
Rantoul blues

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I knew rantoul was coming up, I had been reading about it on the boards. I have every intention of going for at least a weekend, but I just realized I will only be able to register as a student jumper even though I should have my "A" license and several more jumps under my belt by then. Still sounds like it will be a lot of fun, just kinda burst my bubble because I was very much looking forward to jumping out of that hot air balloon.

Greenie in training.

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I'm lost.


just realized I will only be able to register as a student jumper even though I should have my "A" license and several more jumps under my belt by then

Your profile says two jumps.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I plan on doing about 7 jumps a weekend until I get it.

wow good luck, thats a tough thing to do. Make sure your instructors know what your planning.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I am not doing AFF I am going through static line progression. I did two jumps the first day and still got out of the DZ by 5:30 and that was after a 4 hour class. Would it really be that hard to make 3 jumps on a saturday and 4 on a sunday?

Greenie in training.

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Correct I have only 2 jumps right now. However by the time rantoul rolls around I should easily qualify for my "A" license. I plan on doing about 7 jumps a weekend until I get it.

had a friend who had 50 days to make 50 jumps to go to Quincy. He did it ... making the 50th jump 1 day before arriving with a signed off log book.
Be safe

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There is a reason that a B license is needed to jump at WFFC. That's a lot of new stuff happening for someone with low experience. Don't rush it, your time will come.

BTW, doing a balloon jump with an instructor isn't a good idea unless you are prepared to land in an area you know nothing about. Even I with over 3,000 skydives, get nervous doing a balloon jump, knowing I'll be landing in an area I haven't walked. Experience is what will keep you alive.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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There is a reason that a B license is needed to jump at WFFC. That's a lot of new stuff happening for someone with low experience. Don't rush it, your time will come.

BTW, doing a balloon jump with an instructor isn't a good idea unless you are prepared to land in an area you know nothing about. Even I with over 3,000 skydives, get nervous doing a balloon jump, knowing I'll be landing in an area I haven't walked. Experience is what will keep you alive.

Thanks for the advice flyangel, I don't really intend to jump at rantoul this year at this point, that was kinda the point of this whole post. I am sure I will still have a blast, and even thought about volunteering to help out if I have some time off work and can stay for a week or so. I just know how it feels when I am stuck at work looking up into the sky all the time thinking "it would be a great day to go make some jumps." I am sure watching hundreds of people falling from the sky and knowing I am stuck on the ground will multiply that feeling about ten-fold.

Greenie in training.

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Volunteers are always needed. Just make sure you do the work you say you're going to do. So often I see people start out, then because of the heat or they get tired, they walk away from their job.

Come out and relax, get a feel for the boogie, and know there will be other boogies you can attend once you have the experience and knowledge.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Even I with over 3,000 skydives, get nervous doing a balloon jump, knowing I'll be landing in an area I haven't walked. Experience is what will keep you alive.

Mar is so nervous when she's doing balloon jumps, unless you throw some rappelling into the mixt to keep her mind off the jump.

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I am not doing AFF I am going through static line progression.

The requirements to jump at the WFFC are 50 Freefall skydives, not static line. Once you get signed off to Freefall, then your jumps start counting. The gear check group at the front door will nit pick your logbook. (Notice I didn't say Protrack)

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