
NacMacfeegle doesn't know what a redneck is.....

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I tried to educate him, but I still don't think he gets it. He actually called me a redneck. How can a man who was born and raised in an affluent suburb of NYC and currently lives in Massachusetts be a redneck?

Maybe you folks will have better luck educating him.


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You might be a redneck if:

You think a stock tip is advice on worming' your hogs.

You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws.

Your state's got a new law that says when a couple gets divorced, they are still legally brother and sister.

You got stopped by a state trooper. He asked you if you had an I.D. And you said, 'Bout What?'

The centerpiece on your dining room table is an original signed work by a famous taxidermist.

You think the last words to The Star Spangled Banner are "Gentlemen, start your engines."

You believe dual air bags refer to your wife and mother-in-law.

Your front porch collapses and four dogs git killed.

You've ever climbed a water tower with a bucket of paint to defend your sister's honor.

You mow your lawn and find a car

You have a home that's mobile and fourteen cars that aren't.

You consider a six-pack and a bug-zapper high-quality entertainment.

The primary color of your car is "bondo."

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I tried to educate him, but I still don't think he gets it. He actually called me a redneck. How can a man who was born and raised in an affluent suburb of NYC and currently lives in Massachusetts be a redneck?

Maybe you folks will have better luck educating him.

Well ya see where Nac and I come from (UK & OZ) a REDNECK is not a geographical reference, but rather a cultural attitude.

Naccy Boy obviouly thinks you behave as a redneck.
So therfore to us you are a REDNECK ;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Where's Aggie when you need him.

I think he was the one with a very good definition (and deliniation) of Hicks, Rednecks, Bumpkins, White Trash, and other assorted asshats and fucktards.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Where's Aggie when you need him.

I think he was the one with a very good definition (and deliniation) of Hicks, Rednecks, Bumpkins, White Trash, and other assorted asshats and fucktards.

hahahah ROFLMAO what's a "FUCKTARD":D:D:D:D:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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You've heard of fugly, right? Fucking ugly.

Well, freetard doesn't sound as nice, so someone here made it fucktard, kinda short for fucking retard, but even better. :D:D:D
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Tell him to come to Dublin, GA home of the Redneck Games. They are going to be shown on MTV and some European cable channel. Go figure. You can surely learn what a redneck is during the tobacco spitting contest, the hubcap throw, the mud pit belly flop contest and several more I won't mention.

Darn, I'll be out of town this w/e and will miss it all. :D;)

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Folks, just to fill you in,

Damn yankee called me a liberal:o, and I was being all nice about him not being able to jump and all.:)
What do all y'all think of that, huh?>:(

I tell you folks, I was enraged, my hands started shaking, the red mist rose, my normal sang froid was disturbed, and I regretably let my emotions get the better of me. To my eternal shame, I resorted to insults and (private) personal attacks.B|

In future, please refer to me and my political persuasion by using my proper title:-

'That F£$%ing Socialist from Scotland'.

Future outpourings of hate from my keyboard will then hopefully be avoided.

Thank you.


A formal written apology will be sent to the well respected Mr Muenkel as soon as my lawyers are finished drafting it.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I think that anyone who takes participates and or spectates this deeply qualifies. They are having a race in the town where I live, I'm pretty certain that means I'm surrounded by rednecks - especially since it made front page news of the local newspaper and is being viewed as a major tourist draw and tax revenue. :S

A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.

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not that i'm admiting thati saw it or anything but the last julia styles movie had some tractor racing in it... had the charecter playing the prince of denark doingit too...........

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Nac you're anything but a Liberal!! You're a Scotish REDNECK!! :ph34r:

*tips a cold Shiner Bock :D in a tribute to NacMacFeegle the REDNECK Scotsman!!

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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and you MIGHT be a redneck if...

you think a Volvo is part of a woman's anatomy. (thumbs down)

....your mother doesn't take the Marlboro off her lips before she tells the police officer to kiss her ass.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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You think TACO BELL is the Mexican Phone Company

Your house still has the "WIDE LOAD" sign on the back.

You think Genitalia is an Italian airline

You think Possum is "The Other White Meat"

You think a quarter horse is a ride out in front of the Wal-Mart

You think safe sex is a padded headboard.

If you and your dog use the same tree

You think the OJ Trial was a Sunkist and Minutemaid taste test

Your grandfather died and left everything to his widow, but she can't touch it until she's fourteen

You think fast food is hitting a possum at 65 mph

Your family tree has no forks.

Fifth grade was the best six years of your life

A seven course meal is a bucket of KFC and a sixpack

Your wife's hairdo was once ruined by a ceiling fan

That billboard that says, "SAY NO TO CRACK" reminds you to pull up your jeans

You think that Dom Perignon is a mafia leader
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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You might be a redneck if:

you house has more wheels than your car.

you comb has more teeth than you do.

your toilet is in the front yard with flowers planted in it.

you can spit farther than a camel because of the holes in your teeth.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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On your resume, if it says Socialist Scotsman, I will choke.

I have a red truck, and know how to drive a tractor, own more than one shotgun, and do, in fact, have empty shell casings under my floor mats.

Jeff Foxworthy called the necessary mental state for a rednect "blissful ignorance", I'm rather lacking there.

Dave, if you meet up with a man at a dance, and he says "I'd like you to meet my wife and sister" and there is just one woman standing there? He might be a redneck.

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You mow your lawn and find a car

You have a home that's mobile and fourteen cars that aren't.

Now, he's the nicest old guy on earth, but I give him shit about it anyway...

A friend of my Dad's lives in Montana and has, at the very least, 14 vehicles (including several trailers, a bulldozer, and few snowmobiles for good measure) which he keeps very neatly arrainged in the overgrown meadow near his house. He claims they all run, but I'll believe it when I see it.

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