
Pimp School

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Are you tired of working? Have you been looking for an easy way to make money? Is your boss always on your ass? Do you feel like you work hard but dont get enough out of it? Well at "From a Gimp to a Pimp" you too can be your own business person. You too can be an entreprenuer. You can be a PIMP. With our easy 6 week low cost program you walk away with the necessary skills to be a pimp. We teach you anything for the way you walk to the way you talk. Please reply if you are interested in becoming your long life aspiration----a PIMP!
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Dear Chaotic Pussy,
We are pleased to inform you htat your application has been processed and you have been accepted into the From a Gimp to a Pimp 6 week program. Our professional pimps will be getting in touch with you very soon. Please feel free to axk any questions. Congratulations.
The Alpha Pimp
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Well at "From a Gimp to a Pimp" you too can be your own business person. You too can be an entreprenuer. You can be a PIMP.

I'm currently a "gimp"...

I don't think that you could make me into a "pimp". :$ Perhaps you could make me into a "Madame" maybe...maaaaybe, but a pimp...I'm not so sure. I'd think that you'd be pretty talented if you could, though. I'd probably need round-the-clock tutoring and stuff... :ph34r: Well...what do you think? :P

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Dear Girlgetsodrunkthatyoufallafterpartyingallnightandgettingdown,
We are pleased to inform you that you do not need a resume to be part of the From a Gimp to a Pimp program. What we are looking for are driven people who like to work at their pace and get booty. Please reply to us at your earliest conviniece with a bried write up on what makes you a self motivated driven person. Thank you
The Alpha Pimp
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Dear Vanilla all over me SkyGirl,
We would like to inform you that in todays day and age, with women having all the rights and sheeeeet, you too can be a pimp. Our From a Gimp to a Pimp program has a proven record turning women into professional, succesful pimps. Though we do not know what your future goals are at this point, we can confidently tell you that we have classes teaching women how to pimp both men and women. This is a very promisiing career and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
The Alpha Pimp
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Dear VenerealDiseaseSchoor,
We are very excited to hear from goeal oriented people like yourself. Becoming a succes in the pimp industry used to take 10-15 years. This is largly due to an unestablished client base at the very start of your carres. After succesfully completing the From a Gimp to a Pimp program, you graduation present from us to you are 10 people ready to go to work that night (or day). Though we do not assign any certain position after graduation, with your determined attitude I am sure you will climb the ladder very very quickly. We are please to inform you that you have been accepted. Congratulations.
Tha Alpha Pimp
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Though we do not know what your future goals are at this point, we can confidently tell you that we have classes teaching women how to pimp both men and women. This is a very promisiing career and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
The Alpha Pimp

My dearest Alpha Pimp,
Whatever my pursuits, they are always of the highest aspirations. I have decided to become a Pimp of the Highest Caliber. My walk and diction shall not be affected in my pursuits, I hope. I would be so grateful if I could be a "pimp" of the manliest men...only the most deserving and of the highest quality, of course. I could hand-pick my team of elite men myself if it is so desired...;) Are there any volunteers, or can you point me in the right direction, oh Alpha Pimp?

Madame Vanilla all over you Skygirl...
P.S. Thank you for the prompt reply!

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Get a Pimp!
This is important!
Now, pimps aren't listed in the yellow pages so you have to hit the streets, more.
You need to identify the pimp attributes, or pimp-tributes.
A.) A hat with cubic zirconium studs.
B.) Long flowing robes, with matching pants and tie, brighter colors the better.
C.) A Chalice in left hand.
D.) The word "bitch" and "where's my money" are injected between every sentence. E.) Right-hand is beet-red from backhand slaps.
F.) A non-handicapped limp, and golden cane.
G.) Coke pinky nail.
H.) Borderline retarded.

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