
please take time to appreciate the company of a pet...

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because you never know how much longer you will have such a blessing.

With my transfer to a new college and on-campus living arrangements looming in the very near future I've had to make some serious decisions.Today I had to give my sweet little Boston Terrier to her new home. It was a sad moment made easier only by the fact that she would be returning to her original owner (my ex-brother-in-law). I know he'll take great care of her and she'll be a beloved playmate for his daughter.Around this time last year, I lost my childhood pet to old age.Now I've given up yet another old friend and still have the task of finding a good home for my 2 ferrets aswell.:(

Lately I've really come to regret taking my pets for granted for so long.Pets are one of the greatest gifts life has to bestow upon us.The unyielding devotion, love and companionship of a pet should always be cherished.So please, take some time to appreciate your little friends today.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I'm sorry about your pet who passed away...[:/]...and having to give up your current pets...That sucks:S...but at least you know who they are going to...

Despite how my mom's hairy ball of fluff acts sometimes, I still think of him as my dog and give him belly and back rubs...I guess that's why he sometimes parks as my feet and stares at me with those brown eyes....;)

~R+R:)...Best of luck in school too!B|...I will be making a move fairly soon to a different town/school....:)
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Oh I hear ya!!

Dogs are angels in furry pants!!!!
Ok, I stole that from one my best friends but it is totally true!!!!

I give my three little four legged girls multiple hugs and kisses daily. They are the light of my life.

Never take the love they give you for granted!!!!!!!

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Pets are one of the greatest gifts life has to bestow upon us.

i couldn't agree with you more.

i lost my cat last year. he went missing and was never found despite our best efforts. :( i took for granted that he was only 8 and had, what i thought, was years ahead of him. i don't know if i'll ever forgive myself for not taking more time for him when he was around, because i thought i had time that i didn't.

i have a dog, another cat, and a horse that i do my best to appreciate every day. i could never put into words, all the joy and love animals have brought to my life. :)

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its strange that this would be here today.today is my 45th birthday.we took the kids (2 yorkies and a schnauser) to my mother in law's.my mother in law is a wonderful person.well jack the little yorkie.2lbs 13 oz. got out and took off.he took a fall last year while i was in rantoul and landed on his head.so he isnt all there.well we looked all day and didnt find him.we came home and my mother in law called and said that the neighbors had seen him twice and almost caught him.i hope my little boy comes back home.guess ill go back out and look some more tomorrow.this is a very rual area so there are coyotes varmits and the like.man this sucks. i miss my little jackie paul.

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its strange that this would be here today.today is my 45th birthday.we took the kids (2 yorkies and a schnauser) to my mother in law's.my mother in law is a wonderful person.well jack the little yorkie.2lbs 13 oz. got out and took off.he took a fall last year while i was in rantoul and landed on his head.so he isnt all there.well we looked all day and didnt find him.we came home and my mother in law called and said that the neighbors had seen him twice and almost caught him.i hope my little boy comes back home.guess ill go back out and look some more tomorrow.this is a very rual area so there are coyotes varmits and the like.man this sucks. i miss my little jackie paul.

Aww! I'm so sorry to hear that.I hope your little friend comes home soon.Good luck (and happy birthday BTW).:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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