
How many women would pay for sex?

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Ok, ACME, you win. How much is your cut, and of course, you get a free one since you're my boss and all...;)

I would help to have management. Mo bidness.

I'll send you your new schedule tomorrow, Cajun...:D:D:D

Oh, and if you do it in the air, just make sure she pays for both slots, too!! :ph34r:
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Of course, Rosa's still kinda broken right now from what I've heard...



And, Acme...yeah...Rosa's still a little broken, but I've got her back. B|

That's cool. B| I can't wait to another PMS jump! The only one I have under my belt right now is my initiation. :P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Ok, ACME, you win. How much is your cut, and of course, you get a free one since you're my boss and all...;)

I would help to have management. Mo bidness.

Ok Cajun, I've got 19 women lined up for you...but 4 of 'em you'll have to get reeeeeally drunk first. S'alright, you just make sure dem biotches gots money on 'em prior to gettin' 'em drunk!! I got a bitness to run, no FREEBIES!!!

Ok ladies, take yo pick from my high qual-i-tay ho's:
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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ok....well i still havent seen who the people were that said yes are :D

I'm amazed so many said yes. The only reason I haven't whored my self out is because I didn't think there was a market. I might be looking at a career change soon. B|

Do you guys REALLY want to see what a female that must pay for sex actually looks like?



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They all want me. Why should I just be giving it away for free? :)

That's right! They all want it. They might be kicking, screaming, and yelling for the police. But they want it...:P

The other night there was a girl banging on my bedroom door and begging. You know how tiring that is. :)

I finally got up and let her out. :ph34r:

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Who? Us? :);):P


That is bad, Cora...:)

Yeah, the men are cracking ME up! These man whores would totally CAVE if we wanted a free ride or two or a hundred...PULEEEESE...:ph34r:


I'm in a sassy mood today so I've gotta have some fun. B|

I know...imagine this scenario:

Hot skydiver chick (HSC) walks up to hot skydiver dude (HSD). HSC gives HSD a nice, full contact hug and snuggles in just a bit and purrs "May I enjoy you for awhile?" I don't know of too many HSD's that would say "No" or "Sure, but it'll cost you $xx." :D

I'm free!!!


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You mean banging on inside of the door, begging for you to unlock it?

Must be tiring explaining the pleas for help to the neighbors. :P
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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ok....well i still havent seen who the people were that said yes are

Why you so interested? Looking for a new job? :P

Im always looking for an additional sorce of income.....you think anyone would be interested?? >:(
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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