Ankles and Legs - experiences

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Damn, you did have it rough. Breaking "anything" sucks and can be a major hassle, especially if you're alone.

When I was 5, I jumped off a swivelling bar stool and broke my right arm. I had a cast from wrist to armpit as well. Now if I can just work on the left side of my body for full length casts, I'll be complete:)


I don't know how "easy" it's been

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Did you bust up again on the same side with metal in??????

Nope, I did my left one almost 6 years ago. Because it was really bothering me, I had all the hardware taken out a little over a year after I broke it. But I did jump for a full season (spring, summer fall) with it in. As far as future damage, your leg should not be any more injury prone because of the hardware, but IF you were to re-injure your leg with the hardware still there, that wouldn't be good.

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i can only say what Tom already said...
you saw me 2 times after my injury,i will NEVER be the same,and i will feel that injury until i die... I just jumped soon as i thought i could(well i could,but how good were it to the leg???)

However my doc thourght it were pretty cool that my tib(i think the small one)got back in place after my jump off P. park. and even more he didnt belived i made 2 more jumps and made a 30 min walk on that beách ..

Nahh mate keep it slow,an´d eat loads of red meet as 621 says:P i dont know if it helps but it sure is good:D:ph34r:

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Finally a thread from real skydiver's:)
Colored picture's X-rays the who shabang you guys/gals rock!

I broke my ankle and small leg bone (tib? fib?). doing a down winder in 1970

No Hardware just a "temp" long leg cast ended up at the VA the temp caast was the one and only.

The Dr warned me of the artharitis sp? in the ankle joint I would experience as I got older. 34 years later still haven't felt it.

Sorry no injury pic's but I can send you a picture of my hairy leg 34 yr's post injury with the bump on it where the small leg bone healed.

Due to modern technology the injuries that a lot of skydivers are experiencing these days are much more severe than back in the "bad old days" when you had to be "tough" to skydive. Listen to the jumpers with current knowledge.

Good luck


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Sorry about that Faber......between building a new house for the last 3 years and doing Bridge Day for the last 2 years, I've put off a few things. I have a bunch of new ones to post, so I'll get them all up for your viewing pleasure.

Consider it DONE tonight. Check the site tomorrow.


But Jason you already got mine 1,5 year ago,and you didnt posted them yet

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Nice update LOL:D:D Those external fixtures reminded me of something. You know, when this shit first happened to me, I was feelin' kind of down and little depressed....Like most people with a shattered tib/fib I would assume. But, after the first post-op visit I felt so much better. There was one poor bastard who had a V-8 dropped on his legs and pulverized both femurs...Another dude broke his back and neck in a car accident and had external fixtures -YIIKES - just looked nasty. Once you look at some of the situations "normal" people get into I really didn't feel so bad for myself:)
So, when you start having trouble seeing the bright side of things - Just go to Jason's website - It'll brighten your whole day:)

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The bone stuck out of the side of his leg (bonus points!). This jumper went on to make many more BASE jumps and is well known in the sport.

HA HA:D:ph34r: your way cool mate:D:ph34r: i hope i dont have to post more pics to you,but will be a honnor the day we can make a jump and tell storryesB|

ohh i wil post these(dont hit me Ivan i know its a repost but still funny through;))And NOT SAFE AS THE BOSS IS NEARBYB|

Stay safe out there,Broken Bones SUCKS;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Thanks Cloud Monkey, think I'll go vomit now....:S:(

I broke a tib/fib...falling down the stairs...in my pajamas...with only my kids home...:( The worst part about the whole deal is I don't even have some faaaaabulous party story to tell about it, I was completely sober. [:/]

Had to have my 4 year old try to dial daddy's cell phone # to come back home and take mommy to the hospital...:P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Thanks Cloud Monkey, think I'll go vomit now....:S:(

Vomit? Why? Those pics weren't that bad - That one was taken almost 3 weeks after surgery - This one was taken when I got back from the hospital B|
It's a repost, I know, but who cares:P

Appetizing, ain't it?[:/]

I concur those pics aren't vomit quality Every time i see myself in the mirror without cloth's on thats vomit Quality:S

Someon said they broke their tib fib falling down the stairs at home in their bathrobe? . I have no problem believeing that:P

Anyone got more X-rays they want to share, the last set was very interesting strictly from a medical point of view.:PB|:o

Not sure if it was worth the radiation exposure but I guess anything to advance medical science is worth it.


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I concur those pics aren't vomit quality Every time i see myself in the mirror without cloth's on thats vomit Quality:S.

Wow! Now that's self esteem at it's pinnacle.B| But then again, if your winkie looks worse than that picture of my shin I'm sure the cure is way beyond the scope of modern medicine.[:/]B|:D:D

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This one was taken when I got back from the hospital

wow i missed your post do you mind to link to the post(i cant find it).i would like to see that scarB|
and i thourght my shit should hurt:D

just looked at the date at your pics... ill wait for the scar pics HEAL FAST bro:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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DUDE!! Is your leg SUPPOSED to look like the stitches have split open like that?! The x-rays looked bad enough, but that last pic...! Good thing I wasn't eating when I saw that! :S

So you're all better now? Good. What was the story with that peace-sign pic, though?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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DUDE!! Is your leg SUPPOSED to look like the stitches have split open like that?! The x-rays looked bad enough, but that last pic...! Good thing I wasn't eating when I saw that! :S

So you're all better now? Good. What was the story with that peace-sign pic, though?


The graft is all healed now but, it did look pretty nasty for some time. (not that I'll be modeling Bermuda Shorts or nothin' but...) The reason the stitches looked so jacked is because the skin they grafted in was only half as thick as the surrounding skin. Plus they said that my leg was so swollen when they made the first cut that it just kind of splattered open[:/]B| It wasn't exactly straight if you get my drift.

My mom took that peace sign pic about 3 weeks after my last surgery - you can see the skin is finally grown enough to cover the muscles but it hadn't quite yet grown together with the surrounding tissue.

All of the scars and stitches are healed but I still have a ways to go before I'm joggin' again:S

But hey, at least I don't have to use the motorized cart at Albertson's anymore:D:D

Here's what it looks like today[:/]

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Hi Cloud

Pic #1 kind of looks like a fish.B| The scar could be removed above the knee:(

Have you come up with any good B.S. unbelievable explanations for the scar. Shark attack, Pit bull, mother in law bite. etc?

Wear shorts the scar might be a babe magnet, oh you poor thing....


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Hi cloud

Wow! Now that's self esteem at it's pinnacle.B| But then again, if your winkie looks worse than that picture of my shin I'm sure the cure is way beyond the scope of modern medicine.[:/]B|:D:D

My winkie is doing fine thank you. 12 inch's no problemo just fold it in halfB|. Pics anyone?

But when you get older every thing seems to shift. I'm sure it has something to do with gravity, old age, and not working out.

BTW plastic surgery can do wonders these days I could be become a half way descent looking babe not to be confused with a hunk.;)

:|No Offence intended to anyone.


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Have you come up with any good B.S. unbelievable explanations for the scar. Shark attack, Pit bull, mother in law bite. etc?

Oh hell yeah - The babe down at the grocery store still thinks I was attacked by a Bull Shark off of CatalinaB| Not that it's done me any good so far, I mean, I'm not the one with the 24' schlong:S

Let's see - there's been the story of the flesh eating bacteria, and yes, the Pit Bull, an alligator in the Everglades, and of course, the freak gardening accident where the lawn mower got away from meB|

Honestly, I'm not too worried about the scars, just the function of my leg. I do have an option of having plastic surgery but as long the damned thing works I just don't see the point. As luck would have it, it really is getting better and I can almost walk without a limp. A couple more months and I'll be back to my old self - with the addtion of a few extra metal pieces:ph34r: Getting through the airport has proven to be quite a bitch though[:/]

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i took a nasty spill on a harley.july 9 1982. almost tore my foot off.had a open lateral dislocation left foot and ankle.i was in the navy at the time.i know what the inside of my ankle looks like because i was stranded for 2 hours on the side of the road.this happened on the strand in san diego. they had to put screws in the fib and tib to keep them together so that.the socket in the ankle would hold it.didnt get rid of the crutches till feb 1983.had some bone fragments removed a couple of years ago.that was one of the most scary situations i have ever been in.i did learn that if you try to hitch hike sitting down that people think that you are lazy.oh yeah.you will know when the weather will change.

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HI cloud

Don't give me more credit than I deserve its a 24" schlong not 24' if it was that long I's have to wrap it around my waist at least 3times which would make me look fatter than I am.:(

I think some Babes like a guy with a limp, keep the cane and wear the shorts to you can board the plane early. Airport security? Have you had to go to a court house yet or any Fed, state city bldgs. Wearing shorts night expediate things but then again no telling whats under that scar.


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