
my 1st and last day at the Irish parachute club

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Hi again
Conflicting stories?? well if they are im sorry .

As far as not being able to unstow my brakes due to the fact i "was bricking it" can you please explain how i was able to unstow my reserve brakes as surlely if i was "BRICKING IT"i would have been "BRICKING IT" 10 times mores when i had to do my first cutaway,therefore i definiatly wouldnt have been able to unstow the brakes on the reserve.Instead as the reserve opened i reached up pumped the brakes turned left and turned right as i was taught to do.Do you not see that i genuinely could not release my brakes?.
I am far from a know it all and am more than willing to listen and learn and yes i did have a go at the manifest and also the cci,and yes i am sorry for doing so,i understand that most people would have walked away smiling but thinking to themselves assholes,but i didnt ,i had my say maybe not in a controlled way as i should have done but i was pumped up and still on a high having landed safely after a cutaway.Had the conversation took place 30 mins later i would have been a lot calmer.
To anyone i offened sorry including the all at ipc.I found the club to be friendly and well run,just pity it came to this.Im sure you werent just picking on me and i didnt set out to offend you either,maybe was just two hot heads together who didnt listen to each other.
Lets move on.

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>>We once had a guy try to "take his girlfriend through AFF" by falsifying a logbook for her.
I recall when that story made the rounds in So Cal. I think I was up at Elsinore at the time and we were like, "Oh those wacky San Diego jumpers . . ." ;)

NickD :)

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The manifester originally took a quick look at it and said OK. After we saw what they did in the plane and on exit, we asked to look at it again and things started to not add up.

I understand some DZ's let the manifestor check credentials, I see a potential problem here. The manifestor should refer any credential checking to qualified personnel, IE: Instructors. In most cases the manifestor is not qualified to make this call, where an Instructor might recognize inconsistencies.
Do not get me wrong this is a problem industry wide to include my DZ.
I am not referring to USPA licenses, reserve cards, that is all within their capabilities. I am talking about making a log book call, as to wether or not a jumper should get a coach jump, Instructor jump,....Etc.

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Hi again
Conflicting stories?? well if they are im sorry .

As far as not being able to unstow my brakes due to the fact i "was bricking it" can you please explain how i was able to unstow my reserve brakes as surlely if i was "BRICKING IT"i would have been "BRICKING IT" 10 times mores when i had to do my first cutaway,therefore i definiatly wouldnt have been able to unstow the brakes on the reserve.Instead as the reserve opened i reached up pumped the brakes turned left and turned right as i was taught to do.Do you not see that i genuinely could not release my brakes?.
I am far from a know it all and am more than willing to listen and learn and yes i did have a go at the manifest and also the cci,and yes i am sorry for doing so,i understand that most people would have walked away smiling but thinking to themselves assholes,but i didnt ,i had my say maybe not in a controlled way as i should have done but i was pumped up and still on a high having landed safely after a cutaway.Had the conversation took place 30 mins later i would have been a lot calmer.
To anyone i offened sorry including the all at ipc.I found the club to be friendly and well run,just pity it came to this.Im sure you werent just picking on me and i didnt set out to offend you either,maybe was just two hot heads together who didnt listen to each other.
Lets move on.

Don't forget the beer!!! :)
I am glad you are ok my friend.

You make a really good obvious point. If you were in fact "bricking it" than why were you able to get it together for a cutaway and a control check of a reserve. Let me tell how much I would be "bricking it" it that situation. I would have a pucker factor of +10 :o

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>I understand some DZ's let the manifestor check credentials, I see a
>potential problem here.

Yes, and we learned from that mistake. That's not to say that an instructor could have caught it either - it is trivially easy for any jumper to make up a convincing fake logbook. But an instructor might have seen some mismatches between her logbook and her story.

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I don’t usually chime in on discussions like this but for some reason I feel compelled to say something.

First off I would never talk too much crap about a DZ who offers free jumps just for the inconvenience of waiting around all day. As a matter of fact if I’m ever on the emerald isle I will be headed directly there. This is not the only DZ you will find a snooty manifest girl at. They are usually overworked, under paid, and tired of taking shit from skydivers all day.

All that being said there was probably some attitude on both sides. You were already upset at the manifest girl so when confronted you had some attitude. The DZO was probably a bit upset because you chopped a canopy you could have landed and now someone has to repack it.

You jumped.....you lived.....have a nice day:)

“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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it takes a real man to eat humble pie, my advice it to write a letter to the cci and repeat your post. (he drinks guinness)i cant speak for him as to what his answer would be. its his judgment call, as for your cutaway you were 100% correct to do so as you "thought" you could not land your canopy safely. i always tell my students that. the more experienced you get the better you will be able to deal with problems. check ins at the ipc are done by a cci not the manifest as this was the case on the day. also your mate a respected jumper with 2500 jumps was able to vouch for you as he had coached you in the past. lets hope we can all learn from this. lets hope that you get back jumping and attend our first boogie at the end of july. the irish parachute club is unique. its a dz run by skydivers for skydivers. we are very proud of our student program and are training skydivers for 52 years.
btw i sometimes brick it and i have almost 1000 jumps
blue skies
ray smullen ,affi ,tm info@skydive.ie

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I'm going to stick up for Henry as I can't help but think "the customer is always right". The way I see it is that he should have been treated with
respect and politeness whatever - surely his situation is understandable after a cut away? Even more so for a beginner? And the comment "we were glad to see the back of you" and "learn some social skills"?? Indeed is it not this person who needs to learn those social skills? And throw some customer service in there as well. Pot, kettle and black.

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And we all lived happily ever after:)
Seriously, I'm in the sport for the fun/joy/love of it, and get even more satisfaction when someone tries it cos of me.

There's no need for half of the ego / opinion stuff that goes on.

Be safe, jump, and love every second of it:)

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I have visited IPC while on holiday in Ireland, and speaking as a visiting, low time jumper at the time, I just wanted to say that the reception I received from the instructor who checked my logbook and the manifest person was awesome.

In fact, this is one of the DZs that I would love to revisit if I had the chance.

The jumpers and staff at IPC ROCK!B|

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Thanks taylor freefall for sticking up for me,but i know the customer isnt always right as i run my own sucessusful business where i deal with the public all day long,and let me asure you they arnt always rite :)) but thanks again anyway.I think the whole thing just got out of control.
To ray,i have no problem appoligising to the cci and Margret so here goes
Cci and Margret
i am genuinly sorry for my attitude and outburst to you both on the day in question.I was trying my best to keep calm and explain what i thought happened,i said things i shouldnt have said,it was nothing personal just an over reaction on my behalf in the heat of the moment.I hope my appologies will be accepted,even if you decide not to let me jump at your club again.

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I don't pretend to know anything about Ireland, cutaways, rude manifest girls, or being right or wrong. One thing I try to do is give everyone more than one chance. I know I have bad days, and I sure would love to have a second chance with a lot of people, and maybe a third.
POPS #10623; SOS #1672

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Okay, now that everyone has kissed and made up, and the pissing wars are over, ;), let's go back to the original reason for the cutaway. Can anyone say what type of gear this was, what type of risers, toggles, etc?

I've been mentally stowing the brake lines and securing the toggles on every brand and type of riser with which I am familiar, and am having a hard time imagining a way that I could lock the toggles into the keepers. Is that what you are saying, that the toggles would not come free of the risers, or did the toggles come free, but the brakes fail to release?

Mind, I'm not saying I don't believe it happened as you say, I just want to understand better to make sure I know how to pack our rental gear for visiting Irishmen. :ph34r:

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I've been mentally stowing the brake lines and securing the toggles on every brand and type of riser with which I am familiar, and am having a hard time imagining a way that I could lock the toggles into the keepers.

Try leaving the excess line floating free, that way you can put your hand through the loop, release the brake and tie the whole brake line into a nice knot.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." -- Albert Einstein

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>>Try leaving the excess line floating free, that way you can put your hand through the loop, release the brake and tie the whole brake line into a nice knot.
Not only that but in a normal opening at best you've got two big flailing loops coming off your back. And in a bad situation at best you have two big flailing loops coming off your back.

I think the idea of not stowing the excess control line, which to many people is normal, came from packers trying to save a minute.

It's the stupidest packing practice I've seen become accepted . . .

NickD :)

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That is the situation I can see. I thought he was saying he couldn't get the toggles to release from the risers. Not saying that couldn't happen, I'm just not sure how it would.

I've seen someone have a brain fart and be unable to release their brakes. They had hatefull popper type fasteners where if you pull straight down you can't release them. You need to pull with an outward effort.

That resulted in me watching them spiral all the way to the ground as they released one, couldn't release the other, got flustered and didn't chop away. Luckily it wasn't anything 6 months on crutches couldn't fix. In that respect you did the right thing to chop an uncontrollable main, whatever the reason.

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