
My baby kitty - I don't think the day can get worse

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I've painfully read about other dz.commers losing their beloved pets, partially because I know what its like to bury a dear friend (my cat mai_lin), but also because I have an elderly cat myself.

Well, that elderly cat, Layne, hasn't been herself lately. She'd been a bit more lathargic and losing weight.

Since I'm an gimp for a while my husband took her to the vet. She's 13 years old, so its not a complete surprise when they told us she probably had a hyperactive thyroid - lots of older cats have that. She also has ear mites, which is odd for an indoor cat. But the worst news was that the vet felt a lump in her abdomen :(>:(:S:(

We spent the $175 for today and scheduled teh $200 ultrasound appointment to make sure.

I'm losing my mind here! I feel like I just buried my best friend (mai_lin died in 2000) and can't do it again. I really can't. I even opened her favorite canned food, which she can't resist, its her favorite. Not only did she not eat it, she walked away. I followed her around the house, sliding on my butt for lack of ability to walk, all the while crying my heart out for her to eat something. She's already lost 2 lbs and will soon lose more and become emanciated.

I can't believe this is happening. On some days she is the only reason I hurry through the work day, so I can get home to see her. She frequently follows me around the house and even sits on the keyboard when I'm typing stuff as if to say "what you're doing can't be as important as me". You're right Layne, its not as important as you. Right now nothing is. She's sleeping next to me, lifting her head every once in a while to let me know she's here.

She better not go - not now, not ever. Life can be so unfair sometimes. She is the best cat I've ever had - cuddles in my arms and rest her head on my shoulder much like a newborn. On the nights when I'd have the bed to myself she would cuddle with me. Best cat ever, losing her would cause me to lose my sanity.

Life can be so unfair. >:(>:(:(

Please say a prayer for my Layne baby (see attached). If you met her in person she'd be sure to crawl in your lap and sit for a while - she's really good at listening to your problems. She's the best.

Arianna Frances

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I'll tell ya April - she better! She's quite the fighter, she'll make it through... perhaps I'm in denial, but I've heard of lots of cats surviving an abdominal mass and being fine!

I hope that its just an enlarged organ that can be felt easier now that she's so thin and that its just the hyperthyroidism that has to be treated.

Thanks for the kind words everyone - I know lots of you know what its like to worry about a fur baby.

Jen - who's keeping her fingers crossed.
Arianna Frances

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Hi Mailin,
My prayers to you and your Kitty.
My Fartsarelli had the hyperthyroid thing also. We thought he had cancer or something and were going to lose him. Vet said it was hyperthyroid whatever and had some drugs to control it. Farts hung in there with us for another year. He lived to be 17. I hope your Kitty gets better.
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Your poor kitty! I do hope she feels better soon. If she goes for more than a couple days without eating, you might want to try putting some baby food (chicken or turkey flavor) in a syringe and squirting it into her mouth a little bit at a time. This is the method we use at the vet's office where I work, we find it to be the best way of getting some food into them without upsetting them too much.
My Siamese and I are sending her lots of vibes!

"Perhaps she saw before her a lifetime of walking on the ruined earth and chose instead a single moment in the air." -Carolyn Parkhurst

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Aww, Jen, I'm sorry to hear about Layne's health problems.

I know first-hand the sorrow of losing a precious sweet cat, so I know how you felt about Mai Lin, and I understand your worry about Layne. Hopefully, the vet will tell you that things will be okay, or can be made better.

Sometimes it's just a fact of life that our pets can't stay with us forever, even though we and they wish they could. We have to take pleasure from the time we have, and when it's over, take pleasure from the time we had.

In 2002 I lost my cat Storm. I had had her since she was given to me for Christmas in 1986! Almost 16 years old! When I moved out of my parents' house in '97, she began sleeping ON or near me nightly. Not a night went by when she did not appear on my bed within five minutes of me going to sleep. Often, I would wake up (either in the morning or sometimes late at night) with her lying square on my sternum, purring and kneading her paws. I loved it. I loved that closeness and companionship, and the texture of her smooth fur.

She died in October '02, and I wasn't ready to get myself another cat until October '03! I picked up Feather from a local animal shelter, and while she doesn't replace everything about Storm, she's still a little mush-love and I'm crazy about her. It does not diminish how much I still love Storm, and I'll always have memories of Storm.

The important thing is to do right by the cat, if she is suffering. Layne certainly is beautiful; I love the pic.

I hope (<<>>) that she gets better. If she does not, please don't despair. Let her have peace, let her feel your warm memories of her, and you can come to love another cat in time, when you're ready.

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I think the food in the syringe thing is a good idea. We had the vets office do a dental on her in April, so maybe her teeth are sensativie? I doubt it, but I'm trying to be hopeful. They say in extreme cases of hyperthyroidism that the cat gets lathargic and loses its appetite, I hope thats the case with Layne.

She doesn't have any mobility problems, gets around and jumps up on stuff just fine - but she wants to be in warm places, which I can't help her with as I'm sitting in the airconditioning the next few days.

Thanks for the prayers and well wishes everyone. Its wonderful advice Jeffrey - I work with siamese rescue (www.siameserescue.org) so I know if Layne has to be put down (we're hopeful to find a vets office that will send someone to the house to do it rather than going to a cold vets office) we won't be long without another cat - but you can never replace them. I've never known a cat, let alone had one, that was as cuddley and attached to me (or any person) as much as my Layne is. *tears*

She better not go anywhere - I'm really going to be so lost without her.

Arianna Frances

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Today I'm going to help my baby girl join the other healthy happy cats waiting patiently at the Rainbow Bridge.

She's given me so many years of joy and happiness, the least I can do is end her suffering.

She's my baby and I will feel like less than a person without her, but I know I am doing the right thing.

Here are some pictures of my baby at her finest. She's so beautiful. :(

Arianna Frances

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Aw geez, Mailin.... I'm so sorry for your loss. Been there, done that and WISH I didn't have the t-shirt...

Shadow's Song
SHADOW'S SONG (on the death of a cat)

I'm not gone...not really.
I haven't gone away...I've only gotten bigger.
My eyes, so bright, now shine among the stars.
My voice sings with the wind in winter, as I leap
And dance among the tree tops.
I stalk the blown leaves in autumn, and brush the
Flowers gently in the spring.
I come to you in dreaming, on feet grown dreamtime soft,
And lay my cheek against yours, and whisper:
"Peace be with you."
Someday we will play again together, you and I, among the stars.
'Til then, fear not to love, for your love gave my life meaning.
And I return that love to you...a hundredfold...a thousandfold...

Copyright © 1996 by Audrey E. Nickel
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Major HUGS to you hun.. I know how hard it was for me. Brings tears and a heavy heart to think about it.

She will be ar the Bridge when you arrive. She can go play with Fatcat!! He's a huge tomcat he'll be about 22lbs up there waiting to show her the ropes.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

The vets were great! They gave us a folder filled with lots of information on grieving and poems about cats. It was really touching.

I got to hold her and cuddle her the entire time, which I didn't get to do with the last cat I put down. It was so peaceful [:/]

She's in a better place now. I only had her for 2.5 years. I adopted her through www.siameserescue.org when she was picked up from a local shelter in Virginia Beach, emanciated and sick. She was over 10 years old and they almost put her down because no one wanted her. Well I did! What a great presence she was in my life.

I'm so glad we had last nigth and part of this morning with her. I held her for hours, even spent some time outside with her in the sun. She loved the sun. Her big blue eyes were shining. I can still see her looking at me with what I hope was a sense of peace.

I know she waiting with Fat cat for the two of us slappie. I only hope she also found her first meowmy up there too (she was an elderly lady who passed away from cancer and the family didn't want her 3 cats so they gave them to a shelter).

She's laying in the sun on nice green grass - I just know it. The house is more empty, but we did the right thing.

Bye bye sweet baby, run free from pain and suffering.

Arianna Frances

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