
Are you related to a millionaire?

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Yes and Yes, but let me explain. I only benefit from it because it helped put food on my table and bring me to where I am today. I haven't received a penny of anything yet nor do I expect to. Instead of giving the money away this family member uses it for things that will continue one past even his lifetime and to hopefully someday my children's children. So finacially have I benefited from it, I'm sure in some ways I haven't had it as rough as others, but I am in no way shape or form a spoiled brat.
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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I would say it's going to be close. I'm the sole heir for my mother, who has a few properties, lotsa stocks, just divorced a millionaire, etc... If I liquidated everything she has I'd be at or over a million.

Although I really really don't want to see that money for many many years...love ya mom!

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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I am related to a couple people who were on the Mayflower. But I haven't benifited from that, financially or otherwise.:D

Yeah, my cousin did a research thing and traced our ancestors to the Mayflower, which I thought was kind of neat until someone told me that they brought a lot of convicts over on the Mayflower. LOL.

Oh, in response to the original question, yes and no.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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Yes, but speculation only. This was done by some tax papers I had to sign i refrence to a trust that I am part of. The tax figures on above mentioned were larger than anything I had ever made (in a year). So, speculation as the actual amout was well over the million mark, and thats just the trust. So who knows.

Nope, none, nada. never asked for it, and never will. Hes a business man through and through. Built a huge corperation and sold it. Hes long since retiered and splits his time between Iowa and Florida.
Maybe one day, but im not holding my breath.

Anything Ive ever wanted, I paid for. I bought my very first car, and everyone since.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Yes and No ... my grandparents. I benefit to an extent and my children will benefit in the future. Checks at Christmas and if i ever needed anything I could ask but I would never ask.

Also, my cousin is married to the CEO of Earthlink... I got nuthin:ph34r:

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Yes and no.......mom remarried. My mom told my aunt they cut me from the will! Really!:|

It was great when they first got married and he was spending cash like crazy.......The first 4th of July we spent together as a family he asked me and my g/f to run over and pick up some supplies for his business. All he gave me was a map of how to get there. We drove up and it was a boat dealer, and two matching jet ski were waiting for us! That sort of thing does not happen anymore!:|

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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Yep, but probably won't see any of the money. My Grandmother's side of the family, don't laugh, the Boudreauxs, own most of the oil rights and practicaly all of the land in the False River area of Louisiana. These people have missing teeth and drive around in pickups and are mostly alcoholics but they have millions and millions and millions.

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yes, related to a couple of millionairres (aunts/uncles/grandparents). I have not benefitted because I made the decision to leave the Catholic church and as a result my family refuses to consider me related to them in any way. I am not welcome in the family or at family events. It is kind of like the mob, the big Polish Catholic mob. I'm lucky they didn't have me bumped off..... yet...;)


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Yes. Both my grandfathers were old-school self-made men. One of them quit school at ten yrs old to start working and was a foreman by the time he was 16.

I benefited from their wealth because my grandparents ensured a good education for my parents, who did the same for me (private schools as well as trips overseas, etc.) When I was 18, I was told that my parents had invested money for me in a trust fund to which I was now entitled. My mother, in her wisdom, had me sign a notarized contract that the money would only be used for educational purposes (ie tuition, rent, books and food) and only allowed the monthly interest (which was still good) into my bank account.

When my last grandma passed away in 1999, i received a sizable amount of money, and most of it went to my new house. I now live in a 1500 square foot bungalow on an acre lot (at 32 yrs old) for which I pay about $250.00 US a month on my mortgage and I bought the car I wanted (Subaru WRX).

My parents started another trust fund for my son, which will allow my wife and I to ensure that the legacy continues.

I have a picture of both sets of grandparents in my living room and I thank them every day! The thing is that I don't take any of it for granted (both my grandfathers went bankrupt once) and I continue to work hard to make my own way. I just got a little head start, I guess...


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There's an article on the hotmail homepage on this exact subject. Made me pose the question to you folks. If you are, have you benefitted financially from it?

My answer is Yes and Yes.

my answer is YES and YES and one day I will inherit a trust fund, until then, I work O.T. in hope of a few jumps here and there.:| ( my family worked hard and so shall I)
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I once was. Then he went to the Federal pen for 18 months. Something about bid rigging and jury tampering.:o
Oh well, he did fly me about in his Turbo Commander one time. Just me a twelve year old kid with his own airplane.B|
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Funny you should post this now: I just got an email from somebody in Nigeria that says I'm related to a distant relative who just passed away leaving millions and millions of dollars to ME! They said that all I need to do to collect all of it is provide them with my SSN, date of birth, all my bank account numbers and credit card numbers! Sounds like a great idea! ;)

Elvisio "419 bastards" Rodriguez

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There's an article on the hotmail homepage on this exact subject. Made me pose the question to you folks. If you are, have you benefitted financially from it?

My answer is Yes and Yes.

My parents just sold their house for $2M! They bought it for $300K. Real estate in San Diego just went nuts, and they capitalized on it. So bam, instant millionaires. My brother, sister, and I each received sort of one "wish", within reason. My brother and his girlfriend went to the Cayman Islands, my sister got out of debt.

My girlfriend and I are already fulfilling our "wish", and heading to Europe for awhile. So my parents offered to cover the trip on our return. I feel weird about it. Financially, I've always made a point of maintaining independence from them, and earning my own keep, but I think I'll let them give this one time around. ;)
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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Being a millionaire is more common than people think. There is a book titled "The Millionaire Next Door", which talks about it. It says most millionaires drive an older car (with the "average" millionaire never spending more than $30K on a car), don't eat out too often, etc. It states that 1 in 14 Americans are millionaires.

I know a self-made millionaire (maybe worth 3 million $). He doesn't look at himself as all that wealthy. The first rig he bought was used, and then bought new about 5 years ago. The last car he bought was a used Honda.

Does his wealth benefit his family? Not really, although he's thinking about sending a few grand to his brother for his 2 year-old niece's college fund. Nobody in his family lives paycheck to paycheck, but if they were struggling to make ends meet, he'd help.
There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...

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