
Nicole Kidman can't get a date

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Great, now I have to send flowers to Andrea, too.

LOL...no you don't, I'm not offended by your comments. I was really just curious about Nicole's situation. In my eyes, she seems that she would be desireable and her phone would be ringing off the hook. Just goes to show the grass is not always greener...

Everyone always thinks the grass is greener. A lot of relationships come to an stupid ending because people believe that there is something better out there instead of appreciating what is right in front of them.

I tried dating a few actress wannabes here in Chicago and they were some of the most annoying self-involved people I have ever met. These are people that feel everyone in the world should be watching them - talk about ego! She may look hot, but what does she have inside that is pushing the guys away.

Plus she has that whole red-head thing going on....that has never worked for me - and I've tried a few times!
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I'm going to go with the flow here.

(IF I were free and single) I'd sooner date a Florida Skychick. a real person, not some egotistical "famous" person. I'd want a real life with a REAL woman.

So given the choice, I would crawl over Nicole Kidman to get to Skymama. Not so sure about LadySkyDiver though, on another thread she sounds a wee bit demanding:o



Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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So given the choice, I would crawl over Nicole Kidman to get to Skymama. Not so sure about LadySkyDiver though, on another thread she sounds a wee bit demanding

Thank-you, that's very nice of you to say. As far as Ladyskydiver goes, I think all of us women have our demanding moments...we're women! :ph34r: I don't know what thread you're referring to, but the Cora I know is very sweet.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Hi Girls,

The thread I was referring to was in "Speakers Corner":


....and LadySkyDiver's ever increasing demands regarding the properties of the "boxes" I was trying to get her to swap her guns for.:ph34r::ph34r::D

Regardless of which, my opinion stands. I would happily crawl over a mile of Nicole Kidmans, Sarah-Michelle Gellars, Charisma Carpenters, Catherine Zeta Jones' Michelle Pfieffers etc... to date any of the lady posters here (if both me and the lady in question were free to do so and not in a relationship).

As I said, I'd sooner date a REAL woman than some egotistical, temporarily famous "Icon" simply because with a real woman you can have a REAL relationship.


Edited to add: But in Andrea's case very cute and EXCEPTIONALLY sexy and nice seem inadequate descriptives...:)

Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Nicole can't get a date and Halle can't get her husband to stop sleeping with other women.

Hmmmm...we may be better OFF without the fame & the personal trainers & the airbrushing & the $$$!!~~April

I agree. Why do so many people want fame? Sometimes, people have no idea how good they have it when they have a nice, "normal", happy life. :)

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Nicole can't get a date and Halle can't get her husband to stop sleeping with other women.

Hmmmm...we may be better OFF without the fame & the personal trainers & the airbrushing & the $$$!!~~April

Agreed...I'll take me over some fake persona anyday.

Hi ApprilB|

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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You are a hottie...

Thanks, but Nicole is considered a hottie too. That's what I was curious about, whether it was her age, the kids or whatever reason you all would think it would be that she can't get a date.

Her age is just fine. I'm not against kids just never dated someone with kids.


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I'm guessing that the number of guys willing to date her is far larger than the number of guys she'd be willing to date.

If she's having a problem -- it's all on her side. She needs to lower her standards.

Think about it - what type of man is she exposed to? A debonair, educated, studly gentleman like myself? Or the typical Hollywood, self-absorbed entertainer type?

Guys like us don't stand a chance because we can't get past security.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again...



"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Would have to get to know Nichole Kidman before I dated her... (I tend to move slowly in the dating arena... if at all... I'm not very good at it...)

but I wouldn't eliminate her from the running because she has kids... or is almost 10 yrs my senior. She is a bit bigger then life and that could be problematic... There may be several reasons that she isn't able to date... (her ex.. tom wasn't too successful with P Cruz)

dating is about meeting the right person and accepting them for who they are good and bad (assuming the bad isn't abuse or something of that sort...) and is a very difficult thing... I ain't met the right person yet... and am not holding my breath hoping will (not anymore at least... I use to...)


you're cool in my book cause you were the 1st person to say hi to me here on the forums and often are as welcoming to everyone else too...

I haven't had the privilege to meet you in person yet so can't make any judgments on appearence...

just my 20 cents...

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Too bad for her. I am sure that if she looked harder she could find a "he bitch" to watch the kids during the day and do kinky sexy thing to her at night. Just a shot in the dark here but I thik I might know a few guys that would throw their hat in the ring.

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Definately. I find her very attractive. But the question is would she date me.

I have a daughter 6 years older than she is.

I have a daughter 26 years younger than she is.

Oh, wait..."hey, Jerry Springer, can you introduce me to Nicole Kidman?"


I am not DB Cooper

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no first im married.very married(she bought me a new container last year and a new sabre 2 this year) and 2 to me she isnt very attractive.white white skin and red hair.kinda scary looking to me.like the old comercial said my wife i think i'll keep her

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I've said it before and I'll say it again...

As do I. I barely slept last night. Maybe we can hook her up with some of the men of dz.com :ph34r:. April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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