
Nicole Kidman can't get a date

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um... uh... no...:) I live on the wrong side of the country for one... and two... although that new zeland accent of hers is very hot...:$ she is too visible and too many people want her...

it didn't take but a moments thought... i just have a really, really active imagination... so can imagine just about any thing...:S

besides I'm waaaay out of her league...:P no where near the same level... :D

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Think about it - what type of man is she exposed to? A debonair, educated, studly gentleman like myself? Or the typical Hollywood, self-absorbed entertainer type?

It might not be her choice. You've got to remember that Calif is covered up with 20yo Corn Festival queens who just arrived from the Midwest to get their "break" into show bidness.

The successful film industry guys have better options. Demanding 37yo with baggage or 22yo honey?

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nope, sorry i'm so totally over redheads...

ok even i had trouble typing that with a straight face

Aw man.. please dont tell me you have a gay face....

lately only when it comes to female redheads...
its a faaar better excuse than "i'd rather you not star in my next interpersonal disaster" :ph34r:

ok still having trouble believing that..but if i tell myself i really dont like redheads often enough it will become true......right?:P
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Nicole Kidman said in an interview that since she's 37 and has 2 kids that men aren't exactly beating a path to her door. She's one of the most beautiful and richest women in the world and can't get a date. If she can't, then I'm definitely giving up!

Think she'd go for me if I lived in a 47' International Shool Bus????
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You know, this whole kids thing can work both ways.

My g/f is having a BBQ Party for 4th of July. Since most of the people there are married, and I'm single, my g/f let me know that she invited a single male friend. The first words out of my mouth was, has he been married, and does he have kids? Come to find out, he has four of them. I let her know that I wasn't even going to go there. Strange, I haven't even meet the man, and already I'm not interested in him because of him having children. I have already raised my boys and don't want to go through that again.
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