
Selling expired Cypres

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Best way to get a value on the cypres is to go to the cypres website:

Look for the link titled: "Used CYPRES Estimated Value Calculator"

It's a good easy tool to give you a general idea of what your cypres is worth. As the poster above said, it is a cypres 1, not 2.

My quick guess using the calculator, with up to date battery and 8 year check showes a value of $340ish.

Drop me a PM if you have any other questions. SereJumper 03-02;)

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Thanks for that info, on the info tag it says
model: exp/feet/2 rel. so i just assumedbut you know what they say when you assume

The "2 rel" means 2 release - as in 2 cutters. It is for a 2 pin container. It can be converted to 1 pin. If it has the field replaceable cutter (I don't remember when they introduced those), if doesn't even have to be sent in.

Oh, and contrary to your subject line, it is not yet expired. You have 12 years + 3 months for the CYPRES 1 (12 years + 6 months for the CYPRES 2), so it is good until the end of September 2011.
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