
Solo II Question

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I just got a Solo II audible and was curious if you have to turn it on at the start of each day? I want to use it in my Bonehead Mantle but it's tucked away deep inside and I don't want to have to dig it out each day if I don't have to.

Anybody know if it stays on or not?

thanks Scott

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You can set it so that it's always on. I think at default it turns off 14 hours after the last jump and you have to turn it on by clicking some button. Check the manual for instructions on how to change the setting.

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its worth the little bit of hassle to make sure a piece of equipment is working properly

Like some other audibles, it beeps when climbing through 1,000' to let you know it's on and the pattern tells how high the first alarm is set. I wondered about leaving it on all the time, also. The "manual" (one piece of paper) doesn't say anything about whether you should leave it on, except for instructions on how to turn it off.

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I've been running my Optima (next model up from the same company) for 2 years and have only ever turned it off for a battery change. I think I'm near halfway thru the third set of batteries. And I only ever turn off my alti-track when I am going on a commercial flight. It's been running just as long and is still on the original battery.
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I've been running my Optima (next model up from the same company) for 2 years and have only ever turned it off for a battery change. I think I'm near halfway thru the third set of batteries. And I only ever turn off my alti-track when I am going on a commercial flight. It's been running just as long and is still on the original battery.

If your drive home from the DZ with the altitrack involves any kind of mountain road you should have it off. My buddy forgot his and when we got home it had turned into jump mode as if we were on the way to altitude. I guess it could even "log" your drive home if you really changed altitudes fast enough hahaah Just a quick note ;)
"Common sense is not so common" - Voltaire
Dudeist Skydiver #9

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