
G-Mail Accounts

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As many of you allready know googles g-mail service is in beta right now. I have a beta account and can invite 2 friends to join the beta. Anyone interested in a beta account needs to PM me with your First and Last name and current e-mail address. Then post here stating that you are wanting a G-Mail account and edit it when you get it to say that you got yours. All I ask is that you return the favor for the other DZ.commers. Keep this post going and there is no reason everyone here who wants an account can't have one.

Greenie in training.

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Got it! Thanks a bundle! It doesn't like Opera though :( I had to use Internet Exploitable.

Answer return to Help Center

Because we're currently only offering Gmail as part of a preview release and limited test, we don't have details on when Gmail will be made more widely available.
As we make way for more accounts, we may periodically allow you to invite others to join Gmail. When we do so, you will see an invitation link in your inbox.

If you do not see the invitation link, that means that we are unable to provide you with additional invitations at this time.

that is from the gmail help site... I do not have the button, but when I do I will post again and invite some people.

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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Can anyone with a gmail account invite people? i have an account but dont see how to invite anyone else...

You'll have to wait for the system to give you the opportunity to invite others. As far as I know, it's totally random, so you may have to wait an hour or several weeks B| Gmail rocks btw!

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Gmail kicks arse!
10mb attachments.... no problemo

I've got a couple of invites. PM me if interested. Can't do it right away though, I'm at work, can only access using OS X. The systems here are fuckin prehistoric.

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I don't think anyone can invite people but random people get sent invites which the can send to whoever they want. There was about 4 or 5 of us that have Gmail accounts in my office and 2 of us got sent some invites and not the other 3. Maybe its something to do with how much you use the account.


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