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A monkey at an Israeli zoo started walking like a human after recovering from a serious illness.

Natasha, a five-year-old macaque at the Safari Park, near Tel Aviv, now walks exlcusively on her hind legs.

She almost died of a severe stomach flu but suddenly stabilised and was released from the zoo's clinic.

Workers at the zoo say that's when she started walking upright exclusively, reports CBC News.

Monkeys usually alternate between upright walking and moving on all fours.

A zoo veterinarian says he's not sure why she has altered her behaviour but says the illness could have caused brain damage.

Other than walking upright, the vet says Natasha's behaviour has returned to normal.

When an ape starts acting like people, the vet thinks it is brain damage? There's something to ponder. ;)

I looked at the pic. Let's not have any Janet Reno jokes. Of course, if she's going to strut around on 2 legs, a blue dress and some glasses may help her general appearance.

I'd bet if she walked into the Crystal, some drunk redneck would try to pick her up while recommended a wax job. :D

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I'd bet if she walked into the Crystal, some drunk redneck would try to pick her up
I don't know,Bill, But I'm pretty sure she could get laid in the Anchor:ph34r:

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

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Humans, the diseased monkeys of the mammal kingdom.

That sort of explains Micheal Jackson's face, surgically altered for your enjoyment.


~R+R:D...No human being should have to put their hair and nose on each morning...B|:S
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Someone should try beating her in the kneecaps with a baseball bat, that should have her going monkey style again in a jiffy. If we allow this, whats next, monkeys reading and then filling up the already crowded IT industry. We have to stop this trend at it's roots.
There is a lot of stuff worth doing but then there is a lot of stuff worth doing instead.

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Dilbert is so damn funny, there used to be an animated series on one of our local channels. I especially enjoyed one episode when he went to jail. While in the slammer he taught the other inmates the principals of economics and helped to set up a commodities exchange for commodities like cigarettes and pointy objects.
There is a lot of stuff worth doing but then there is a lot of stuff worth doing instead.

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whats next, monkeys reading and then filling up the already crowded IT industry.

Too late. Years ago, there was a contractor who worked for a company for years and then demanded to be recognized as an employee for benefits. He won the suit. Since then, companies will put a 2 or 3 year limit on contractors.

You get somebody for 2 years. The first 5 months is monkey-time where you teach them, pull lever "A" to receive a banana. Then you get 18 months of productivity. Then they're gone and...new monkey.

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That sucks, lawsuits will suck the fun and opportunity out of everything. As I read in another thread it will even take swings out of schoolyards and ban dodge ball. It's the adult version of running to mommy.
There is a lot of stuff worth doing but then there is a lot of stuff worth doing instead.

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