
Sabre2: Your experience

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I’m in the market for a new (not used) canopy. The Sabre2 fits the bill for what I am currently looking for. However, after reading the reviews here, I am digging a little deeper.

There are 69 reviews for the Sabre2 on here and the vast majority of them are more than 5 years old with some almost reaching the decade mark.

There seems to be an ongoing trend in the older reviews that the Sabre2 consistently suffered(s) from long snivels, end cell closures, and off-headings. Not a deal breaker really, but I think I would simply get irritated having to deal with a line twist or hard end-cell closure turns on every opening.

The problems seem to transcend experience, wing loading, packing styles, and body position.

In essence, I really like what this canopy has to offer outside of that listed above. If there were a decent number of current reviews I wouldn’t be posting.

What I am mainly interested in are opinions/reviews of those that have recently or are currently jumping this canopy; and that the canopy itself is fairly new (0-3) years.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanx.
"Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way." - Alan Watts

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I have a new sabre2 that with about 45 jumps on it. I bought it when it had 15 jumps, and it was a complete bitch to pack!:P It may not be accurate, but I heard sabre2's are one of slickest brand new canopies on the market. Its a little easier to pack than when I first got it, but its still no walk in the park.

On most jumps, I have end cell closure and about half of my jumps are off heading. End cell closure is not a big deal, just pump your breaks and they fill up. I had bad line twists on one jump, but I was flying strait and was still directly under the canopy, so it wasn't a big deal. The line twists and off heading openings may or may not be a canopy characteristic, as my stability on deployment and packing techniques might contribute as well. There are many sabre2 owners who never have either of those problems.

With that said, I LOVE my sabre2. I love the way it flies and I love the powerful flare. Im loading at 1:1 and I have fun experimenting up high with different inputs. Overall, I love my canopy and if I ever downsize, I'll most likely stay with the sabre2:)

And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
D.S. #8.8

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I jump a Sabre2, and like it (loaded 1.2/1, w/ <100 jumps on it). Initially, I had some issues as you described with it, but once I RTFM on how to pack her, all those issues went away (off heading openings, snivels, endcell closure, etc.). Seriously, just flake the canopy as usual and leave the nose alone. Don't stuff it, roll it, tuck it, pull it out, or anything... The only thingy I do diff is that instead of quartering the slider, I pull it to the rear. I have consistent 750'ish openings that are nice and smooth. I rarely have end cell closure or an off heading opening. YMMV. Why don't you demo one before you buy?
Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

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I had a Sabre1, and I now have a Sabre2 and a Storm. I had some trouble at first with off-heading openings, but then I realized that my Storm (loaded at 1.1) was just so forgiving that I got into the habit of dumping before I came out of my track and got good body position. The Sabre2 is loaded at around 1.4, so naturally, it's touchier. If I take the time to slow down and get good body position, the openings are great.

PD has a program where they'll send you a canopy to try out before you buy. Give them a call, and jump one for yourself.
There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...

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The Sabre2 fits the bill for what I am currently looking for. However, after reading the reviews here, I am digging a little deeper.

This sound really stupid. There are other canopies in the same class and those are in the same price range too.....:S

Why don't you buy it if you have decided already?

How about demo canopies instead of nagging?

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Ive got 100 jumps now on my sabre2, 80% of the time it opens on heading and i am yet to have line twists with it apart from one half twist. However every jump i do get minor end cell closure but this is no problem after 1 pump of the breaks.

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The Sabre2 fits the bill for what I am currently looking for. However, after reading the reviews here, I am digging a little deeper.

This sound really stupid. There are other canopies in the same class and those are in the same price range too.....:S

Why don't you buy it if you have decided already?

How about demo canopies instead of nagging?

copy and paste ;)

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Don't complain about a long snivel. A couple of hard openings will make you appreciate the Sabre2. Mine opens on heading 90+ percent of the time after about 800 feet of snivel and it has a great flare. I am working on my pro rating and it will be my demo canopy. It is a fun canopy that will not kill you if you treat it right and have any semblance of packing competence.
Charlie Gittins, 540-327-2208
AFF-I, Sigma TI, IAD-I
MEI, CFI-I, Senior Rigger
Former DZO, Blue Ridge Skydiving Adventures

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I have a Sabre2 loaded a little over 1.3 that I have put around 150 jumps on too. My experience has been pretty much the same as others. On heading openings around 75% of the time, consistent end cell closure that is a non event (corrects itself quickly enough or with a tug on the rears), and snivels around 600 feet. First new canopy I purchased and I love it.

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Thanks for sharing so far. As some of you have mentioned, I will demo one before I buy. I just wanted to get some preliminary feedback from the vast community that visits this board.

I think it's wise that you can't always count on the manufacturers Lilly-white description of a product.

Getting the opinion of those that jump the canopy day in and day out, I feel, has great value.
"Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way." - Alan Watts

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i love my sabre 2, i have no issues with end cell closures or the slider getting stuck at the top of the lines, although on other sabre 2's i have. my openings are pretty random, i dont even try for on heading anymore, i just steer the openings the best i can to avoid any possible collision. i can normally steer it on heading too. i havnt had any hard openings.

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I put 20 jumps, in 3 days, on a Sabre2 150 2 weeks ago.

Every single opening was super soft, with no more than a 45 degree heading shift on about 3 of the openings. Rest were dead on heading.

I agree that you should demo, because it's important that you make a choice you'll be happy with. I doubt you won't be though.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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I put 20 jumps, in 3 days, on a Sabre2 150 2 weeks ago.

Every single opening was super soft, with no more than a 45 degree heading shift on about 3 of the openings. Rest were dead on heading.

I agree that you should demo, because it's important that you make a choice you'll be happy with. I doubt you won't be though.


*cough* biased *cough*

I kid, I kid.:P
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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What is wrong asking a stupid question?

Listen to your mom there is no such thing:P


Is the most popular canopy of the biggest manufacturer a good one?:P

I wouldn't do it again:o


What is going to be changed if you read more about it?

The perception of it. They aren't a new canopy anymore. People can now draw on real experiences instead of reading about it from a PD website. I haven't came across any mfr yet who describes thier product as "Opens a little shitty but flies like a dream!"
Nothin wrong with gettin other peoples opinions before you buy.............wana beer?:)

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The perception of it. They aren't a new canopy anymore. People can now draw on real experiences instead of reading about it from a PD website.

I was not talking about the PD website.


Nothin wrong with gettin other peoples opinions before you buy

Then go to your DZ and ask people around there.

Or you can do a search here with Sabre2 vs .. X, Z....


wana beer?Smile

No thanks, this was not about beer at all.

Anyway I would not buy a new canopy as my first.....

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Anyway I would not buy a new canopy as my first.....

There's a good piece of advice right there.

My experience on a Sabre 2 was basically that the higher I loaded it, the better it opened (I've jumped 190, 170, 150 & 135). Overall I prefer the Safire 2, it has softer openings but does occasionally have the same issues as the Sabre 2. I like the way it flies more but the short recovery arc that I don't want on the Safire 2 (learning HP landings) is a really good thing for newer jumpers IMO.

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