
weird(or not) BASE dream

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i was staying at the top of the big wall in italy with a wingsuit
in my mind is a a big fight: to jump VS i dont have enough experience (in my dream i had the same low number "75 jumps from a plane")
it`s a feeling i never tried before. i`m very calm but very nervous in the same time
i never jumped a WS, i never base jumped but the feeling were SO REAL
in the final the "i dont have enough experience" won and i decide 2 not make that jump

here my questions starts: if in a dream i can`t jump is that a sign?
it`s a bad sign?: like a whuffo said: if in a dream u cant jump u`ll never do a BASE, sucker
it`s a good sign?: like i think: if in a dream i could know i`m not ready, probably in real life i`ll know when i`ll be ready

PS:sorry for my silly english

"jump, have fun, pull"

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