
Friday Limericks - Just for variety

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Tis limericks you desire seekfun
It is too early and i have none
I am not jumping this week
different adventures i seek
I shall shoot furry creatures with my gun:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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There was an Anvil named Vinny
Everyone thought him a ninny
To Florida he went
because he was sent
tequila is making him skinny

There is a DZ in H-town
where everyone likes to drink crown
it is a fun time
to make up this rhyme
but to H-town I want to come down!

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I too like to hunt furry creatures
The type with a certain few features
But I don't use my gun
I stab them for fun
Underneath the high school bleachers

I prefer those creatures to be slick
It is much more fun to lick
with fur in the way
it could ruin your whole day
especially with a small dick:$

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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More limericks like this will cause
my post whoring to come to a pause
I shall go and kill a kitten
and hope that i am not smitten
for thinking of things that have paws:S

ok i'm through for a while.:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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There once was a skydiver named Eenis....

who had such a small penis
he would always run around
naked he would bound
still no one could say they had seen his:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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To mess with sunshine is not wise
That is why you will see few that tries
she will physically abuse
things you want to use
and not stop till she hears your cries.

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Have we offended the sunny one?
Who normally posts such funny ones
She hasn't responded
And might be despondent
Because of the jokes that we've run

So I may have to buy her a Pop-Tart
Or even a case or a whole cart
Of the cherry type
She gives all the hype
Because we have broken her heart

- topher
"...there is a there out there..." - Tom Robbins

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Here are several I wrote a few years ago about several of my friends at Skydive Palatka ....

A naked skydiver named Cee
Liked to jump from a big DC3
But to jump in the buff
Can be awfully rough
When its raining or hailing, said she.

A flashy skydiver named Dave
Was often told to behave
His skydiving coach
Said a straight in approach
Could save him from an untimely grave.

Now she’ll have to stop being so smug
The nude jumpers said with a shrug
“That jumper named Rondi’s
Not really a blondie
The curtains do not match the rug.”

To this Rondi said with dispatch
The curtains and rug may not match
But perhaps you’d get in
Not go low again
If you’d just keep your eyes off my snatch.

With John, she did her first tandem
But fear made her hand movements random
So when they alit
She shouted “Oh, shit!”
His testicles back she did hand him.

Oh, Sir Ron, I nearly forgot,
Lack of use caused his weapon to rot,
But that old Knight of Gold
Has a wife now I’m told
Now he’s using his Lance-a-lot.

Sir Ron is the first to extol
The virtues of sex in freefall
But when the air’s bumpy
His weapon gets jumpy
He rarely can find the right hole.

Ron’s wife said, “This midair refuelin’
Has made my ass sore. I’m not foolin’.
Your aim must improve
You must find the right groove
Or a new girlfriend to stick your tool in.”

Brian the EM technician
Was lost to eternal perdition
He changed from a nurse
To driving a hearse
Liking girls in immobile position
"I have magic buttons ;)." skymama

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***Here are several I wrote a few years ago about several of my friends at Skydive Palatka ....


Here is one for you Michael

Said Michael as we boarded Mike Whiskey
the winds on the Beach are quite frisky
all must land to the South
were the words from his mouth
all did, save for him, just to risky

My thoughts as I went through the net
I think I will not soon forget
My Big Raven downwind
I hope never again
and with that it was match, game, and set.

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Now listen here M.D. McGuire,
Your whining is making me tire.
Has the fact that Ms. Penny’s
Quit giving you any
Turned you into a snivelling liar?

If downwind you wished to alight
On that huge target set up just right
Don’t blame jumpers like me
Landing accurately
Who watched as you flew out of sight.

But the picture I’ll never forget
Is you stuck in that volleyball net
Be glad that it caught you
And did not slingshot you
Or for you we’d be searching yet.
"I have magic buttons ;)." skymama

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