before deadly force is warranted. They were stealing signs not owned by him from a home owned by someone else. Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deuce 1 #31 August 10, 2004 Hey, BASE? I know a little bit about the subject, having once or twice pursued criminals on foot and in police cars as a consequence of this little insignificant job I once had. While I am all about laying the habeus grabbus on criminals of every stripe, I'm only trying to be helpful regarding limiting your liability. I am not flaming you, and I'm glad you are of the type to "do something" when you see wrongdoing. A person can get sued for absolutely anything. Whether they lose or win is not as big a deal as having been caught up in that nasty process at all. Again, a little advice. When you lay the grabbus on somebody (when you detain them) you are best off if you continue the detention until the cops get there and you get to tell your story first. The 15 year old girl who got drug probably wasn't supposed to be out vandalizing, so when she gets home is there the possibility that she may tell her parents that she was walking alone when this guy walking his dog beat the shit out of her and felt her up? Your dog is not the best witness to the fact it didn't happen that way. I think you did the right thing. I'm just trying to help you to do the right thing with the least amount of complication. Cheers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #32 August 10, 2004 QuoteCareful Dave. Remember they have to be removing "tangible property" from your residence or business "at night" before deadly force is warranted. They were stealing signs not owned by him from a home owned by someone else. Right, to a point. Tresspassing at night is considered to be tresspassing with intent. Not that I'm going to go running out of my house and start shooting 15 yr olds since they were tossing TP over the trees. That's a bit too far.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr2mk1g 10 #33 August 10, 2004 Getting shot at repeatedly with salt crystals never did me any harm... And I know I can cycle faster than Dobermans... or at least I could... I even have a scar on my arse from a German shepherd... so I know I can't outrun em... Look at me now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #34 August 10, 2004 I don't really mean to toot my own horn here, but I guess I'm smarter than the average bear. I have a surveillance camera outside my house that clearly shows the purps driving by and then me chasing them. The actual "car dragging the girl" happened off camera though. PS. In no way did I detain her. PPS. Thanks for the tips, Deuce. Good points. Quote...she may tell her parents that she was walking alone when this guy walking his dog beat the shit out of her and felt her up?(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deuce 1 #35 August 10, 2004 That's cool. The camera thing. One last suggestion? Mark the periphery of the camera range outside, and when alone or without other credible witnesses, stay within that periphery when dealing with thuglettes. Or move. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfishhunter 2 #36 August 10, 2004 Lots of info on the web here is just one site that covers it quite well.. Oops that is an English law site...finding a US Law site you can search google for more.. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NYCFreeFall 0 #37 August 10, 2004 Sounds like a good neighborhood with bored kids. At least these kids aren't shooting each other, spray painting grafitti or stealing your car. If they steal "for sale" signs or move traffic cones I wouldn't take it too seriously - it could be a lot worse. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrewEckhardt 0 #38 August 10, 2004 QuoteNot that it matters that much, but, DAMN that was a hypcritical thing to do. That is unless you never go against the rules to do any of what your screen name would suggest you do. Starting with the worst case: - With a missing sign your place might not be seen by a buyer and end up on the market for months longer, costing you thousands in interest and property taxes. - If your sign gets misplaced some one needs to go through the trouble of buying a new one - Finding your sign and re-installing it is a hassle. Simple tresspassing with no property damage and no alarms tripped isn't hurting any one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gordy 0 #39 August 10, 2004 Camera is a really smart idea.... If you had caught all of them you could have dragged them so that there were within the cameras view.....after that it would have been up to you, but I would have bought the video Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcrocker 0 #40 August 10, 2004 Quote If they were actually doing something destructive, then yeah, good on him. But c'mon... they were moving for sale signs around... hell, I've done that before. It wasn't really harming anyone, just annoying. How is it different than trespassing to make a jump? Not really hurting anyone, but could just be annoying. Move them? Hell I used to set them on fire with lighter fluid and run like hell. I also used to throw rocks at passing cars, oh and um. wet toilet paper balls (smuck balls) out of my bedroom window at cars. I think it was good to chase them, scare the crap out of them a bit. Gets their adreneline flowing and makes 'em feel good. That was probably exactly the rush they were looking for. My brother and I still talk about that one time we were chased through the woods by the neighboring high school football team. It seems I hucked a bunch of rocks at his Camaro and the window was down. He never caught us, nobody knew the woods behind my house like I did... Ah, the good ole' days. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base311 0 #41 August 11, 2004 You're mean. I hope they come back and fork your yard. Gardner Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eb66to77 0 #42 August 11, 2004 Illegal stuff happens all the time. BASE jumpers do illegal stuff and so do skydivers. People do this stuff sometimes without thinking. The difference is if you get caught or not. That wouldn’t necessarily stop me from doing it again, and it hasn’t, but actions taken against me within reason are justified. Jason didn’t do anything bad here. He did bust a bunch of kids screwing around. It doesn’t matter if he has ever done anything illegal or not. He can be somewhat hypocritical and bust them or let them continue to vandalize the neighborhood. Which is worse? For all you “way too intelligent for your own good” flamers here maybe you should try living in reality instead if being a spectator. Jason if you need any help with these fools I am with you. Later on BASE 861 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #43 August 11, 2004 I've read everyone's replies and I'm somewhat surprised at some of them. First off, some of you are quick to judge me by my screen name (base428) and automatically assume that I'm out cutting locks off doors and trespassing every weekend. NOT! There are plenty of legal BASE jumps out there. Whatever I do in my spare time really has nothing to do with my right to bust the local vandals and thieves. There is no hypocracy in what I did. If you do the crime, do the time. If I get busted BASE jumping, then I'll accept the consequences. But keep in mind, vandalizing and stealing property is far different than hopping a fence. If it were my house that they were stealing from, I can only hope that my neighbor would do something about it. I've enjoyed this quite a bit. I've even been flamed via PM, which I enjoyed thoroughly. Hey, it's just the stupid internet. For all of you who say I'm hypocritical, I'll be sure to not give chase when I see someone try to steal your $4000 rig and $1500 camera at the DZ. All in fun..... EDIT: Base311 and guys are funny(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Newbie 0 #44 August 11, 2004 Do you live on my street? As someone who has suffered 4 break in's to his car (2 resulting in smashed windows, 2 resulting in screwdrivered locks), and local hater kids keying 5 of the 7 available panels of my car to shreds in the last 8 months, i say good for you. (i now park a 5 min walk from my front door, on another street entirely) I don't want to see anyone hurt, especially kids, but i do want to start seeing people trying to catch the little sh*ts if they can, and making them responsible. As the others said, just be careful regarding liability! "Skydiving is a door" Happythoughts Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crwmike 0 #45 August 11, 2004 QuoteI've read everyone's replies and I'm somewhat surprised at some of them. First off, some of you are quick to judge me by my screen name (base428) and automatically assume that I'm out cutting locks off doors and trespassing every weekend. NOT! There are plenty of legal BASE jumps out there. Whatever I do in my spare time really has nothing to do with my right to bust the local vandals and thieves. There is no hypocracy in what I did. If you do the crime, do the time. If I get busted BASE jumping, then I'll accept the consequences. But keep in mind, vandalizing and stealing property is far different than hopping a fence. If it were my house that they were stealing from, I can only hope that my neighbor would do something about it. I've enjoyed this quite a bit. I've even been flamed via PM, which I enjoyed thoroughly. Hey, it's just the stupid internet. For all of you who say I'm hypocritical, I'll be sure to not give chase when I see someone try to steal your $4000 rig and $1500 camera at the DZ. All in fun..... EDIT: Base311 and guys are funny I don't think you hypocritical, just way, way, way too intense. Lighten up, dude Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eb66to77 0 #46 August 11, 2004 quote>> way too intense. Intensity comes with the territory, you know as well as the rest of us. Talk to you all later, I have to go beat up some people that said gymnastics is a real sport. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jtval 0 #47 August 11, 2004 QuoteQuoteA few years ago, 3 girls were killed in a car accident. The girls (6 of them) had been TP'ing someone's house, and the guy came out and started chasing them. They were driving with no headlights or seat belts, in the middle of the night. The guy turned off and left them alone long before they wrecked, but he was actually charged with vehicular homicide and had a civil suit filed against him-- he was convicted (2nd degree) for chasing them and "causing them to panic and drive erratically" or something like that, and he lost the civil suit as well. The female driver had her license revoked until age 25 (she was 16 at the time) and faced no other penalties (DUI school and such maybe, but no time served) That's the most worthless thing I've ever read. Our society really really sucks sometimes. The innocent get sued for stopping the law breaking persons, since the law breaking persons break more laws by driving fast and wild, then crashing. Wow. [Blue] Dave, If that is true I'm sure its just like skydiivng. you only hear the horror stories. FUCK EM ALL.! Good on anyone who stops that kinda bullshit. and for the record YES I have done some messed up stuff that probably should've had me arrested, but if you ask would I stop someone form doing some of those things? YES theres a difference between vandalism and something petty like jay walking. hypocracy? not at all. if that was the case there would be NO LAWS b/c we all (combined) have broken them. you people are pretty funny sonmetimesMy photos My Videos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FIREFLYR 0 #48 August 11, 2004 A proper reply to your PM isn't worth the thought or typing right now. As for my balls, they,re busy thinking about the powertower I Didn't jump last night. maby tonight. Sorry my balls are busy, ~J"One flew East,and one flew flew over the cuckoo's nest" "There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites