
Blue skies dad

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Chris, I give you my sympathy.

Blue skies, to your dad, indeed.

It's a very sad story, but I'm glad that you focus on the more poignant and meaningful parts of it: it is clear that your dad was a responsible, sensitive person, unselfish, and courageous.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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it is clear that your dad was a responsible, sensitive person, unselfish, and courageous.


Those things are the core of who he was. Indeed, he was decorated for heroism for saving many lives in the South China Sea while under fire in heavy seas during his navy career. Then, as now, he thought more of others than he did for his own life.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I appreciate them all


My mighty steed

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it is clear that your dad was a responsible, sensitive person, unselfish, and courageous.

That is highly offensive...Here I sit, in the fight of my life, doing my best to overcome cancer, and you say, in a round about way, that I'm irresponsible, insensitive, selfish and cowardly for not leaving life without a fight? That is so downright amazingly ignorant, it isn't funny. Stand in my shoes - and fight for your life - and see how your post, and others like it that think it's a heroic thing to give up, sounds...then come back and talk to me. Till then, there isn't one single sob here that can speak about this. If you haven't had it, you don't know about it. And if you ever happen to catch this horrible desease, (and I hope you don't), you can then speak to that issue. Meanwhile, I'll sit here, with the blisters popping out of my skin, losing my hair, losing weight, having headaches, fevers, weakness of body, depression of soul and mind...and I'll remember, always, the words that you and others like you, wrote, that have burned so very deeply into my mind, heart and soul.


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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I really don't think that was the intent of the individual's post, i.e. to offend.

Everyone approaches life in a different manner and reacts to situations they find themselves in differently. I had to sit with my mother and help take care of her after chemo/radiation/bone marrow transplant, etc and watch her deteriorate and then finally get better.

I am glad that she did not make the aforementioned decision and decided to fight it but her cancer was "possibly" cureable and we don't know what type of cancer the gentleman who passed had. Not all cancers can be fought with any "real" chance of survival.

Since there is a strong chance I could end up with cancer as well I just try to live as healthy a life as possible and enjoy the time I have been granted.

Keep fighting TripleF, obviously you have it in you to beat it.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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I wish that my dad had chosen to stick around and fight for his life and I understand your feelings on the subject.
Please dont take someone elses attempt to be supportive to me as a suggestion that you are anything other than what you are, which is a courageous fighter.

Please also dont give up your fight.

I do believe that my father did what he did, not because he was giving up or a quitter, but because he truely wanted to spare us the pain of watching him die slowly as he watched his mother and then his wife both die from cancer.

He was noble, caring, and unselfish, and he was also the most courageous man I've ever known.
I wish he had been more selfish and tried to fight
for his life.

I cant second guess his decision though. It was his to make and he made it decisively and we who are left need to try to understand what he did if we are going to be able to live with it and move on.

You are both courageous. You have both chosen different ways to show your courage.

Keep up the fight.

My mighty steed

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I wish he had been more selfish and tried to fight for his life.

Are you saying that a person that tries to fight for his life is selfish?????


we who are left need to try to understand what he did if we are going to be able to live with it and move on.

Acceptance is the key here, not understanding nor tagging it with terms like courageous or heroic. It has simply happened and is not up to you or I to understand or glorify.

I have nothing but respect for one who fights for his country, as your dad obviously did. I've been there, too, and have more decorations than you have years of life. I also came back 100% service connected disabled. But as much as the both of us did "over there", nothing heroic came of that. We both made it back...the heros didn't.

Bottom line, Chris, is this. I can offer condolences to you for you losing your dad. I cannot glorify his actions, refuse to do so and will never accept the views of others that suicide is heroically glorious. I will fight to my death, if that is what it takes, to live to fly my body one more day.


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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Are you saying that a person that tries to fight for his life is selfish?????

No. I'm not saying that at all and frankly I'm not sure how you arrived at that interpretation of my words. Unless its simply that you WANT to be offended by something.
That may not be the case but thats certainly what it looks like.

If that the case I would prefer that you find another thread in which to look for things that you can be offended by.

This thread was for me to say goodbye to my father, not debate the right of wrong of his choice.

My mighty steed

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I arrived at that conclusion by YOUR words...

I wish he had been more selfish and tried to fight for his life.

And maybe you should re-read your sig line. I only take offense when I need to and I don't give a happy fuck what you or anyone else "prefers". I didn't debate the right or wrong of choice. I took offense when 10 out of 27 posters tried to glorify a horrible affliction that has me in it's grip. If you can't handle that, maybe you need to be offended.


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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FFF, I do not understand what you would gain from attacking Chris, who is obviously in pain and going through enough BS in his time of need. Perhaps you also need more support/love/vibes. Please don't try to pull it away from Chris, who has done nothing but be supportive and respectful to you. He is going through just as much as you are, whether or not you can see it...his pain and loss is very strong, as is yours.

ChrisL, I am so very, very sorry that you are going through such pain. I hope that you are getting much love and support from your family and friends. Please know that you are in many people's thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself & please hang in there.

Edited to remove my prayers/hugs/vibes for FFF per HIS request, :Salthough I do hope that he gets better.

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It wasn't meant as an attack on Chris. My sole motive was/is to let people know that there is no honor in suicide. I've stood in those shoes and had every emotion possible for a human to have, pass through my brain. Go back and read the first 27 posts. 10 of those condon the death of his father as being honorable. One even spoke of how the medical community stripped the wealth of patients. That sounded like way too much greed for me to let pass. Is it greedy to want to live enough to spend what you have worked for? Or should it be best if you just "do it" and leave the money for heirs? WTF?? Stand in someone else's shoes, fight for your life, and tell me that wasn't offensive. I don't want your vibes. You can do what you want with your sympathy. Direct it somewhere else but don't think for one second that it will be missed. Maybe some day you'll have "The Big C" and someone will offend you by implying that fighting for your life is selfish.


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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I wish he had been more selfish and tried to fight for his life.

That is a direct quote....implying to fight for his life would be selfish. End of story.

You took my words out of context. Read the rest of the fucking words that it came with and try to interpret what it really meant.
I can take chunks of words from the middle of your own tirade and make it looks like all kinds of shit.

I said that he was a noble and unselfish man and that he took his own life to spare his loved ones what he perceived to be a long and painful time with an inevitable end.

This was his reason. Not because he gave up or because he was afraid. Thats not who he was.
That being his motive, I wish he had been more caring of himself and less caring of others.
I wish he had not chosen to spare me the pain of his fight. He was thinking of others before himself. Thats how he was. I wished that in this case he had not put others needs before his own and had put himself first.
Thats called being selfish and the word selfish in itself
is not always bad.

More selfish. Less interested in sparing others pain.

Do you get it NOW???

It means that I wish my father had not killed himself.

I'm sorry that you have to endure what you are living with, freefall. Nobody should have to go through that.
There it is though and I guess everyone has to make their own choices as to how they will deal with it.
I dont think you are dealing with yours very well.

Nobody said a fucking thing about you own choices.
Nobody implied that you should kill yourself or that you were selfish for fighting or that all people that have cancer should commit suicide.

You were not a part of this nor did this have anything to do with you until you reached right into this thread that had nothing to do with you and proceeded to act like a horses ass.

You are selfish, but it has nothing to do with your illness or your fight. You made someone elses pain the soapbox from which to spew your own vitriolic bitterness.

Your disease has made you into a miserable bastard.

Happily for you (and the people around you) though, there is treatment available for that.

Get some counciling.

My mighty steed

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It's always best to not take things personally. Sometimes, when you're way down at the bottom of the abyss, that's very hard to do. Sometimes, when life downright sucks, it's easy to take things personally that were not directed at you. Sometimes, when it hurts so very bad, it's easy to attack and counterattack others.

Forgiving does more to heal your pain than it does to heal the pain of the person you are forgiving.

I've locked this thread solely to stop the anger and attacks.

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