Faber 0 #76 June 14, 2004 Quote I believe 621 had his plate removed..... you can see it in his bathroom! I dont like his bathroom.. in fact i dont like his house or you guys arround it,i have "bad" memories from there Oki just thourght that he stil had the metal inside,his cracy enough to jump whith it.. he he... Love you guys... see ya all soon,rember your swimsuit we gonna go to the beatch Stay safe Stefan Faber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #77 June 14, 2004 ah dude! back to that beach! you both looked like adverts from "gay times" (do you still keep that mag??" hehehehe but afterwards it was a cool time! first E for you and new object for me! fuck that was intense! looking forward to you dragging my sorry bust up arse around!!! .............. nice one bro! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faber 0 #78 June 14, 2004 will go to another beatch this time.. the pleassure is all mine to drag you arround,you will look great in pink womens dresses in the wheelchair,anyway we need to find one... hope that we all go out and eat the evening after weddensday...yup cool it is.. reminds me that im looking for a night E,and a UK S ohh the cheesy place will have to wait you know why... Stay safe Stefan Faber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #79 June 14, 2004 ah the cheesy place! yeah i know sorry i cant make it dude! but hey i did it at night!! as for your UK span to make up your UK B.A.S.E then there is that horrible northern span you could SL into water from that we went to?! or of course the lowish, no mistakes needed, landing in the water is a bad move span that we have! and i can hook you with someone that know that quite well!!! never wanted to do it myself........... but fill ya dirty gay pink hat wearing, gay times reading boots! hehehehhehe i will sit on my sofa (no choice i guess!) whilst you do it!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faber 0 #80 June 14, 2004 that 100fter??? hmm if i rember correct its a loong ride(and really dirty walk unless you take the easy roade). perhaps.. i cant have L along on that one through.. only pros,but if so(and i can use your Laser to look at it my self),perhaps yes.As i only make mistakes as im solo(what a lie),then we should not be worryes,after all.. what could posibly go wrong??? i mean water below rightoh and were to dry the gear??? Perhaps UK #6 will join on such trip.. i need him arround once,he is a way cool guytell him hello as you see him.. Stay safe Stefan Faber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChileRelleno 0 #81 June 14, 2004 Here's some from my experience, http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=216762;search_string=bad%20swoop;#216762 Thats my right Tib/Fib, two plates, fourteen screws, 4 months recovery/ back to work and another 4 months before it was even near normal, permanent nerve damage in foot, $23,000+ total cost, my out of pocket was only aprox $2,000 due to my excellent insurance. Treat your physical therapy like a fanatical religion!!!!!!!! ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414 Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #82 June 14, 2004 dude that looks rough!! glad ya come through it! rehab a bitch yeah?? when you say about insurance - are you from a country that requires insurance? how long were you out for with that metal work? and do you jump with any hardware in your leg now? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChileRelleno 0 #83 June 14, 2004 I'm from the good'ol US-of-A, and we don't require insurance. I have excellent insurance thru my company benefits in the form of BCBS (Blue Cross Blue Shield) and short-term disability insurance. The short-term disability really saved my arse, it paid me over $500 a month. Yes and no,on the rehab. just do it like your life depends on it and you will get the best results, if you slack you may regret it. I was out of action, off the leg completely for aprox 2.5 months then intense rehab for 2 months, I also had some problems with tissue damage that was very slow to grow back and some nerve damage which is permanent. the nerve damage manifest itself in the form of increased sensitivity to pressure (barefoot on gravel for example is painful), occasional stabbing pains, cramping.... But its livable.... like I have a choice. I went back to work and made my return to jumping at the same time, 4.5 months after injury. I still have all the plates-n-screws in my leg, and darn tootin right I still jump! My wife is my love but skydiving is my passion! The doc said atleast a year before he'd take them out and only if they caused problems/discomfort/pain. ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414 Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #84 June 14, 2004 Quote The doc said atleast a year before he'd take them out and only if they caused problems/discomfort/pain. this is my point, anyone got an experience or story about what happens when you bust yourself whilst you have hardware? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChileRelleno 0 #85 June 14, 2004 Yeah, those stories are out there.... The short of it is you "DO NOT" want to involve that hardware in another injury!!! Consulted my Orthopedic surgeon about this and skydiving in general ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414 Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #86 June 14, 2004 Quote The short of it is you "DO NOT" want to involve that hardware in another injury!!! and from that sort of retort I really need to know why you should not bust ya self with metal work............ my point is because of the nature of BASE I may bust myself again - and need to know what may happen if it happens with metal in my leg! some people say "no way" some people say "its ok" - tell me WHY its a bad thing to suffer a high impact dislocated fracture with metal work still in my leg................ dont just say NO - tell me WHY!! just curious! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faber 0 #87 June 14, 2004 Quote tell me WHY its a bad thing to suffer a high impact dislocated fracture with metal work still in my leg................ becours it still hurts??? its easy,just dont hurt your self... heal FASTER bro... sorry im just in the mood... Stay safe Stefan Faber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
littlestranger 0 #88 June 14, 2004 Yeah, I glow in the dark too! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChileRelleno 0 #89 June 14, 2004 Why? Well think about it....... You've gone and busted your tib/fib.............. Again! Now you not only have broken/shattered bone cutting into muscle and tendon ect... But you have metal plates,screws/pins, rods and ect ripping themselves free of the bone they've been implanted in and tearing into the surrounding muscles and tendons ect... The hardware is now like knives and files as they along with the bones shred your flesh. What if the bones miss the artery but that screw just shreds it into something mushy? What if that plate severs several tendons that otherwise would have been unharmed?... Now you have trouble walking for the rest of your life, perhaps no more BASE or skydiving, hell you might not even be able to do more than limp along. We take chances... I still jump, I could break it tomorrow, I could be crippled.... I've compounded my odds of serious injury in that limb... Thats why....... ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414 Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cloud_monkey 0 #90 June 15, 2004 Hell, I'm just goin' to tell the Doc that I AM in discomfort and pain - YANK THAT SHIT OUT! I'm already up way past the $60,000 mark for this little "incident" with at least two more surgeries to go so, for that kind o cash the Doc can put in the extra hours. The damned doctors act like their doin' this shit for free some times. By the way - that blister is the first thing i've seen to rival my skin graft - That's a good one Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #91 June 15, 2004 thats what i wanted to hear!! no jumping for me with metal work in!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cloud_monkey 0 #92 June 15, 2004 Not to burst your bubble Bubba but, neither you or me need to worry about jumping for some time - WAHH! I really love this one - I was told to just concentrate on getting better -" " <----me concentrating - nope, didn't do shit Just take one thing at a time my friend. Once you're walkin' again, then I'd start thinking about jumping and THEN I'd start to think about getting all of that shit out of your legBe Cool, Z Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #93 June 15, 2004 yeah thats true hey!!! no point in thinking too far ahead just to get knocked down!! Just had my finance director over and he asked "when do you expect to be ready to come back" - in which i had to say I have no idea until it happens as it seems that in recovery there are set backs all uber de platz.......... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #94 July 9, 2004 hey dude! well second surgery over with - had my diastatis (sp?) screw removed and am now out of plaster! BUT - I am still non weight baring for another 4 weeks where i will then have more X-rays to see if I then require the bone graft and larger plate op!!! - this will take me to 3 months non-weight baring! Some progress though!!! as i can now start with some movement on my ankle as its has not moved for 2 months! so a bit stiff!!! so how you doing mate???? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites