
Weekend numbers!!!

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Yay!:4:I did pay beer....;)

What a fun weekend!

I got a new phone on Thursday, and it's a fancy shmancy phone with a camera. Apparently, these two people were getting very annoyed by my camera usage. Oh well!

I had some fun in Indy on Friday night and Saturday morning. ;) I surprised someone with the coolest sunglasses ever and lots of beer.

Saturday afternoon, I went out to Hinckley for a few jumps, and I got one in with this crazy woman that you all know and love as EricaH. She rocks!

While I was out there, I met this guy who is walking from New York to San Francisco along 30! Last night, people raised enough money so that he could do his first jump out there today! :)
Saturday evening on the last load of the day, I saw JC do the most amazing swoop I've ever seen. I am amazed!!!

Unfortunately, I didn't get to jump with Mike, so he posed sexy for me to ease my pains! :D

Our very own Nathaniel worked that grill, and he prevented me from getting third degree burns!!! Thanks!!!

To finish up the (late) night, Erica and I drunk dialed Vladi numerous times to tell him about all of the fun he was missing out on!

The weekend made me one happy, smiling camper. Now, I'm completely exhausted, and I need to take a nap!!! I should've stopped drinking last night when I tried to serve the volleyball, and I missed the ball entirely! Oops!

Is it next weekend yet?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Weekend numbers format
Humps (or other significant number from your weekend:
Jumps (number of times you left a perfectly airplane in flight this weekend):
Beer (how many cases do you owe for firsts)

1-2-15-40-several thousand:2:1

I couldn't distill this weekend into just three numbers. Sorry.

1 for beer four way meet, and for our team average. 2 for the number of teams that competed, and for the number of ringers on the other team. 15 for the plates of Cool Whip applied to my face, shirt and hair, and for how many minutes it took me to wash all that gooey stuff off. 40 for the number of beers consumed between 4 of us Saturday night, and for the number of tracks I ripped off Bean's CD collection. Several thousand for the packing peanuts resting on the floorboard and drivers seat of Wendy's truck.

2 jumps. Our outside center got backpacked pretty hard at the bottom of round 2; he was hurtin' to much to continue so we called it.

1 case owed and paid for first four way meet, even though I'm technically Gold Wings Exempt so I don't have to buy beer anymore. ;)

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Ok, this is a growing trend that has to stop:

zero: zip: nada...

First I have to work on the weekends now...(my one and only coworker, who is a wimp, asked to be taken off of the schedule for two weekends out of every month...so now I work every other weekend...) Then I have a wedding, I get sick, now I am better...but this is the first weekend that I have taken completely off and I am depressed that I did'nt go out to the DZ...Yeah, I know what your thinking...quit your bitchin'...I'm tired of work, I'm tired of not working enough to pay off bills and jump, and AS GOD AS MY WITNESS, I WILL JUMP AT THE WFFC!!!!!!!!!!!!! (y'all can be witnesses too if you want...:D:ph34r:)...

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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A check dive to get me back in the air safely (having been out for 7 weeks w/the broken hand) Thanks goes to Johan for going up for a fun 2 way friday night for naught but the cost of the lift ticket.

Then three solo's on saturday to try to work out the bugs (need to work on relaxing a bit more in freefall...)

Beer was owed for the first (and second) broken bone in a skydive related incident...

I was at ASC friday morning and the rest of the weekend blue skys nate...

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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45 minutes to calm down after my first crew jump. That was so much fun. I've done lots of "playing" under canopy but never any actual crew with a Prodigy and a real crew dawg. I liked it so much I did another one even. HUM, anyone got a 150 crew main they want to sell?

8 jumps Sat and 4 today. 2 crew, 8 jumps with low time jumpers sharing some of what I learned in the tunnel, and 2 solo sits.

The case is for the first crew jump, first time intentionally wrapping my feet in someone's lines, first downplane (sorta...we tried anyway). I will gladly pay in green bottles the next w/e I'm at the DZ.

All in all a good weekend even for this bitch.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I was so busy with my kids that I hardly got a minute to myself this weekend. BUT...I did get new jump shoes. We all know it's all about being matchy-matchy. ;)

I got my new Nikes for only $20. At that price, you'd almost think they have trouble selling blue and pink shoes. Silly people. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Got that? Next weekend though, that's what I'm talking about...:)

Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ph34r: I'm gonna go to Rantoul...business to take care of there prior to WFFC...B|...then I am going to Water training on Sunday morning...and hopefully make a few jumps later in the day...we'll see, but that's the plan!;)

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Thank GOD:0:0

Sinus infection went away & today finally the weather is nice, but now I'm having to watch the kids. Ah well. :P

No jumps but at least I didn't have to kill kittens all weekend...:):P

Next weekend I won't have jump #'s, but I will have scuba numbers...B|:)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ph34r: I'm gonna go to Rantoul...business to take care of there prior to WFFC...B|...then I am going to Water training on Sunday morning...and hopefully make a few jumps later in the day...we'll see, but that's the plan!;)


Yeah baby yeah!

Good to see some :D:):D again - its all good really!! :)

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ph34r: I'm gonna go to Rantoul...business to take care of there prior to WFFC...B|...then I am going to Water training on Sunday morning...and hopefully make a few jumps later in the day...we'll see, but that's the plan!;)


Yeah baby yeah!

Good to see some :D:):D again - its all good really!! :)

Awwwww...shucks...:$...Hey, you comin' to the WFFC!?!? Be there or be square...or rectangular or cube...:ph34r:;)...

~R+R:)...Yes, I feel much better now!:D:D:D:ph34r::D:D:D:ph34r:>:(
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Hey, you comin' to the WFFC!?!? Be there or be square...or rectangular or cube...:ph34r:;)...

I would have loved to but my main flying buddy is coming out here more or less as I leave so... :|

I have now planned to do the Espace Boogie and the Czech Boogie instead... two for the price of ... er... well anyway. I will be at Eloy for new year though, and definitely WFFC next year! B|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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4 more days of work then its ROAD TRIP TIME!!:)
0 jumps...all work and no play this weekend[:/] But its ok because all this hard work will pay off thursday night when i get to leave here and go to the only place i want to be:)


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19 is the age of Gimp's freind that i was talking to saturday night. Getting a DD from Gimp was fun. He promised to let me rub his abs a lot in rantoul!!

7 awesome as hell freefly jumps.



I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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35 people DD....when i ran out of numbers on my phone i grabed someone elses and started callin people.

15 working jump......i got worked like a slave this weekend.

0 beer....but masses consumed
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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[:/]:4:several I'm sure

Competed in the novice 2 way scrambles at SDC this weekend. 4 rounds, finished with 23 pts, should have been more like 28 but had a camera problem in one of the jumps (he ended up on our backs on exit) and only got credit for 1 pt on that dive. Had an absolute blast and learned a TON of stuff. Ended on a really good note (turned 9 pts on the last dive). All in all a great weekend for me.
I've done so much, with so little, for so long
I'm now expected to do everything with nothing forever

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35 people DD....when i ran out of numbers on my phone i grabed someone elses and started callin people.

once again i never get dd'd......

okay my numbers.................

:( : 8 : 0

8 fun working jumps a few were even double fun as they were video and still wich is twice the loot.... at this rate i'll be set for that neat digital still camera i want...... had a fun time out at applebees and slept on the packing carpet at the dz as it was late after dinner.............. oh and there are two hot chicks that just graduated aff at the dz too..... man, it's nice to have eye candy again ?(to bad i have no chance with em..)

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I finally got me some! Yea!

I had to work overnight on Saturday night and I didn't feel much like jumping. Just way too sleepy to drive that far and back.

I will be out there this weekend for Nate's memorial. I don't care when I'm working. I will be there.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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33000 miles on the car in 14 months:1:0

Just did'nt feel like making the drive out to the DZ until I was talked into it late afternoon Sat and Sunday was family time.

Jackass WildBlue pushed me from the Casa :P Still was a nice freefly dive and I even got a really nice swoop. If not for the wet grass and sliding I would have stood it up. Seeing as I fell on the knee I busted up the weekend before... I ended up bleeding all over my jumpsuit.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Did ExCel basic camp at Elsinore on Saturday. . .that was awesome. . .

Did some 10-way speed practice on Sunday. . .

Great weekend of skydiving. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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A very busy Weekend!! I taught a First Jump Class Friday Night and Saturday Morning, and it seems all I did all day saturday was Work with Students and take loads of Static-liners up.
I just got back from a Demo into a party. Got paid in Barbecue. :)
=========Shaun ==========

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Demoed a new canopy and had 4 out of 5 stand up landings. Also finally ordered new rig, yay!! Also, got to be assistant coach at the 2 way RW camp. Great day of skydiving!

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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100 or so: 2: 2: 1: 1 of three: 4: 100 more.

100 miles or so to drive from West Palm Beach to Sebastian.
2 twelve-packs of Corona I brought with me
2 times I had to pay for them, because I had to inform the clerk that she'd charged me for only one of the twelve-packs. (I'm so honest!)
1 time so far jumping at Skydive Sebastian (and many more to come!)
1 jump plane at the DZ because the other two are up at CrossKeys
100 miles or so driving home -- and reallly needing to take a nap, trying hard to stay awake on the road.

Skydive Sebastian is the nicest DZ I've been to so far in my 94 jumps. I had a blast! :)
Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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