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Layton 0
i took a nasty spill on a harley.july 9 1982. almost tore my foot off.had a open lateral dislocation left foot and ankle.i was in the navy at the time.i know what the inside of my ankle looks like because i was stranded for 2 hours on the side of the road.this happened on the strand in san diego. they had to put screws in the fib and tib to keep them together so that.the socket in the ankle would hold it.didnt get rid of the crutches till feb 1983.had some bone fragments removed a couple of years ago.that was one of the most scary situations i have ever been in.i did learn that if you try to hitch hike sitting down that people think that you are lazy.oh will know when the weather will change.
slug 1
HI cloud
Don't give me more credit than I deserve its a 24" schlong not 24' if it was that long I's have to wrap it around my waist at least 3times which would make me look fatter than I am.
I think some Babes like a guy with a limp, keep the cane and wear the shorts to you can board the plane early. Airport security? Have you had to go to a court house yet or any Fed, state city bldgs. Wearing shorts night expediate things but then again no telling whats under that scar.
Don't give me more credit than I deserve its a 24" schlong not 24' if it was that long I's have to wrap it around my waist at least 3times which would make me look fatter than I am.

I think some Babes like a guy with a limp, keep the cane and wear the shorts to you can board the plane early. Airport security? Have you had to go to a court house yet or any Fed, state city bldgs. Wearing shorts night expediate things but then again no telling whats under that scar.
Oh hell yeah - The babe down at the grocery store still thinks I was attacked by a Bull Shark off of Catalina
Let's see - there's been the story of the flesh eating bacteria, and yes, the Pit Bull, an alligator in the Everglades, and of course, the freak gardening accident where the lawn mower got away from me
Honestly, I'm not too worried about the scars, just the function of my leg. I do have an option of having plastic surgery but as long the damned thing works I just don't see the point. As luck would have it, it really is getting better and I can almost walk without a limp. A couple more months and I'll be back to my old self - with the addtion of a few extra metal pieces
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