
Pepe Le Peu....

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is living in my yard! many nights he sprays, but usually the smell is faint enough inside the house that its pretty tolerable. however, last wednesday night he attacked and the smell was RETCHID. we were gone all weekend, but came home monday to find the smell still lingering. then last night he dropped another bomb, this time spraying one of my dogs. now the house stinks, my dogs stink, my head hurts, and im feeling sorta nauseated.B|

we've called the local wildlife rescue people and they've come out to try and catch the elusive Mr. Le Peu to no avail. so....

my question to all of you is: are there any tricks to deskunking your house? candles and airfresheners aren't cutting it! also, i took my dog to the clinic for a skunk bath...also, not cutting it! someone suggested tomato juice, but im hesitant to pour the jug of V8 all over poor fred. any suggestions??? anyone? PLEASE?! :D
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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someone suggested tomato juice, but im hesitant to pour the jug of V8 all over poor fred. any suggestions???

It worked on "The Partridge Family". ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I have a bit of experience at this. If the skunk has a mate and you shoot one then watch out - you havent smelled anything yet!!! If you are sure there is only one skunk around then feel free to take him out. Try the following for your dog:

1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup Baking Soda
2 tbsp Dish Detergent. The stuff for washing dishes in the sink, not something for dishwashers.
Mix the ingredients in a large bowl, because it will boil up like Vesuvius. We are, after all, making an oxygen generator. Wash the dog with this while it is still foaming, because it is the oxygen which reacts with the thiols in the skunk stink to neutralize the odor. If it sits around, it will loose it's efficacy because the oxygen boils off. Don't try to store it in an airtight container, because it will blow up. The brew also works for clothes, humans and unlucky cats.

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i googled the douche remedy. seems like it may be worth a shot, however odd it may sound lol. but damn thats a lot of douche! i have 300 lbs of dog in this house...maybe you can buy bulk douche at sams club:P

and yeah, poor fred is in bad shape. i have all of them blocked off in the kitchen and you can hear fred crying and rubbing himself around on everything. it must itch..or burn:(. oh well...im gonna go for a douche bath followed by that other solution mentioned..i just hope my dogs dont blow up:D

thanks for the suggestions!
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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If a skunk must be killed... and I'm not a fan of killing animals unnecessarily :(... then I've heard opening the top of an egg's shell and pouring some poison into the egg contents and setting that out where he can get it will do the trick. I believe I got that from an old beekeeping book that listed skunks as occasional apiary terrors.

Of course, that risks killing any other animal that comes along and decides an egg would make a nice snack. And I forget the precise poison used - I think it was plain rat poison.

If you were manly enough, I'd suggest catching and anesthetizing the stinky SOB, washing him up, then getting him to the vet for de-stinking. That would learn him.


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well unfortunately theres really not much you can do to sooth them. im a vet tech, and i took him to the clinic where i worked for a skunk bath. really, thats the extent of what a vet can do. whatever that skunk sprayed is irritating his skin...right now hes sitting in a baby pool in the back yard. it seems to bring some relief, although it makes his funk muuuuch much worse lol. right now all im worried about is trying to alleviate some of the odor from the house and from his fur, to make it more bearable for him, the other dogs, and me.

i just hope the hubby comes home soon so i can hit the dogs with the douche!!!!:D:o

any suggestions for getting the smell out of the air????
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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At my folks house they have the same problem too. They turned on the sprinkler at night. About an hour before they would come around and 2 hour after. The skunks don't like to get their paws wet. and my folks turned on a radio on all night, to a talk station.

Hope this helps
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