
Poster associations -

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AggieDave - Free Bird's
Amazon - Red
Aprilcat - Prison
BBarnhouse - PornoPixie
billvon - MENSA
BKDICE - Bitchin avatars
Casie - Pornkitty
ChopChop - Spanking
Clay - Sheep
CONUNDRUM - exactly that
CrazyIvan - Boobies
Dagimp - Flyangel's love toy
Deuce - The Lizard
Diablopilot - orange
Flyangel2 - Sloppy Tounge in Ear
Flybirt71 - No pants
Fly Punk - Nekkid jumps
Freeflygoddess - Head and shoulders
gjhdiver - annoying wanker, fetish for plastic buckets, can't afford a dolphin went with the next best thing
GirlFallDown - flamingos penguin abuse
HappyThoughts - Elephant fetish
Iwan (vdschoor) - The Dome
Jarcie - peace corps
kelel01 - grammar nazi
Kennedy - Gun nazi(I had to fix this....)/Cabana Boy, Junior
Ladyskdiver - Good kisser
NoShitThereIWas - doves
Paige - courage/freedom/fun
Pop - Poseeesions, and Taco Cabana
RoadRash - intellectual mischiefB|
RoysPlayThing - ChopChop
Sarah07 - Accuracy...??
SeaKev - Tongue
sdctlc - Snotty Scotty (quit makin' fun o' me at the DZ! )
Skybytch - The Rack(tm), Bitchisize, Pimp Hand
skymama - flirting, flirting, and more flirting
Slappie - Slingshot (sorry dude )
Sunshine - Brains' ass / mischeif
swoopyswoop - guns & bbq
Turtlespeed - Drunk Dials
Vallerina - Donuts
wmw999 - NASA

Just had to fix that again...:ph34r:...

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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That might maker her S.O. angry...the next time she's single, I'll hit on her with reckless abandon...unless I'm not single anymore...(I never cheat)
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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