
How do u fight this

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I am not sure is it among all the skydivers, but i've got really ugly problem - i can't think about anything else - i read only manuals about skydiving, my dreams are 100 % about skydiving, and all my life became associated only with it. What i do on occasional days - i just try to get money for my next weekend and i'm on friday there.. I really started having problems at work, and in fammily life. My wife hates skydiving, she is really nervous about my passion, and even more after my first cutaway. Today it's exactly one year as i am in this sport - and really worry how to fight that problem. I know if i will not manage, i'll have to give up skydiving, 'cause of my financial situation, which became worse when i skydive so much and don't work at all.

Thanks for any replies.

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Sounds like a very normal story as skydivers go. Been there done it myself and know so many others as well. How you deal with it is up to your own nature. No one can tell you if it's your wife or your sport you should value most.
In your own hart you will make the decision for yourself, but do take the time to discuss it with your wife and be honest about it with her. She may come around and accept it.
Watch my video Fat Women

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Dude, you've gotta put things in perspective. I think most skydivers think about skydiving all the time, but you can't let skydiving interfere with your normal life. Most of us have a life outside of skydiving and we have to live our normal lives and enjoy skydiving when we can. I have a weekday job and can only skydive on weekends. So I look forward to skydiving all week long, but only do it on weekends. I think if you just put things in the proper perspective you'll be okay.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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yes but not all skydivers are the same. for me and a few of my close friends its not enough to just go on with life as normal and skydive when its appropriate. i cant do that nor do i want to. basicly skydiving makes me happier than anything on this earth, so for me skydiving comes first. that doesnt mean i blow off work it means i plan my life around jumping and make it work . actually i work harder when im there to make more money to jump more. i dont need a life outside of skydiving because it is my LIFE. and its the most amazing life ive ever known.

so par, never feel bad if your on the toilet reading the manual to your main because youve already read all the issues of parachitist 10 times. in fact feel proud you found something this adventurous and fun!!!! do what you have to do to stay in the air. this includes paying your bills, going to work and working hard to fund your passion, and of coarse make your loved feel important so they wont give you shit when your at the dz.
good luck grasshopper

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so par, never feel bad if your on the toilet reading the manual to your main because youve already read all the issues of parachitist 10 times.



And exactly. Skydiving became my life. I just don't know how to force myself start working.. Or how to realise, if i'll not work, i'll have to give up skydiving. It's really hard to explain but i try my best :)

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yes but not all skydivers are the same. for me and a few of my close friends its not enough to just go on with life as normal and skydive when its appropriate. i cant do that nor do i want to. basicly skydiving makes me happier than anything on this earth, so for me skydiving comes first. that doesnt mean i blow off work it means i plan my life around jumping and make it work . actually i work harder when im there to make more money to jump more. i dont need a life outside of skydiving because it is my LIFE. and its the most amazing life ive ever known.

I couldn't agree more, except for the part of not needing a life outside of skydiving, if you have a job and a family then you have a life outside of skydiving that you have to deal with. But it sounded like Par was blowing off work and his family to skydive and you just can't do that. If you have a job and a family you have to keep that in perspective. When I first started skydiving all I wanted to do was skydive and when my husband would want to do something during the weekend and I would say no can do I'm skydiving he started to resent my skydiving, but once I learned I could do things with him and still get in my skydiving he stopped resenting my skydiving and life was a lot more peaceful.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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fortunatly i didnt have any freinds, or loved ones in my life when i started jumping. so i had a clean slate. i totaly understand where you family jumpers are coming from. if i had a family they would have to come first, thats why i choose not to have a family or anyone that would get in the way of my goals,
man that sounds really fucked up huh? lmao owell im happier than ive ever been.

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I couldn't agree more, except for the part of not needing a life outside of skydiving, if you have a job and a family then you have a life outside of skydiving that you have to deal with. But it sounded like Par was blowing off work and his family to skydive and you just can't do that. If you have a job and a family you have to keep that in perspective. When I first started skydiving all I wanted to do was skydive and when my husband would want to do something during the weekend and I would say no can do I'm skydiving he started to resent my skydiving, but once I learned I could do things with him and still get in my skydiving he stopped resenting my skydiving and life was a lot more peaceful.

Evelyn, How much does tunnel time cost?;)

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you have a job and a family then you have a life outside of skydiving that you have to deal with.

I guess that's why I sound like a whuffo - I don't deal with family life and work. It's what my life revolves around. I "deal with" everything else.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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actually thats extremely refreshing...cant speak from experience, but as im trying to convince my husband that skydiving is a GOOD thing, he browses these boards and it freaks him out because everyone here is obsessed:P..i hope he doesnt read this thread hehehehe
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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Evelyn, How much does tunnel time cost?;)


My husband wants to come out to the DZ sometime to do the tunnel time I bought him for his birthday. Don't say anything!!

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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I'm pretty much in the same boat, all I care a about is jumping. All I think about, dream about and day dream about is jumping. I've got a nice little condo and a steady 50 an hour week job, which I'm starting to dislike more and more. My buddy is buying an RV and is going to travel from dropzone to dropzone jumping his brains out. I'm so very very very tempted to sell my place take the money i'd make and go with him and have the best year of my life. Whats the best year of your life worth? Is it worth starting your life over when its done? sigh....I have no family that depends on me and i'm not married. What to do ??:S:S

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Par, I think this is normal skydiver behavior. You must keep everything in perspective or risk loosing it all. You can have a wife, kid, and a full time job and still skydive every weekend. I just about lost it all recently due to being at the DZ all weekend and ignoring everything else(wife, kid, wuffo friends,etc).Kept working about 50 hours a week so I could afford it, but do the math, not much home time. It does get easier with time, but you can also have it all if you compromise. For me, exactly 2 years and 400 jumps, it is getting easier to go to the DZ on Saturday, do 4 or 5 jumps in about 5 to 6 hours and go home. Take it from the people that have been there, it is a lot more fun if everything is good at home, Good Luck, Jeff

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Wow, I'm so glad it's not just me! I thought it was something I was feeling just because I'm a newbie, but it sounds like it might be with me for awhile. (Not sure if that's good or bad...)

I know what you mean about selling the condo. I just bought a really expensive condo a few months ago. I wanted this place so bad I was dreaming about it every minute. Now I am sitting here thinking if I didn't have this place how much more money I would have for jumping -- crazy!! :S

But I don't want to neglect my husband too much. So far he has been very supportive and I want to keep it that way. So I know that means I will have to skip a weekend here and there to be with him. (I doubt he'd want to hang out at the DZ all weekend while I jump... although that would be so great!)

I guess we all make it work as best we can with our situation. When I first discovered skydiving I was sure that all these people I was meeting were full-time jumpers who lived at the DZ. But I'm happy to know that there are many other jumpers who struggle with the time, money, other commitments just like me. :)
(I just hope I can stop thinking about it long enough to get some work done!)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
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