
Packing pro/psycho combi

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Today i've packed my new canopy(safire2), and becouse it's so new and hard to pack I tried something else to get it in the d-bag:

Packed just like the pro-pack, but when you normally make the s-folds to put in in the d-bag, I've turned it and rolled it like a psychopack.

Looks very nice, and is very easy too.

What do you think about this way of packing?

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psycho pack works great.. I have packed thousands of canopy's that way with great luck. Just be sure to flip it back the right way to take the 1/2 twist out of the pack job. Some people love it and some hate it but it is just another method that works well in my experience.



Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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But it isn't a real psycho pack, is it?

If you turned it and rolled it like in the links I posted it is pretty much a psycho pack. I think precision now calls it a "Precision pack" but its the same thing. All the Psycho/precision pack is is a pro pack (over the shoulder sorting of the lines and fabric) with a roll and not a fold of the canopy before bagging it.

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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It's called the "Sleeping Bag Pack" and it has some degree of popularity. It's important that as you're rolling to keep the attachment point pulled out.

The common way of sleeping bag packing is to lift the parachute onto your lap/chest after coccooning then fold it over and start rolling. Give a tug on the attachment point as you're rolling so it remains outside.

It's very easy to bag this packjob and it gives good, consistent openings.

Enjoy your new saffy.
"Even in a world where perfection is unattainable, there's still a difference between excellence and mediocrity." Gary73

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