
OMG Funny Ebay earlier post fake auction - update!

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This is the message I wrote in the earlier post in case you have no clue what this is about:

"On the jet ski forum I frequent it has come to our attention that someone is selling a bogus jet ski on Ebay. On of the members recognized the pic as his ski as well as another member with a completely different ski. The pics are linked to each of their own servers so they went in and changed the pics on this scamming fuckers auction!!!!!!!"

The seller finally clued in and took the auction down but relisted and used more pictures from the same server!!!! This guy definitely gets a Darwin award. Look at what the pics have been changed to!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

I bet this one don't last long!

Don't ask what the first pic is because I have no idea. I will have nightmares about it though.

Ebay Scam Artist No. 2

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ROFLMFAO>>>>>>>>>>> I know the second pic is photoshopped but WTF is that first one.. YUCK

I asked what the first one is and here is his response:

"OK, the first picture is one a took a couple of years ago at my parents house. They live out in the sticks and have goats. One of the goats is a horny little devil, and if you go up and pet him on the head or even talk to you he gets aroused and :blows his load" for a lack of better terms. I was filming him once and captured this still image...I know, I'm a sick dude! When I was trying to figure out what to put on his relisted auction, that was the first one to come to mind. As for the second, I searched google images for the C-Word and found that. It was painful, but I felt I had to do it for "The Cause"."

I'm gonna have nighmares about goat dicks tonight![:/]

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