
Just call me chop chop....

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On my 2nd hop n pop this Saturday (from 5000'), I had a cutaway. My boyfriend was close enough too me to be able to see that my main came out of the bag twisted up. The twists were all the way down my risers. I tried to pull it apart and kick my way out, but it dove down and had me on my back. So I initiated my emergency procedures and by 3000' I was under a pretty white reserve. My reserve however spanked the S*** out of me (Tempo 150). I also had to wrap my left brake line around my hand 3 times and the right I had to wrap 4 times just to make it fly straight. My rigger said that is very indicitive of the Tempo. Regardless, it brought me safely to the ground.... This was my 3rd cutaway in 77 jumps, however the first two were on the same rental rig 3 years ago. This was my :D cutaway on my own gear. I can't wait to finish my canopy course next month!!!!:)

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maybe it was one on the right to get it to fly straight and then three more on each side to get enough flare?

to the OP, good job on the chop! glad you're okay.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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I had to wrap it that many times so i could get a good flare from it. Without any wraps, I was in deep right hand brake just to get it to fly straight. My rigger said that PISA reserves are indicitive of that and he has experienced that with a Pisa tandem reserve. I also found while reading gear reviews here, that other people have experienced that with their Tempo's as well. I have attached a pic that was taken of my reserve right before I landed. By looking at my arms, you would think I was in quarter brakes, but it actually in full flight in the picture. [:/]

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yes, also glad you are ok and did what you had to do to save yourself.

anyways could it be that you got spanked so hard because of the length of your brake lines. if you had to fly at "quarter brakes" with wraps just to fly at full flight, then couldn't it be as if the reserve opened without brakes set?

just wondering...

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Well this was the first ride (ever on this reserve), Thats kinda what I thought, but my rigger told me that is just how the Tempo is.... [:/]


That contradicts my experience.
I have packed hundreds of Tempos and have never heard a single customer complain about un-commanded turns.

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My reserve however spanked the S*** out of me (Tempo 150). I also had to wrap my left brake line around my hand 3 times and the right I had to wrap 4 times just to make it fly straight. My rigger said that is very indicitive of the Tempo.

And you are content to continue to use this piece of gear ? :S
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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Well this was the first ride (ever on this reserve), Thats kinda what I thought, but my rigger told me that is just how the Tempo is.... [:/]


That contradicts my experience.
I have packed hundreds of Tempos and have never heard a single customer complain about un-commanded turns.

In reading the Tempo reviews here on DZ, it seemed like they were running 50/50 with the reviews, some loved them, but the negative reviews sounded like very similar if not identical to mine.[:/]

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yes, also glad you are ok and did what you had to do to save yourself.

anyways could it be that you got spanked so hard because of the length of your brake lines. if you had to fly at "quarter brakes" with wraps just to fly at full flight, then couldn't it be as if the reserve opened without brakes set?

just wondering...

Thats very true, since I cant immediately afford to replace this reserve, I will ask my rigger about that, when it goes for a repack.

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I've seen hundreds of Temops, and never seen a "trend" of problems with them. Maybe your rigger is just a fan of another brand. Have it inspected, and if needed test jumped.

On another note, if "it's looking for another home" should you really be selling it to someone?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I've seen hundreds of Temops, and never seen a "trend" of problems with them. Maybe your rigger is just a fan of another brand. Have it inspected, and if needed test jumped.

On another note, if "it's looking for another home" should you really be selling it to someone?

Its going to my rigger today after work. Im trying to figure out how to contact PISA. No I would NEVER sell faulty gear. Once my rigger inspects it, I will go from there.

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I'd say fling in breaks by the deflected tail...

*** Yeah, I'm with you on this one. That canopy isn't at full flight.

Would either of you mind explaining this too me. My interpretation of my reserve could be way off, b/c I was very rattled. Ive been jumping for 5 years, but still have low jump numbers. I did what I thought I needed to make the canopy fly straight and land w/o further incident. I want to be as educated as possible. b/c in my mind that will make me a safer skydiver. Thanks a million!;)

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"Full flight" means that the brake lines are loose enough that the tail is not deflected. The photo shows the tail IS deflected, so you were not at full flight.

If you had to hold some left toggle to keep the thing flying straight - well, you gotta do what you gotta do. If you had to hold BOTH brakes such that the tail on both sides was deflected, then it's likely that you took too many wraps on your brakes.

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This is all I've got, print it out and take it to your rigger.
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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"Full flight" means that the brake lines are loose enough that the tail is not deflected. The photo shows the tail IS deflected, so you were not at full flight.

If you had to hold some left toggle to keep the thing flying straight - well, you gotta do what you gotta do. If you had to hold BOTH brakes such that the tail on both sides was deflected, then it's likely that you took too many wraps on your brakes.

This is fourth tempo I've heard of this with. The others I've actually seen and was told of other tempos with this problem by old man greg at raeford. On the ones that came into our shop, if you take the lower control line with the cat eye at the ring, the toggle would be at the hip ring (or equivalent on the mlw). He had seen it multiple times and his field fix was to shorten the lower control lines - for some reason 16 inches sticks in my head but I will ask him again this weekend. He had seen many tempos come through like that and would immediately shorten the lines. After taking out the lower control line excess, the canopies flew and landed fine. Without doing that, there is absolutely no flare on the canopy. It's almost as if a batch of tempos got through with double (or even triple) the amount of lower control line length.

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